# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters module SQLite3 module SchemaStatements # :nodoc: # Returns an array of indexes for the given table. def indexes(table_name) exec_query("PRAGMA index_list(#{quote_table_name(table_name)})", "SCHEMA").map do |row| # Indexes SQLite creates implicitly for internal use start with "sqlite_". # See https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html#intschema next if row["name"].starts_with?("sqlite_") index_sql = query_value(<<-SQL, "SCHEMA") SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = #{quote(row['name'])} AND type = 'index' UNION ALL SELECT sql FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE name = #{quote(row['name'])} AND type = 'index' SQL /\bON\b\s*"?(\w+?)"?\s*\((?.+?)\)(?:\s*WHERE\b\s*(?.+))?\z/i =~ index_sql columns = exec_query("PRAGMA index_info(#{quote(row['name'])})", "SCHEMA").map do |col| col["name"] end orders = {} if columns.any?(&:nil?) # index created with an expression columns = expressions else # Add info on sort order for columns (only desc order is explicitly specified, # asc is the default) if index_sql # index_sql can be null in case of primary key indexes index_sql.scan(/"(\w+)" DESC/).flatten.each { |order_column| orders[order_column] = :desc } end end IndexDefinition.new( table_name, row["name"], row["unique"] != 0, columns, where: where, orders: orders ) end.compact end def create_schema_dumper(options) SQLite3::SchemaDumper.create(self, options) end private def schema_creation SQLite3::SchemaCreation.new(self) end def create_table_definition(*args) SQLite3::TableDefinition.new(*args) end def new_column_from_field(table_name, field) default = \ case field["dflt_value"] when /^null$/i nil when /^'(.*)'$/m $1.gsub("''", "'") when /^"(.*)"$/m $1.gsub('""', '"') else field["dflt_value"] end type_metadata = fetch_type_metadata(field["type"]) Column.new(field["name"], default, type_metadata, field["notnull"].to_i == 0, table_name, nil, field["collation"]) end def data_source_sql(name = nil, type: nil) scope = quoted_scope(name, type: type) scope[:type] ||= "'table','view'" sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name <> 'sqlite_sequence'".dup sql << " AND name = #{scope[:name]}" if scope[:name] sql << " AND type IN (#{scope[:type]})" sql end def quoted_scope(name = nil, type: nil) type = \ case type when "BASE TABLE" "'table'" when "VIEW" "'view'" end scope = {} scope[:name] = quote(name) if name scope[:type] = type if type scope end end end end end