module ActiveRecord module DynamicMatchers #:nodoc: def respond_to?(name, include_private = false) if self == Base super else match = Method.match(self, name) match && match.valid? || super end end private def method_missing(name, *arguments, &block) match = Method.match(self, name) if match && match.valid? match.define generated_association_methods.send(name, *arguments, &block) else super end end class Method @matchers = [] class << self attr_reader :matchers def match(model, name) klass = matchers.find { |k| name =~ k.pattern }, name) if klass end def pattern @pattern ||= /\A#{prefix}_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)#{suffix}\Z/ end def prefix raise NotImplementedError end def suffix '' end end attr_reader :model, :name, :attribute_names def initialize(model, name) @model = model @name = name.to_s @attribute_names = @name.match(self.class.pattern)[1].split('_and_')! { |n| @model.attribute_aliases[n] || n } end def valid? attribute_names.all? { |name| model.columns_hash[name] || model.reflect_on_aggregation(name.to_sym) } end def define model.generated_association_methods.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.#{name}(#{signature}) #{body} end CODE end private def body "#{model}.#{finder}(#{attributes_hash})" end # The parameters in the signature may have reserved Ruby words, in order # to prevent errors, we start each param name with `_`. def signature { |name| "_#{name}" }.join(', ') end # Given that the parameters starts with `_`, the finder needs to use the # same parameter name. def attributes_hash "{" + { |name| ":#{name} => _#{name}" }.join(',') + "}" end def finder raise NotImplementedError end end class FindBy < Method Method.matchers << self def self.prefix "find_by" end def finder "find_by" end end class FindByBang < Method Method.matchers << self def self.prefix "find_by" end def self.suffix "!" end def finder "find_by!" end end end end