require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' module ActiveRecord class Base # Establishes a connection to the database that's used by all Active Record objects def self.openbase_connection(config) # :nodoc: require_library_or_gem 'openbase' unless self.class.const_defined?(:OpenBase) config = config.symbolize_keys host = config[:host] username = config[:username].to_s password = config[:password].to_s if config.has_key?(:database) database = config[:database] else raise ArgumentError, "No database specified. Missing argument: database." end oba =, host, username, password), logger ) oba end end module ConnectionAdapters class OpenBaseColumn < Column #:nodoc: private def simplified_type(field_type) return :integer if field_type.downcase =~ /long/ return :float if field_type.downcase == "money" return :binary if field_type.downcase == "object" super end end # The OpenBase adapter works with the Ruby/Openbase driver by Tetsuya Suzuki. # (needs version 0.7.3+) # # Options: # # * :host -- Defaults to localhost # * :username -- Defaults to nothing # * :password -- Defaults to nothing # * :database -- The name of the database. No default, must be provided. # # The OpenBase adapter will make use of OpenBase's ability to generate unique ids # for any column with an unique index applied. Thus, if the value of a primary # key is not specified at the time an INSERT is performed, the adapter will prefetch # a unique id for the primary key. This prefetching is also necessary in order # to return the id after an insert. # # Caveat: Operations involving LIMIT and OFFSET do not yet work! # # Maintainer: class OpenBaseAdapter < AbstractAdapter def adapter_name 'OpenBase' end def native_database_types { :primary_key => "integer UNIQUE INDEX DEFAULT _rowid", :string => { :name => "char", :limit => 4096 }, :text => { :name => "text" }, :integer => { :name => "integer" }, :float => { :name => "float" }, :datetime => { :name => "datetime" }, :timestamp => { :name => "timestamp" }, :time => { :name => "time" }, :date => { :name => "date" }, :binary => { :name => "object" }, :boolean => { :name => "boolean" } } end def supports_migrations? false end def prefetch_primary_key?(table_name = nil) true end def default_sequence_name(table_name, primary_key) # :nodoc: "#{table_name} #{primary_key}" end def next_sequence_value(sequence_name) ary = sequence_name.split(' ') if (!ary[1]) then ary[0] =~ /(\w+)_nonstd_seq/ ary[0] = $1 end @connection.unique_row_id(ary[0], ary[1]) end # QUOTING ================================================== def quote(value, column = nil) if value.kind_of?(String) && column && column.type == :binary "'#{@connection.insert_binary(value)}'" else super end end def quoted_true "1" end def quoted_false "0" end # DATABASE STATEMENTS ====================================== def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) #:nodoc if limit = options[:limit] unless offset = options[:offset] sql << " RETURN RESULTS #{limit}" else limit = limit + offset sql << " RETURN RESULTS #{offset} TO #{limit}" end end end def select_all(sql, name = nil) #:nodoc: select(sql, name) end def select_one(sql, name = nil) #:nodoc: add_limit_offset!(sql,{:limit => 1}) results = select(sql, name) results.first if results end def insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) #:nodoc: execute(sql, name) update_nulls_after_insert(sql, name, pk, id_value, sequence_name) id_value end def execute(sql, name = nil) #:nodoc: log(sql, name) { @connection.execute(sql) } end def update(sql, name = nil) #:nodoc: execute(sql, name).rows_affected end alias_method :delete, :update #:nodoc: #=begin def begin_db_transaction #:nodoc: execute "START TRANSACTION" rescue Exception # Transactions aren't supported end def commit_db_transaction #:nodoc: execute "COMMIT" rescue Exception # Transactions aren't supported end def rollback_db_transaction #:nodoc: execute "ROLLBACK" rescue Exception # Transactions aren't supported end #=end # SCHEMA STATEMENTS ======================================== # Return the list of all tables in the schema search path. def tables(name = nil) #:nodoc: tables = @connection.tables tables.reject! { |t| /\A_SYS_/ === t } tables end def columns(table_name, name = nil) #:nodoc: sql = "SELECT * FROM _sys_tables " sql << "WHERE tablename='#{table_name}' AND INDEXOF(fieldname,'_')<>0 " sql << "ORDER BY columnNumber" columns = [] select_all(sql, name).each do |row| columns <<["fieldname"], default_value(row["defaultvalue"]), sql_type_name(row["typename"],row["length"]), row["notnull"] ) # breakpoint() if row["fieldname"] == "content" end columns end def indexes(table_name, name = nil)#:nodoc: sql = "SELECT fieldname, notnull, searchindex, uniqueindex, clusteredindex FROM _sys_tables " sql << "WHERE tablename='#{table_name}' AND INDEXOF(fieldname,'_')<>0 " sql << "AND primarykey=0 " sql << "AND (searchindex=1 OR uniqueindex=1 OR clusteredindex=1) " sql << "ORDER BY columnNumber" indexes = [] execute(sql, name).each do |row| indexes <<,index_name(row),row[3]==1,[row[0]]) end indexes end private def select(sql, name = nil) sql = translate_sql(sql) results = execute(sql, name) date_cols = [] col_names = [] results.column_infos.each do |info| col_names << date_cols << if info.type == "date" end rows = [] if ( results.rows_affected ) results.each do |row| # loop through result rows hashed_row = {} row.each_index do |index| hashed_row["#{col_names[index]}"] = row[index] unless col_names[index] == "_rowid" end date_cols.each do |name| unless hashed_row["#{name}"].nil? or hashed_row["#{name}"].empty? hashed_row["#{name}"] = Date.parse(hashed_row["#{name}"],false).to_s end end rows << hashed_row end end rows end def default_value(value) # Boolean type values return true if value =~ /true/ return false if value =~ /false/ # Date / Time magic values return if value =~ /^now\(\)/i # Empty strings should be set to null return nil if value.empty? # Otherwise return what we got from OpenBase # and hope for the best... return value end def sql_type_name(type_name, length) return "#{type_name}(#{length})" if ( type_name =~ /char/ ) type_name end def index_name(row = []) name = "" name << "UNIQUE " if row[3] name << "CLUSTERED " if row[4] name << "INDEX" name end def translate_sql(sql) # Change table.* to list of columns in table while (sql =~ /SELECT.*\s(\w+)\.\*/) table = $1 cols = columns(table) if ( cols.size == 0 ) then # Maybe this is a table alias sql =~ /FROM(.+?)(?:LEFT|OUTER|JOIN|WHERE|GROUP|HAVING|ORDER|RETURN|$)/ $1 =~ /[\s|,](\w+)\s+#{table}[\s|,]/ # get the tablename for this alias cols = columns($1) end select_columns = [] cols.each do |col| select_columns << table + '.' + end sql.gsub!(table + '.*',select_columns.join(", ")) if select_columns end # Change JOIN clause to table list and WHERE condition while (sql =~ /JOIN/) sql =~ /((LEFT )?(OUTER )?JOIN (\w+) ON )(.+?)(?:LEFT|OUTER|JOIN|WHERE|GROUP|HAVING|ORDER|RETURN|$)/ join_clause = $1 + $5 is_outer_join = $3 join_table = $4 join_condition = $5 join_condition.gsub!(/=/,"*") if is_outer_join if (sql =~ /WHERE/) sql.gsub!(/WHERE/,"WHERE (#{join_condition}) AND") else sql.gsub!(join_clause,"#{join_clause} WHERE #{join_condition}") end sql =~ /(FROM .+?)(?:LEFT|OUTER|JOIN|WHERE|$)/ from_clause = $1 sql.gsub!(from_clause,"#{from_clause}, #{join_table} ") sql.gsub!(join_clause,"") end # ORDER BY _rowid if no explicit ORDER BY # This will ensure that find(:first) returns the first inserted row if (sql !~ /(ORDER BY)|(GROUP BY)/) if (sql =~ /RETURN RESULTS/) sql.sub!(/RETURN RESULTS/,"ORDER BY _rowid RETURN RESULTS") else sql << " ORDER BY _rowid" end end sql end def update_nulls_after_insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) sql =~ /INSERT INTO (\w+) \((.*)\) VALUES\s*\((.*)\)/m table = $1 cols = $2 values = $3 cols = cols.split(',') values.gsub!(/'[^']*'/,"''") values.gsub!(/"[^"]*"/,"\"\"") values = values.split(',') update_cols = [] values.each_index { |index| update_cols << cols[index] if values[index] =~ /\s*NULL\s*/ } update_sql = "UPDATE #{table} SET" update_cols.each { |col| update_sql << " #{col}=NULL," unless col.empty? } update_sql.chop!() update_sql << " WHERE #{pk}=#{quote(id_value)}" execute(update_sql, name + " NULL Correction") if update_cols.size > 0 end end end end