module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # :nodoc: module QueryCache class << self def included(base) base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :columns, :query_cache alias_method_chain :select_all, :query_cache end dirties_query_cache base, :insert, :update, :delete end def dirties_query_cache(base, *method_names) method_names.each do |method_name| base.class_eval <<-end_code, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{method_name}_with_query_dirty(*args) clear_query_cache if query_cache_enabled #{method_name}_without_query_dirty(*args) end alias_method_chain :#{method_name}, :query_dirty end_code end end end def query_cache_enabled Thread.current['query_cache_enabled'] end def query_cache_enabled=(flag) Thread.current['query_cache_enabled'] = flag end def query_cache Thread.current['query_cache'] end def query_cache=(cache) Thread.current['query_cache'] = cache end # Enable the query cache within the block. def cache old, self.query_cache_enabled = query_cache_enabled, true self.query_cache ||= {} yield ensure clear_query_cache self.query_cache_enabled = old end # Disable the query cache within the block. def uncached old, self.query_cache_enabled = query_cache_enabled, false yield ensure self.query_cache_enabled = old end # Clears the query cache. # # One reason you may wish to call this method explicitly is between queries # that ask the database to randomize results. Otherwise the cache would see # the same SQL query and repeatedly return the same result each time, silently # undermining the randomness you were expecting. def clear_query_cache query_cache.clear if query_cache end def select_all_with_query_cache(*args) if query_cache_enabled cache_sql(args.first) { select_all_without_query_cache(*args) } else select_all_without_query_cache(*args) end end def columns_with_query_cache(*args) if query_cache_enabled query_cache["SHOW FIELDS FROM #{args.first}"] ||= columns_without_query_cache(*args) else columns_without_query_cache(*args) end end private def cache_sql(sql) result = if query_cache.has_key?(sql) log_info(sql, "CACHE", 0.0) query_cache[sql] else query_cache[sql] = yield end if Array === result result.collect { |row| row.dup } else result.duplicable? ? result.dup : result end rescue TypeError result end end end end