# Author/Maintainer: Maik Schmidt require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter' begin require 'db2/db2cli' unless self.class.const_defined?(:DB2CLI) require 'active_record/vendor/db2' module ActiveRecord class Base # Establishes a connection to the database that's used by # all Active Record objects def self.db2_connection(config) # :nodoc: config = config.symbolize_keys usr = config[:username] pwd = config[:password] schema = config[:schema] if config.has_key?(:database) database = config[:database] else raise ArgumentError, 'No database specified. Missing argument: database.' end connection = DB2::Connection.new(DB2::Environment.new) connection.connect(database, usr, pwd) ConnectionAdapters::DB2Adapter.new(connection, logger, :schema => schema) end end module ConnectionAdapters # The DB2 adapter works with the C-based CLI driver (http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-dbi/) # # Options: # # * :username -- Defaults to nothing # * :password -- Defaults to nothing # * :database -- The name of the database. No default, must be provided. # * :schema -- Database schema to be set initially. class DB2Adapter < AbstractAdapter def initialize(connection, logger, connection_options) super(connection, logger) @connection_options = connection_options if schema = @connection_options[:schema] with_statement do |stmt| stmt.exec_direct("SET SCHEMA=#{schema}") end end end def select_all(sql, name = nil) select(sql, name) end def select_one(sql, name = nil) select(sql, name).first end def insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) execute(sql, name = nil) id_value || last_insert_id end def execute(sql, name = nil) rows_affected = 0 with_statement do |stmt| log(sql, name) do stmt.exec_direct(sql) rows_affected = stmt.row_count end end rows_affected end alias_method :update, :execute alias_method :delete, :execute def begin_db_transaction @connection.set_auto_commit_off end def commit_db_transaction @connection.commit @connection.set_auto_commit_on end def rollback_db_transaction @connection.rollback @connection.set_auto_commit_on end def quote_column_name(column_name) column_name end def adapter_name() 'DB2' end def quote_string(string) string.gsub(/'/, "''") # ' (for ruby-mode) end def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) if limit = options[:limit] offset = options[:offset] || 0 # The following trick was added by andrea+rails@webcom.it. sql.gsub!(/SELECT/i, 'SELECT B.* FROM (SELECT A.*, row_number() over () AS internal$rownum FROM (SELECT') sql << ") A ) B WHERE B.internal$rownum > #{offset} AND B.internal$rownum <= #{limit + offset}" end end def tables(name = nil) result = [] schema = @connection_options[:schema] || '%' with_statement do |stmt| stmt.tables(schema).each { |t| result << t[2].downcase } end result end def indexes(table_name, name = nil) tmp = {} schema = @connection_options[:schema] || '' with_statement do |stmt| stmt.indexes(table_name, schema).each do |t| next unless t[5] next if t[4] == 'SYSIBM' # Skip system indexes. idx_name = t[5].downcase col_name = t[8].downcase if tmp.has_key?(idx_name) tmp[idx_name].columns << col_name else is_unique = t[3] == 0 tmp[idx_name] = IndexDefinition.new(table_name, idx_name, is_unique, [col_name]) end end end tmp.values end def columns(table_name, name = nil) result = [] schema = @connection_options[:schema] || '%' with_statement do |stmt| stmt.columns(table_name, schema).each do |c| c_name = c[3].downcase c_default = c[12] == 'NULL' ? nil : c[12] c_type = c[5].downcase c_type += "(#{c[6]})" if !c[6].nil? && c[6] != '' result << Column.new(c_name, c_default, c_type) end end result end def native_database_types { :primary_key => 'int generated by default as identity primary key', :string => { :name => 'varchar', :limit => 255 }, :text => { :name => 'clob', :limit => 32768 }, :integer => { :name => 'int' }, :float => { :name => 'float' }, :datetime => { :name => 'timestamp' }, :timestamp => { :name => 'timestamp' }, :time => { :name => 'time' }, :date => { :name => 'date' }, :binary => { :name => 'blob', :limit => 32768 }, :boolean => { :name => 'decimal', :limit => 1 } } end def quoted_true '1' end def quoted_false '0' end def active? @connection.select_one 'select 1 from ibm.sysdummy1' true rescue Exception false end def reconnect! end private def with_statement stmt = DB2::Statement.new(@connection) yield stmt stmt.free end def last_insert_id row = select_one(<<-GETID.strip) with temp(id) as (values (identity_val_local())) select * from temp GETID row['id'].to_i end def select(sql, name = nil) rows = [] with_statement do |stmt| log(sql, name) do stmt.exec_direct("#{sql.gsub(/=\s*null/i, 'IS NULL')} with ur") end while row = stmt.fetch_as_hash row.delete('internal$rownum') rows << row end end rows end end end end rescue LoadError # DB2 driver is unavailable. module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: class Base # :nodoc: def self.db2_connection(config) # :nodoc: # Set up a reasonable error message raise LoadError, "DB2 Libraries could not be loaded." end end end end