module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters module PostgreSQL module Utils # :nodoc: extend self # Returns an array of [schema_name, table_name] extracted from +name+. # +schema_name+ is nil if not specified in +name+. # +schema_name+ and +table_name+ exclude surrounding quotes (regardless of whether provided in +name+) # +name+ supports the range of schema/table references understood by PostgreSQL, for example: # # * table_name # * "" # * schema_name.table_name # * schema_name."" # * "schema_name".table_name # * ""."table name" def extract_schema_and_table(name) table, schema = name.scan(/[^".\s]+|"[^"]*"/)[0..1].collect{|m| m.gsub(/(^"|"$)/,'') }.reverse [schema, table] end end end end end