require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' # sqlserver_adapter.rb -- ActiveRecord adapter for Microsoft SQL Server # # Author: Joey Gibson # Date: 10/14/2004 # # Modifications: DeLynn Berry # Date: 3/22/2005 # # This adapter will ONLY work on Windows systems, since it relies on Win32OLE, which, # to my knowledge, is only available on Window. # # It relies on the ADO support in the DBI module. If you are using the # one-click installer of Ruby, then you already have DBI installed, but # the ADO module is *NOT* installed. You will need to get the latest # source distribution of Ruby-DBI from # unzip it, and copy the file src/lib/dbd_ado/ADO.rb to # X:/Ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/DBD/ADO/ADO.rb (you will need to create # the ADO directory). Once you've installed that file, you are ready to go. # # Options: # # * :host -- Defaults to localhost # * :username -- Defaults to sa # * :password -- Defaults to nothing # * :database -- The name of the database. No default, must be provided. # # I have tested this code on a WindowsXP Pro SP1 system, # ruby 1.8.2 (2004-07-29) [i386-mswin32], SQL Server 2000. # module ActiveRecord class Base def self.sqlserver_connection(config) #:nodoc: require_library_or_gem 'dbi' unless self.class.const_defined?(:DBI) symbolize_strings_in_hash(config) host = config[:host] username = config[:username] ? config[:username].to_s : 'sa' password = config[:password].to_s if config.has_key?(:database) database = config[:database] else raise ArgumentError, "No database specified. Missing argument: database." end conn = DBI.connect("DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=#{host};Initial Catalog=#{database};User Id=#{username};Password=#{password};") conn["AutoCommit"] = true, logger) end end module ConnectionAdapters class ColumnWithIdentity < Column# :nodoc: attr_reader :identity, :scale def initialize(name, default, sql_type = nil, is_identity = false, scale_value = 0) super(name, default, sql_type) @scale = scale_value @identity = is_identity end def simplified_type(field_type) case field_type when /int|bigint|smallint|tinyint/i : :integer when /float|double|decimal|money|numeric|real|smallmoney/i : @scale == 0 ? :integer : :float when /datetime|smalldatetime/i : :datetime when /timestamp/i : :timestamp when /time/i : :time when /text|ntext/i : :text when /binary|image|varbinary/i : :binary when /char|nchar|nvarchar|string|varchar/i : :string when /bit/i : :boolean end end def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? || value =~ /^\s*null\s*$/i case type when :string then value when :integer then value == true || value == false ? value == true ? '1' : '0' : value.to_i when :float then value.to_f when :datetime then cast_to_date_or_time(value) when :timestamp then cast_to_time(value) when :time then cast_to_time(value) else value end end def cast_to_date_or_time(value) return value if value.is_a?(Date) guess_date_or_time (value.is_a?(Time)) ? value : cast_to_time(value) end def cast_to_time(value) return value if value.is_a?(Time) time_array = ParseDate.parsedate value time_array[0] ||= 2000; time_array[1] ||= 1; time_array[2] ||= 1; Time.send Base.default_timezone, *time_array end def guess_date_or_time(value) (value.hour == 0 and value.min == 0 and value.sec == 0) ?, value.month, : value end # These methods will only allow the adapter to insert binary data with a length of 7K or less # because of a SQL Server statement length policy. def string_to_binary(value) value.gsub(/(\r|\n|\0|\x1a)/) do case $1 when "\r" "%00" when "\n" "%01" when "\0" "%02" when "\x1a" "%03" end end end def binary_to_string(value) value.gsub(/(%00|%01|%02|%03)/) do case $1 when "%00" "\r" when "%01" "\n" when "%02\0" "\0" when "%03" "\x1a" end end end end class SQLServerAdapter < AbstractAdapter def native_database_types { :primary_key => "int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY", :string => { :name => "varchar(255)" }, :text => { :name => "text(16)" }, :integer => { :name => "int(4)", :limit => 11 }, :float => { :name => "float(8)" }, :datetime => { :name => "datetime(8)" }, :timestamp => { :name => "datetime(8)" }, :time => { :name => "datetime(8)" }, :date => { :name => "datetime(8)" }, :binary => { :name => "image(16)" }, :boolean => { :name => "bit(1)" } } end def adapter_name 'SQLServer' end def select_all(sql, name = nil) add_limit!(sql, nil) select(sql, name) end def select_one(sql, name = nil) add_limit!