module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # :nodoc: # The goal of this module is to move Adapter specific column # definitions to the Adapter instead of having it in the schema # dumper itself. This code represents the normal case. # We can then redefine how certain data types may be handled in the schema dumper on the # Adapter level by over-writing this code inside the database specific adapters module ColumnDumper def column_spec(column, types) spec = prepare_column_options(column, types) (spec.keys - [:name, :type]).each{ |k| spec[k].insert(0, "#{k.to_s}: ")} spec end # This can be overridden on a Adapter level basis to support other # extended datatypes (Example: Adding an array option in the # PostgreSQLAdapter) def prepare_column_options(column, types) spec = {} spec[:name] = spec[:type] = column.type.to_s spec[:limit] = column.limit.inspect if column.limit != types[column.type][:limit] spec[:precision] = column.precision.inspect if column.precision spec[:scale] = column.scale.inspect if column.scale spec[:null] = 'false' unless column.null spec[:default] = column.type_cast_for_schema(column.default) if column.has_default? spec end # Lists the valid migration options def migration_keys [:name, :limit, :precision, :scale, :default, :null] end end end end