require 'date' require 'bigdecimal' require 'bigdecimal/util' require 'active_record/type' require 'active_support/core_ext/benchmark' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/schema_cache' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_dumper' require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_creation' require 'monitor' require 'arel/collectors/bind' require 'arel/collectors/sql_string' module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # :nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload_at 'active_record/connection_adapters/column' do autoload :Column autoload :NullColumn end autoload :ConnectionSpecification autoload_at 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_definitions' do autoload :IndexDefinition autoload :ColumnDefinition autoload :ChangeColumnDefinition autoload :TableDefinition autoload :Table autoload :AlterTable end autoload_at 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool' do autoload :ConnectionHandler autoload :ConnectionManagement end autoload_under 'abstract' do autoload :SchemaStatements autoload :DatabaseStatements autoload :DatabaseLimits autoload :Quoting autoload :ConnectionPool autoload :QueryCache autoload :Savepoints end autoload_at 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/transaction' do autoload :TransactionManager autoload :NullTransaction autoload :RealTransaction autoload :SavepointTransaction autoload :TransactionState end # Active Record supports multiple database systems. AbstractAdapter and # related classes form the abstraction layer which makes this possible. # An AbstractAdapter represents a connection to a database, and provides an # abstract interface for database-specific functionality such as establishing # a connection, escaping values, building the right SQL fragments for ':offset' # and ':limit' options, etc. # # All the concrete database adapters follow the interface laid down in this class. # ActiveRecord::Base.connection returns an AbstractAdapter object, which # you can use. # # Most of the methods in the adapter are useful during migrations. Most # notably, the instance methods provided by SchemaStatement are very useful. class AbstractAdapter ADAPTER_NAME = 'Abstract'.freeze include Quoting, DatabaseStatements, SchemaStatements include DatabaseLimits include QueryCache include ActiveSupport::Callbacks include MonitorMixin include ColumnDumper SIMPLE_INT = /\A\d+\z/ define_callbacks :checkout, :checkin attr_accessor :visitor, :pool attr_reader :schema_cache, :owner, :logger alias :in_use? :owner def self.type_cast_config_to_integer(config) if config =~ SIMPLE_INT config.to_i else config end end def self.type_cast_config_to_boolean(config) if config == "false" false else config end end attr_reader :prepared_statements def initialize(connection, logger = nil, pool = nil) #:nodoc: super() @connection = connection @owner = nil @instrumenter = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrumenter @logger = logger @pool = pool @schema_cache = self @visitor = nil @prepared_statements = false end class BindCollector < Arel::Collectors::Bind def compile(bvs, conn) super( { |bv| conn.quote(*bv.reverse) }) end end class SQLString < Arel::Collectors::SQLString def compile(bvs, conn) super(bvs) end end def collector if prepared_statements else end end def valid_type?(type) true end def schema_creation self end def lease synchronize do unless in_use? @owner = Thread.current end end end def schema_cache=(cache) cache.connection = self @schema_cache = cache end def expire @owner = nil end def unprepared_statement old_prepared_statements, @prepared_statements = @prepared_statements, false yield ensure @prepared_statements = old_prepared_statements end # Returns the human-readable name of the adapter. Use mixed case - one # can always use downcase if needed. def adapter_name self.class::ADAPTER_NAME end # Does this adapter support migrations? def supports_migrations? false end # Can this adapter determine the primary key for tables not attached # to an Active Record class, such as join tables? def supports_primary_key? false end # Does this adapter support DDL rollbacks in transactions? That is, would # CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE get rolled back by a transaction? def supports_ddl_transactions? false end def supports_bulk_alter? false end # Does this adapter support savepoints? def supports_savepoints? false end # Should primary key values be selected from their corresponding # sequence before the insert statement? If true, next_sequence_value # is called before each insert to set the record's primary key. def prefetch_primary_key?(table_name = nil) false end # Does this adapter support index sort order? def supports_index_sort_order? false end # Does this adapter support partial indices? def supports_partial_index? false end # Does this adapter support explain? def supports_explain? false end # Does this adapter support setting the isolation level for a transaction? def supports_transaction_isolation? false end # Does this adapter support database extensions? def supports_extensions? false end # Does this adapter support creating indexes in the same statement as # creating the table? def supports_indexes_in_create? false end # Does this adapter support creating foreign key constraints? def supports_foreign_keys? false end # This is meant to be implemented by the adapters that support extensions def disable_extension(name) end # This is meant to be implemented by the adapters that support extensions def enable_extension(name) end # A list of extensions, to be filled in by adapters that support them. def extensions [] end # A list of index algorithms, to