module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class PostgreSQLAdapter < AbstractAdapter class SchemaCreation < AbstractAdapter::SchemaCreation private def visit_AddColumn(o) sql_type = type_to_sql(o.type.to_sym, o.limit, o.precision, o.scale) sql = "ADD COLUMN #{quote_column_name(} #{sql_type}" add_column_options!(sql, column_options(o)) end def visit_ColumnDefinition(o) sql = super if o.primary_key? && o.type == :uuid sql << " PRIMARY KEY " add_column_options!(sql, column_options(o)) end sql end def add_column_options!(sql, options) if options[:array] || options[:column].try(:array) sql << '[]' end column = options.fetch(:column) { return super } if column.type == :uuid && options[:default] =~ /\(\)/ sql << " DEFAULT #{options[:default]}" else super end end end def schema_creation self end module SchemaStatements # Drops the database specified on the +name+ attribute # and creates it again using the provided +options+. def recreate_database(name, options = {}) #:nodoc: drop_database(name) create_database(name, options) end # Create a new PostgreSQL database. Options include :owner, :template, # :encoding, :collation, :ctype, # :tablespace, and :connection_limit (note that MySQL uses # :charset while PostgreSQL uses :encoding). # # Example: # create_database config[:database], config # create_database 'foo_development', encoding: 'unicode' def create_database(name, options = {}) options = { encoding: 'utf8' }.merge!(options.symbolize_keys) option_string = options.sum do |key, value| case key when :owner " OWNER = \"#{value}\"" when :template " TEMPLATE = \"#{value}\"" when :encoding " ENCODING = '#{value}'" when :collation " LC_COLLATE = '#{value}'" when :ctype " LC_CTYPE = '#{value}'" when :tablespace " TABLESPACE = \"#{value}\"" when :connection_limit " CONNECTION LIMIT = #{value}" else "" end end execute "CREATE DATABASE #{quote_table_name(name)}#{option_string}" end # Drops a PostgreSQL database. # # Example: # drop_database 'matt_development' def drop_database(name) #:nodoc: execute "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS #{quote_table_name(name)}" end # Returns the list of all tables in the schema search path or a specified schema. def tables(name = nil) query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA').map { |row| row[0] } SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) SQL end # Returns true if table exists. # If the schema is not specified as part of +name+ then it will only find tables within # the current schema search path (regardless of permissions to access tables in other schemas) def table_exists?(name) schema, table = Utils.extract_schema_and_table(name.to_s) return false unless table binds = [[nil, table]] binds << [nil, schema] if schema exec_query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA').rows.first[0].to_i > 0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind in ('v','r') AND c.relname = '#{table.gsub(/(^"|"$)/,'')}' AND n.nspname = #{schema ? "'#{schema}'" : 'ANY (current_schemas(false))'} SQL end # Returns true if schema exists. def schema_exists?(name) exec_query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA').rows.first[0].to_i > 0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = '#{name}' SQL end # Returns an array of indexes for the given table. def indexes(table_name, name = nil) result = query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA') SELECT distinct i.relname, d.indisunique, d.indkey, pg_get_indexdef(d.indexrelid), t.oid FROM pg_class t INNER JOIN pg_index d ON t.oid = d.indrelid INNER JOIN pg_class i ON d.indexrelid = i.oid WHERE i.relkind = 'i' AND d.indisprimary = 'f' AND t.relname = '#{table_name}' AND i.relnamespace IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ) ORDER BY i.relname SQL do |row| index_name = row[0] unique = row[1] == 't' indkey = row[2].split(" ") inddef = row[3] oid = row[4] columns = Hash[query(<<-SQL, "SCHEMA")] SELECT a.attnum, a.attname FROM pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = #{oid} AND a.attnum IN (#{indkey.join(",")}) SQL column_names = columns.values_at(*indkey).compact # add info on sort order for columns (only desc order is explicitly specified, asc is the default) desc_order_columns = inddef.scan(/(\w+) DESC/).flatten orders = desc_order_columns.any? ? Hash[ {|order_column| [order_column, :desc]}] : {} where = inddef.scan(/WHERE (.+)$/).flatten[0] type = inddef.scan(/USING (.