# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters module MySQL class SchemaCreation < AbstractAdapter::SchemaCreation # :nodoc: delegate :add_sql_comment!, :mariadb?, to: :@conn private :add_sql_comment!, :mariadb? private def visit_DropForeignKey(name) "DROP FOREIGN KEY #{name}" end def visit_AddColumnDefinition(o) add_column_position!(super, column_options(o.column)) end def visit_ChangeColumnDefinition(o) change_column_sql = "CHANGE #{quote_column_name(o.name)} #{accept(o.column)}".dup add_column_position!(change_column_sql, column_options(o.column)) end def add_table_options!(create_sql, options) add_sql_comment!(super, options[:comment]) end def add_column_options!(sql, options) # By default, TIMESTAMP columns are NOT NULL, cannot contain NULL values, # and assigning NULL assigns the current timestamp. To permit a TIMESTAMP # column to contain NULL, explicitly declare it with the NULL attribute. # See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/timestamp-initialization.html if /\Atimestamp\b/.match?(options[:column].sql_type) && !options[:primary_key] sql << " NULL" unless options[:null] == false || options_include_default?(options) end if charset = options[:charset] sql << " CHARACTER SET #{charset}" end if collation = options[:collation] sql << " COLLATE #{collation}" end if as = options[:as] sql << " AS (#{as})" if options[:stored] sql << (mariadb? ? " PERSISTENT" : " STORED") end end add_sql_comment!(super, options[:comment]) end def add_column_position!(sql, options) if options[:first] sql << " FIRST" elsif options[:after] sql << " AFTER #{quote_column_name(options[:after])}" end sql end def index_in_create(table_name, column_name, options) index_name, index_type, index_columns, _, _, index_using, comment = @conn.add_index_options(table_name, column_name, options) add_sql_comment!("#{index_type} INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)} #{index_using} (#{index_columns})".dup, comment) end end end end end