be filled by adapters that support them. def index_algorithms {} end # QUOTING ================================================== # Returns a bind substitution value given a bind +index+ and +column+ # NOTE: The column param is currently being used by the sqlserver-adapter def substitute_at(column, index) '?' end # REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY ==================================== # Override to turn off referential integrity while executing &block. def disable_referential_integrity yield end # CONNECTION MANAGEMENT ==================================== # Checks whether the connection to the database is still active. This includes # checking whether the database is actually capable of responding, i.e. whether # the connection isn't stale. def active? end # Disconnects from the database if already connected, and establishes a # new connection with the database. Implementors should call super if they # override the default implementation. def reconnect! clear_cache! reset_transaction end # Disconnects from the database if already connected. Otherwise, this # method does nothing. def disconnect! clear_cache! reset_transaction end # Reset the state of this connection, directing the DBMS to clear # transactions and other connection-related server-side state. Usually a # database-dependent operation. # # The default implementation does nothing; the implementation should be # overridden by concrete adapters. def reset! # this should be overridden by concrete adapters end ### # Clear any caching the database adapter may be doing, for example # clearing the prepared statement cache. This is database specific. def clear_cache! # this should be overridden by concrete adapters end # Returns true if its required to reload the connection between requests for development mode. def requires_reloading? false end # Checks whether the connection to the database is still active (i.e. not stale). # This is done under the hood by calling active?. If the connection # is no longer active, then this method will reconnect to the database. def verify!(*ignored) reconnect! unless active? end # Provides access to the underlying database driver for this adapter. For # example, this method returns a Mysql object in case of MysqlAdapter, # and a PGconn object in case of PostgreSQLAdapter. # # This is useful for when you need to call a proprietary method such as # PostgreSQL's lo_* methods. def raw_connection @connection end def create_savepoint(name = nil) end def rollback_to_savepoint(name = nil) end def release_savepoint(name = nil) end def case_sensitive_modifier(node, table_attribute) node end def case_sensitive_comparison(table, attribute, column, value) table_attr = table[attribute] value = case_sensitive_modifier(value, table_attr) unless value.nil? table_attr.eq(value) end def case_insensitive_comparison(table, attribute, column, value) table[attribute].lower.eq(table.lower(value)) end def current_savepoint_name current_transaction.savepoint_name end # Check the connection back in to the connection pool def close pool.checkin self end def type_map # :nodoc: @type_map ||= do |mapping| initialize_type_map(mapping) end end def new_column(name, default, cast_type, sql_type = nil, null = true), default, cast_type, sql_type, null) end def lookup_cast_type(sql_type) # :nodoc: type_map.lookup(sql_type) end protected def initialize_type_map(m) # :nodoc: register_class_with_limit m, %r(boolean)i, Type::Boolean register_class_with_limit m, %r(char)i, Type::String register_class_with_limit m, %r(binary)i, Type::Binary register_class_with_limit m, %r(text)i, Type::Text register_class_with_limit m, %r(date)i, Type::Date register_class_with_limit m, %r(time)i, Type::Time register_class_with_limit m, %r(datetime)i, Type::DateTime register_class_with_limit m, %r(float)i, Type::Float register_class_with_limit m, %r(int)i, Type::Integer m.alias_type %r(blob)i, 'binary' m.alias_type %r(clob)i, 'text' m.alias_type %r(timestamp)i, 'datetime' m.alias_type %r(numeric)i, 'decimal' m.alias_type %r(number)i, 'decimal' m.alias_type %r(double)i, 'float' m.register_type(%r(decimal)i) do |sql_type| scale = extract_scale(sql_type) precision = extract_precision(sql_type) if scale == 0 # FIXME: Remove this class as well precision) else precision, scale: scale) end end end def reload_type_map # :nodoc: type_map.clear initialize_type_map(type_map) end def register_class_with_limit(mapping, key, klass) # :nodoc: mapping.register_type(key) do |*args| limit = extract_limit(args.last) limit) end end def extract_scale(sql_type) # :nodoc: case sql_type when /\((\d+)\)/ then 0 when /\((\d+)(,(\d+))\)/ then $3.to_i end end def extract_precision(sql_type) # :nodoc: $1.to_i if sql_type =~ /\((\d+)(,\d+)?\)/ end def extract_limit(sql_type) # :nodoc: $1.to_i if sql_type =~ /\((.*)\)/ end def translate_exception_class(e, sql) message = "#{}: #{e.message}: #{sql}" @logger.error message if @logger exception = translate_exception(e, message) exception.set_backtrace e.backtrace exception end def log(sql, name = "SQL", binds = [], statement_name = nil) @instrumenter.instrument( "sql.active_record", :sql => sql, :name => name, :connection_id => object_id, :statement_name => statement_name, :binds => binds) { yield } rescue => e raise translate_exception_class(e, sql) end def translate_exception(exception, message) # override in derived class, exception) end def without_prepared_statement?(binds) !prepared_statements || binds.empty? end def column_for(table_name, column_name) # :nodoc: column_name = column_name.to_s columns(table_name).detect { |c| == column_name } || raise(ActiveRecordError, "No such column: #{table_name}.#{column_name}") end end end end