(sql, nil) result = select(sql, name) result.nil? ? nil : result.first end def columns(table_name, name = nil) sql = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME as ColName, COLUMN_DEFAULT as DefaultValue, DATA_TYPE as ColType, COL_LENGTH('#{table_name}', COLUMN_NAME) as Length, COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('#{table_name}'), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity') as IsIdentity, NUMERIC_SCALE as Scale FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE TABLE_NAME = '#{table_name}'" result = nil # Uncomment if you want to have the Columns select statment logged. # Personnally, I think it adds unneccessary bloat to the log. # If you do uncomment, make sure to comment the "result" line that follows log(sql, name, @connection) { |conn| result = conn.select_all(sql) } #result = @connection.select_all(sql) columns = [] result.each { |field| columns <<[:ColName], field[:DefaultValue].to_s.gsub!(/[()\']/,"") =~ /null/ ? nil : field[:DefaultValue], "#{field[:ColType]}(#{field[:Length]})", field[:IsIdentity] == 1 ? true : false, field[:Scale]) } columns end def insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil) begin table_name = get_table_name(sql) col = get_identity_column(table_name) ii_enabled = false if col != nil if query_contains_identity_column(sql, col) begin execute enable_identity_insert(table_name, true) ii_enabled = true rescue Exception => e # Coulnd't turn on IDENTITY_INSERT end end end log(sql, name, @connection) do |conn| conn.execute(sql) select_one("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS Ident")["Ident"] end ensure if ii_enabled begin execute enable_identity_insert(table_name, false) rescue Exception => e # Couldn't turn off IDENTITY_INSERT end end end end def execute(sql, name = nil) if sql =~ /^INSERT/i insert(sql, name) elsif sql =~ /^UPDATE|DELETE/i log(sql, name, @connection) do |conn| conn.execute(sql) retVal = select_one("SELECT @@ROWCOUNT AS AffectedRows")["AffectedRows"] end else log(sql, name, @connection) do |conn| conn.execute(sql) end end end def update(sql, name = nil) execute(sql, name) end alias_method :delete, :update def begin_db_transaction begin @connection["AutoCommit"] = false rescue Exception => e @connection["AutoCommit"] = true end end def commit_db_transaction begin @connection.commit ensure @connection["AutoCommit"] = true end end def rollback_db_transaction begin @connection.rollback ensure @connection["AutoCommit"] = true end end def quote(value, column = nil) case value when String if column && column.type == :binary "'#{quote_string(column.string_to_binary(value))}'" else "'#{quote_string(value)}'" end when NilClass then "NULL" when TrueClass then '1' when FalseClass then '0' when Float, Fixnum, Bignum then value.to_s when Date then "'#{value.to_s}'" when Time, DateTime then "'#{value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'" else "'#{quote_string(value.to_yaml)}'" end end def quote_string(s) s.gsub(/\'/, "''") end def quote_column_name(name) "[#{name}]" end def add_limit_with_offset!(sql, limit, offset) order_by = sql.include?("ORDER BY") ? get_order_by(sql.sub(/.*ORDER\sBY./, "")) : nil sql.gsub!(/SELECT/i, "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP #{limit} * FROM ( SELECT TOP #{limit + offset}")<<" ) AS tmp1 ORDER BY #{order_by[1]} ) AS tmp2 ORDER BY #{order_by[0]}" end def add_limit_without_offset!(sql, limit) limit.nil? ? sql : sql.gsub!(/SELECT/i, "SELECT TOP #{limit}") end def recreate_database(name) drop_database(name) create_database(name) end def drop_database(name) execute "DROP DATABASE #{name}" end def create_database(name) execute "CREATE DATABASE #{name}" end private def select(sql, name = nil) rows = [] log(sql, name, @connection) do |conn| conn.select_all(sql) do |row| record = {} row.column_names.each do |col| record[col] = row[col] end rows << record end end rows end def enable_identity_insert(table_name, enable = true) if has_identity_column(table_name) "SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{table_name} #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}" end end def get_table_name(sql) if sql =~ /into\s*([^\s]+)\s*/i or sql =~ /update\s*([^\s]+)\s*/i $1 else nil end end def has_identity_column(table_name) return get_identity_column(table_name) != nil end def get_identity_column(table_name) if not @table_columns @table_columns = {} end if @table_columns[table_name] == nil @table_columns[table_name] = columns(table_name) end @table_columns[table_name].each do |col| return if col.identity end return nil end def query_contains_identity_column(sql, col) return sql =~ /[\(\.\,]\s*#{col}/ end def get_order_by(sql) return sql, sql.gsub(/\s*DESC\s*/, "").gsub(/\s*ASC\s*/, " DESC") end def get_offset_amount(limit) limit = limit.gsub!(/.OFFSET./i, ",").split(',') return limit[0].to_i, limit[0].to_i+limit[1].to_i end end end end