require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class PostgreSQLAdapter < AbstractAdapter module OID class Wtf def type_cast(value) p :wtf => value value end end class Identity def type_cast(value) value end end class Bytea def type_cast(value) PGconn.unescape_bytea value if value end end class Money def type_cast(value) # Because money output is formatted according to the locale, there are two # cases to consider (note the decimal separators): # (1) $12,345,678.12 # (2) $12.345.678,12 case value when /^-?\D+[\d,]+\.\d{2}$/ # (1) value.gsub!(/[^-\d.]/, '') when /^-?\D+[\d.]+,\d{2}$/ # (2) value.gsub!(/[^-\d,]/, '').sub!(/,/, '.') end ConnectionAdapters::Column.value_to_decimal value end end class Vector attr_reader :delim, :subtype # +delim+ corresponds to the `typdelim` column in the pg_types # table. +subtype+ is derived from the `typelem` column in the # pg_types table. def initialize(delim, subtype) @delim = delim @subtype = subtype end # FIXME: this should probably split on +delim+ and use +subtype+ # to cast the values. Unfortunately, the current Rails behavior # is to just return the string. def type_cast(value) value end end class Integer def type_cast(value) value.to_i end end class Boolean def type_cast(value) value == 't' end end class Timestamp def type_cast(value) # FIXME: probably we can improve this since we know it is PG # specific ConnectionAdapters::Column.string_to_time value end end class Date def type_cast(value) # FIXME: probably we can improve this since we know it is PG # specific ConnectionAdapters::Column.value_to_date value end end class Time def type_cast(value) # FIXME: probably we can improve this since we know it is PG # specific ConnectionAdapters::Column.string_to_dummy_time value end end class Float def type_cast(value) value.to_f end end TYPE_MAP = {} # :nodoc: TYPE_MAP[23] = # int4 TYPE_MAP[20] = TYPE_MAP[23] # int8 TYPE_MAP[21] = TYPE_MAP[23] # int2 TYPE_MAP[26] = TYPE_MAP[23] # oid TYPE_MAP[25] = # text TYPE_MAP[19] = TYPE_MAP[25] # name TYPE_MAP[1043] = TYPE_MAP[25] # varchar # FIXME: why are we keeping these types as strings? TYPE_MAP[3614] = TYPE_MAP[25] # tsvector TYPE_MAP[1186] = TYPE_MAP[25] # interval TYPE_MAP[650] = TYPE_MAP[25] # cidr TYPE_MAP[869] = TYPE_MAP[25] # inet TYPE_MAP[829] = TYPE_MAP[25] # macaddr TYPE_MAP[1560] = TYPE_MAP[25] # bit TYPE_MAP[1562] = TYPE_MAP[25] # varbit # FIXME: I don't think this is correct. We should probably be returning a parsed date, # but the tests pass with a string returned. TYPE_MAP[1184] = # timestamptz TYPE_MAP[790] = # money TYPE_MAP[17] = # bytea TYPE_MAP[16] = # bool TYPE_MAP[700] = # float4 TYPE_MAP[701] = TYPE_MAP[700] # float8 TYPE_MAP[1114] = # timestamp TYPE_MAP[1082] = # date TYPE_MAP[1083] = # time TYPE_MAP[1009] =',', TYPE_MAP[25]) # _text TYPE_MAP[1007] =',', TYPE_MAP[23]) # _int4 end end end end