module ActiveRecord module Explain # :nodoc # logging_query_plan calls could appear nested in the call stack. In # particular this happens when a relation fetches its records, since # that results in find_by_sql calls downwards. # # This flag allows nested calls to detect this situation and bypass # it, thus preventing repeated EXPLAINs. LOGGING_QUERY_PLAN = :logging_query_plan # If auto explain is enabled, this method triggers EXPLAIN logging for the # queries triggered by the block if it takes more than the threshold as a # whole. That is, the threshold is not checked against each individual # query, but against the duration of the entire block. This approach is # convenient for relations. def logging_query_plan(&block) if (t = auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds) && !Thread.current[LOGGING_QUERY_PLAN] begin Thread.current[LOGGING_QUERY_PLAN] = true start = result, sqls, binds = collecting_sqls_for_explain(&block) logger.warn(exec_explain(sqls, binds)) if - start > t result ensure Thread.current[LOGGING_QUERY_PLAN] = false end else end end # SCHEMA queries cannot be EXPLAINed, also we do not want to run EXPLAIN on # our own EXPLAINs now matter how loopingly beautiful that would be. SKIP_EXPLAIN_FOR = %(SCHEMA EXPLAIN) def ignore_explain_notification?(payload) payload[:exception] || SKIP_EXPLAIN_FOR.include?(payload[:name]) end # Collects all queries executed while the passed block runs. Returns an # array with three elements, the result of the block, the strings with the # queries, and their respective bindings. def collecting_sqls_for_explain(&block) sqls = [] binds = [] callback = lambda do |*args| payload = args.last unless ignore_explain_notification?(payload) sqls << payload[:sql] binds << payload[:binds] end end result = nil ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribed(callback, "sql.active_record") do result = end [result, sqls, binds] end # Makes the adapter execute EXPLAIN for the given queries and bindings. # Returns a formatted string ready to be logged. def exec_explain(sqls, binds) do |sql, bind| [].tap do |msg| msg << "EXPLAIN for: #{sql}" unless bind.empty? bind_msg = {|col, val| [, val]}.inspect msg.last << " #{bind_msg}" end msg << connection.explain(sql, bind) end.join("\n") end.join("\n") end end end