require 'set' module ActiveRecord class Base class ConnectionSpecification #:nodoc: attr_reader :config, :adapter_method def initialize (config, adapter_method) @config, @adapter_method = config, adapter_method end end # Check for activity after at least +verification_timeout+ seconds. # Defaults to 0 (always check.) cattr_accessor :verification_timeout @@verification_timeout = 0 # The class -> [adapter_method, config] map @@defined_connections = {} # The class -> thread id -> adapter cache. (class -> adapter if not allow_concurrency) @@active_connections = {} class << self # Retrieve the connection cache. def active_connections if @@allow_concurrency @@active_connections[Thread.current.object_id] ||= {} else @@active_connections end end @active_connection_name = nil def active_connection_name @active_connection_name ||= if active_connections[name] || @@defined_connections[name] name elsif self == ActiveRecord::Base nil else superclass.active_connection_name end end def clear_active_connection_name @active_connection_name = nil subclasses.each { |klass| klass.clear_active_connection_name } end # Returns the connection currently associated with the class. This can # also be used to "borrow" the connection to do database work unrelated # to any of the specific Active Records. def connection if @active_connection_name && (conn = active_connections[@active_connection_name]) conn else # retrieve_connection sets the cache key. active_connections[@active_connection_name] = retrieve_connection end end # Clears the cache which maps classes to connections. def clear_active_connections! clear_cache!(@@active_connections) end # Verify active connections. def verify_active_connections! remove_stale_cached_threads!(@@active_connections) do |name, conn| conn.disconnect! end active_connections.each_value do |connection| connection.verify!(@@connection_cache_timeout) end end private def clear_cache!(cache, thread_id = nil, &block) if cache if @@allow_concurrency thread_id ||= Thread.current.object_id thread_cache, cache = cache, cache[thread_id] return unless cache end cache.each(&block) if block_given? cache.clear end ensure if thread_cache && @@allow_concurrency thread_cache.delete(thread_id) end end # Remove stale threads from the cache. def remove_stale_cached_threads!(cache, &block) stale = Thread.list.each do |thread| stale -= t.object_id if t.alive? end stale.each do |thread_id| clear_cache!(cache, thread_id, &block) end end end # Returns the connection currently associated with the class. This can # also be used to "borrow" the connection to do database work that isn't # easily done without going straight to SQL. def connection self.class.connection end # Establishes the connection to the database. Accepts a hash as input where # the :adapter key must be specified with the name of a database adapter (in lower-case) # example for regular databases (MySQL, Postgresql, etc): # # ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( # :adapter => "mysql", # :host => "localhost", # :username => "myuser", # :password => "mypass", # :database => "somedatabase" # ) # # Example for SQLite database: # # ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( # :adapter => "sqlite", # :database => "path/to/dbfile" # ) # # Also accepts keys as strings (for parsing from yaml for example): # ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( # "adapter" => "sqlite", # "database" => "path/to/dbfile" # ) # # The exceptions AdapterNotSpecified, AdapterNotFound and ArgumentError # may be returned on an error. def self.establish_connection(spec = nil) case spec when nil raise AdapterNotSpecified unless defined? RAILS_ENV establish_connection(RAILS_ENV) when ConnectionSpecification clear_active_connection_name @active_connection_name = name @@defined_connections[name] = spec when Symbol, String if configuration = configurations[spec.to_s] establish_connection(configuration) else raise AdapterNotSpecified, "#{spec} database is not configured" end else spec = spec.symbolize_keys unless spec.key?(:adapter) then raise AdapterNotSpecified, "database configuration does not specify adapter" end adapter_method = "#{spec[:adapter]}_connection" unless respond_to?(adapter_method) then raise AdapterNotFound, "database configuration specifies nonexistent #{spec[:adapter]} adapter" end remove_connection establish_connection(, adapter_method)) end end def self.active_connections #:nodoc: if @@allow_concurrency Thread.current['active_connections'] ||= {} else @@active_connections ||= {} end end # Locate the connection of the nearest super class. This can be an # active or defined connections: if it is the latter, it will be # opened and set as the active connection for the class it was defined # for (not necessarily the current class). def self.retrieve_connection #:nodoc: # Name is nil if establish_connection hasn't been called for # some class along the inheritance chain up to AR::Base yet. if name = active_connection_name if conn = active_connections[name] # Verify the connection. conn.verify!(@@verification_timeout) elsif spec = @@defined_connections[name] # Activate this connection specification. klass = name.constantize klass.connection = spec conn = active_connections[name] end end conn or raise ConnectionNotEstablished end # Returns true if a connection that's accessible to this class have already been opened. def self.connected? active_connections[active_connection_name] ? true : false end # Remove the connection for this class. This will close the active # connection and the defined connection (if they exist). The result # can be used as argument for establish_connection, for easy # re-establishing of the connection. def self.remove_connection(klass=self) spec = @@defined_connections[] konn = active_connections[] @@defined_connections.delete_if { |key, value| value == spec } active_connections.delete_if { |key, value| value == konn } konn.disconnect! if konn spec.config if spec end # Set the connection for the class. def self.connection=(spec) if spec.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter) active_connections[name] = spec elsif spec.kind_of?(ConnectionSpecification) self.connection = self.send(spec.adapter_method, spec.config) elsif spec.nil? raise ConnectionNotEstablished else establish_connection spec end end # connection state logging def self.log_connections if logger "Defined connections: #{@@defined_connections.inspect}" "Active connections: #{active_connections.inspect}" "Active connection name: #{@active_connection_name}" end end end end