+?) /).flatten[0].to_sym column_names.empty? ? nil :, index_name, unique, column_names, [], orders, where, type) end.compact end # Returns the list of all column definitions for a table. def columns(table_name) # Limit, precision, and scale are all handled by the superclass. column_definitions(table_name).map do |column_name, type, default, notnull, oid, fmod| oid = OID::TYPE_MAP.fetch(oid.to_i, fmod.to_i) { }, default, oid, type, notnull == 'f') end end # Returns the current database name. def current_database query('select current_database()', 'SCHEMA')[0][0] end # Returns the current schema name. def current_schema query('SELECT current_schema', 'SCHEMA')[0][0] end # Returns the current database encoding format. def encoding query(<<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA')[0][0] SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(pg_database.encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname LIKE '#{current_database}' end_sql end # Returns the current database collation. def collation query(<<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA')[0][0] SELECT pg_database.datcollate FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname LIKE '#{current_database}' end_sql end # Returns the current database ctype. def ctype query(<<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA')[0][0] SELECT pg_database.datctype FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname LIKE '#{current_database}' end_sql end # Returns an array of schema names. def schema_names query(<<-SQL, 'SCHEMA').flatten SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname !~ '^pg_.*' AND nspname NOT IN ('information_schema') ORDER by nspname; SQL end # Creates a schema for the given schema name. def create_schema schema_name execute "CREATE SCHEMA #{schema_name}" end # Drops the schema for the given schema name. def drop_schema schema_name execute "DROP SCHEMA #{schema_name} CASCADE" end # Sets the schema search path to a string of comma-separated schema names. # Names beginning with $ have to be quoted (e.g. $user => '$user'). # See: # # This should be not be called manually but set in database.yml. def schema_search_path=(schema_csv) if schema_csv execute("SET search_path TO #{schema_csv}", 'SCHEMA') @schema_search_path = schema_csv end end # Returns the active schema search path. def schema_search_path @schema_search_path ||= query('SHOW search_path', 'SCHEMA')[0][0] end # Returns the current client message level. def client_min_messages query('SHOW client_min_messages', 'SCHEMA')[0][0] end # Set the client message level. def client_min_messages=(level) execute("SET client_min_messages TO '#{level}'", 'SCHEMA') end # Returns the sequence name for a table's primary key or some other specified key. def default_sequence_name(table_name, pk = nil) #:nodoc: result = serial_sequence(table_name, pk || 'id') return nil unless result result.split('.').last rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid "#{table_name}_#{pk || 'id'}_seq" end def serial_sequence(table, column) result = exec_query(<<-eosql, 'SCHEMA') SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('#{table}', '#{column}') eosql result.rows.first.first end # Resets the sequence of a table's primary key to the maximum value. def reset_pk_sequence!(table, pk = nil, sequence = nil) #:nodoc: unless pk and sequence default_pk, default_sequence = pk_and_sequence_for(table) pk ||= default_pk sequence ||= default_sequence end if @logger && pk && !sequence @logger.warn "#{table} has primary key #{pk} with no default sequence" end if pk && sequence quoted_sequence = quote_table_name(sequence) select_value <<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA' SELECT setval('#{quoted_sequence}', (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(#{quote_column_name pk})+(SELECT increment_by FROM #{quoted_sequence}), (SELECT min_value FROM #{quoted_sequence})) FROM #{quote_table_name(table)}), false) end_sql end end # Returns a table's primary key and belonging sequence. def pk_and_sequence_for(table) #:nodoc: # First try looking for a sequence with a dependency on the # given table's primary key. result = query(<<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA')[0] SELECT attr.attname, seq.relname FROM pg_class seq, pg_attribute attr, pg_depend dep, pg_constraint cons WHERE seq.oid = dep.objid AND seq.relkind = 'S' AND attr.attrelid = dep.refobjid AND attr.attnum = dep.refobjsubid AND attr.attrelid = cons.conrelid AND attr.attnum = cons.conkey[1] AND cons.contype = 'p' AND dep.refobjid = '#{quote_table_name(table)}'::regclass end_sql if result.nil? or result.empty? result = query(<<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA')[0] SELECT attr.attname, CASE WHEN split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2) ~ '.' THEN substr(split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2), strpos(split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2), '.')+1) ELSE split_part(pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid), '''', 2) END FROM pg_class t JOIN pg_attribute attr ON (t.oid = attrelid) JOIN pg_attrdef def ON (adrelid = attrelid AND adnum = attnum) JOIN pg_constraint cons ON (conrelid = adrelid AND adnum = conkey[1]) WHERE t.oid = '#{quote_table_name(table)}'::regclass AND cons.contype = 'p' AND pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) ~* 'nextval' end_sql end [result.first, result.last] rescue nil end # Returns just a table's primary key def primary_key(table) row = exec_query(<<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA').rows.first SELECT attr.attname FROM pg_attribute attr INNER JOIN pg_constraint cons ON attr.attrelid = cons.conrelid AND attr.attnum = cons.conkey[1] WHERE cons.contype = 'p' AND cons.conrelid = '#{quote_table_name(table)}'::regclass end_sql row && row.first end # Renames a table. # Also renames a table's primary key sequence if the sequence name matches the # Active Record default. # # Example: # rename_table('octopuses', 'octopi') def rename_table(table_name, new_name) clear_cache! execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} RENAME TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}" pk, seq = pk_and_sequence_for(new_name) if seq == "#{table_name}_#{pk}_seq" new_seq = "#{new_name}_#{pk}_seq" execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(seq)} RENAME TO #{quote_table_name(new_seq)}" end rename_table_indexes(table_name, new_name) end # Adds a new column to the named table. # See TableDefinition#column for details of the options you can use. def add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) clear_cache! super end # Changes the column of a table. def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) clear_cache! quoted_table_name = quote_table_name(table_name) execute "ALTER TABLE #{quoted_table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column_name)} TYPE #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}" change_column_default(table_name, column_name, options[:default]) if options_include_default?(options) change_column_null(table_name, column_name, options[:null], options[:default]) if options.key?(:null) end # Changes the default value of a table column. def change_column_default(table_name, column_name, default) clear_cache! execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column_name)} SET DEFAULT #{quote(default)}" end def change_column_null(table_name, column_name, null, default = nil) clear_cache! unless null || default.nil? execute("UPDATE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} SET #{quote_column_name(column_name)}=#{quote(default)} WHERE #{quote_column_name(column_name)} IS NULL") end execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} ALTER #{quote_column_name(column_name)} #{null ? 'DROP' : 'SET'} NOT NULL") end # Renames a column in a table. def rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) clear_cache! execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} RENAME COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column_name)} TO #{quote_column_name(new_column_name)}" rename_column_indexes(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) end def add_index(table_name, column_name, options = {}) #:nodoc: index_name, index_type, index_columns, index_options, index_algorithm, index_using = add_index_options(table_name, column_name, options) execute "CREATE #{index_type} INDEX #{index_algorithm} #{quote_column_name(index_name)} ON #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{index_using} (#{index_columns})#{index_options}" end def remove_index!(table_name, index_name) #:nodoc: execute "DROP INDEX #{quote_table_name(index_name)}" end def rename_index(table_name, old_name, new_name) execute "ALTER INDEX #{quote_column_name(old_name)} RENAME TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}" end def index_name_length 63 end # Maps logical Rails types to PostgreSQL-specific data types. def type_to_sql(type, limit = nil, precision = nil, scale = nil) case type.to_s when 'binary' # PostgreSQL doesn't support limits on binary (bytea) columns. # The hard limit is 1Gb, because of a 32-bit size field, and TOAST. case limit when nil, 0..0x3fffffff; super(type) else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No binary type has byte size #{limit}.") end when 'text' # PostgreSQL doesn't support limits on text columns. # The hard limit is 1Gb, according to section 8.3 in the manual. case limit when nil, 0..0x3fffffff; super(type) else raise(ActiveRecordError, "The limit on text can be at most 1GB - 1byte.") end when 'integer' return 'integer' unless limit case limit when 1, 2; 'smallint' when 3, 4; 'integer' when 5..8; 'bigint' else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No integer type has byte size #{limit}. Use a numeric with precision 0 instead.") end when 'datetime' return super unless precision case precision when 0..6; "timestamp(#{precision})" else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No timestamp type has precision of #{precision}. The allowed range of precision is from 0 to 6") end else super end end # Returns a SELECT DISTINCT clause for a given set of columns and a given ORDER BY clause. # # PostgreSQL requires the ORDER BY columns in the select list for distinct queries, and # requires that the ORDER BY include the distinct column. # # distinct("", ["posts.created_at desc"]) # # => "DISTINCT, posts.created_at AS alias_0" def distinct(columns, orders) #:nodoc: order_columns ={ |s| # Convert Arel node to string s = s.to_sql unless s.is_a?(String) # Remove any ASC/DESC modifiers s.gsub(/\s+(ASC|DESC)\s*(NULLS\s+(FIRST|LAST)\s*)?/i, '') }.reject(&:blank?).map.with_index { |column, i| "#{column} AS alias_#{i}" } [super].concat(order_columns).join(', ') end end end end end