module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class PostgreSQLColumn < Column module ArrayParser DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"' BACKSLASH = "\\" COMMA = ',' BRACKET_OPEN = '{' BRACKET_CLOSE = '}' private # Loads pg_array_parser if available. String parsing can be # performed quicker by a native extension, which will not create # a large amount of Ruby objects that will need to be garbage # collected. pg_array_parser has a C and Java extension begin require 'pg_array_parser' include PgArrayParser rescue LoadError def parse_pg_array(string) parse_data(string) end end def parse_data(string) local_index = 0 array = [] while(local_index < string.length) case string[local_index] when BRACKET_OPEN local_index,array = parse_array_contents(array, string, local_index + 1) when BRACKET_CLOSE return array end local_index += 1 end array end def parse_array_contents(array, string, index) is_escaping = false is_quoted = false was_quoted = false current_item = '' local_index = index while local_index token = string[local_index] if is_escaping current_item << token is_escaping = false else if is_quoted case token when DOUBLE_QUOTE is_quoted = false was_quoted = true when BACKSLASH is_escaping = true else current_item << token end else case token when BACKSLASH is_escaping = true when COMMA add_item_to_array(array, current_item, was_quoted) current_item = '' was_quoted = false when DOUBLE_QUOTE is_quoted = true when BRACKET_OPEN internal_items = [] local_index,internal_items = parse_array_contents(internal_items, string, local_index + 1) array.push(internal_items) when BRACKET_CLOSE add_item_to_array(array, current_item, was_quoted) return local_index,array else current_item << token end end end local_index += 1 end return local_index,array end def add_item_to_array(array, current_item, quoted) return if !quoted && current_item.length == 0 if !quoted && current_item == 'NULL' array.push nil else array.push current_item end end end end end end