module ActiveRecord # Declare an enum attribute where the values map to integers in the database, but can be queried by name. Example: # # class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: [ :active, :archived ] # end # # Conversation::STATUS # => { active: 0, archived: 1 } # # # conversation.update! status: 0 #! # # => true # conversation.status # => :active # # # conversation.update! status: 1 # conversation.archived! # conversation.archived? # => true # conversation.status # => :archived # # # conversation.update! status: 1 # conversation.status = :archived # # You can set the default value from the database declaration, like: # # create_table :conversations do |t| # t.column :status, :integer, default: 0 # end # # Good practice is to let the first declared status be the default. # # Finally, it's also possible to explicitly map the relation between attribute and database integer: # # class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: { active: 0, archived: 1 } # end module Enum def enum(definitions) definitions.each do |name, values| # DIRECTION = { } const = const_set name.to_s.upcase, {} name = name.to_sym # def direction=(value) self[:direction] = DIRECTION[value] end define_method "#{name}=" do |value| self[name] = const[value] end # def direction() DIRECTION.key self[:direction] end define_method name do const.key self[name] end pairs = values.respond_to?(:each_pair) ? values.each_pair : values.each_with_index pairs.each do |value, i| # DIRECTION[:incoming] = 0 const[value] = i # scope :incoming, -> { where direction: 0 } scope value, -> { where name => i } # def incoming?() direction == 0 end define_method "#{value}?" do self[name] == i end # def incoming! update! direction: :incoming end define_method "#{value}!" do update! name => value.to_sym end end end end end end