module ActiveRecord # :stopdoc: module Coders class YAMLColumn RESCUE_ERRORS = [ ArgumentError ] if defined?(Psych) && defined?(Psych::SyntaxError) RESCUE_ERRORS << Psych::SyntaxError end attr_accessor :object_class def initialize(object_class = Object) @object_class = object_class end def dump(obj) YAML.dump obj end def load(yaml) return if object_class != Object && yaml.nil? return yaml unless yaml.is_a?(String) && yaml =~ /^---/ begin obj = YAML.load(yaml) unless obj.is_a?(object_class) || obj.nil? raise SerializationTypeMismatch, "Attribute was supposed to be a #{object_class}, but was a #{obj.class}" end obj ||= if object_class != Object obj rescue *RESCUE_ERRORS yaml end end end end # :startdoc end