require 'yaml' module ActiveRecord #:nodoc: class ActiveRecordError < StandardError #:nodoc: end class SubclassNotFound < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class AssociationTypeMismatch < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class SerializationTypeMismatch < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class AdapterNotSpecified < ActiveRecordError # :nodoc: end class AdapterNotFound < ActiveRecordError # :nodoc: end class ConnectionNotEstablished < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class ConnectionFailed < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class RecordNotFound < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class StatementInvalid < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class PreparedStatementInvalid < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class StaleObjectError < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: end class AttributeAssignmentError < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: attr_reader :exception, :attribute def initialize(message, exception, attribute) @exception = exception @attribute = attribute @message = message end end class MultiparameterAssignmentErrors < ActiveRecordError #:nodoc: attr_reader :errors def initialize(errors) @errors = errors end end # Active Record objects doesn't specify their attributes directly, but rather infer them from the table definition with # which they're linked. Adding, removing, and changing attributes and their type is done directly in the database. Any change # is instantly reflected in the Active Record objects. The mapping that binds a given Active Record class to a certain # database table will happen automatically in most common cases, but can be overwritten for the uncommon ones. # # See the mapping rules in table_name and the full example in link:files/README.html for more insight. # # == Creation # # Active Records accepts constructor parameters either in a hash or as a block. The hash method is especially useful when # you're receiving the data from somewhere else, like a HTTP request. It works like this: # # user ="name" => "David", "occupation" => "Code Artist") # # => "David" # # You can also use block initialization: # # user = do |u| # = "David" # u.occupation = "Code Artist" # end # # And of course you can just create a bare object and specify the attributes after the fact: # # user = # = "David" # user.occupation = "Code Artist" # # == Conditions # # Conditions can either be specified as a string or an array representing the WHERE-part of an SQL statement. # The array form is to be used when the condition input is tainted and requires sanitization. The string form can # be used for statements that doesn't involve tainted data. Examples: # # User < ActiveRecord::Base # def self.authenticate_unsafely(user_name, password) # find_first("user_name = '#{user_name}' AND password = '#{password}'") # end # # def self.authenticate_safely(user_name, password) # find_first([ "user_name = ? AND password = ?", user_name, password ]) # end # end # # The authenticate_unsafely method inserts the parameters directly into the query and is thus susceptible to SQL-injection # attacks if the user_name and +password+ parameters come directly from a HTTP request. The authenticate_safely method, # on the other hand, will sanitize the user_name and +password+ before inserting them in the query, which will ensure that # an attacker can't escape the query and fake the login (or worse). # # When using multiple parameters in the conditions, it can easily become hard to read exactly what the fourth or fifth # question mark is supposed to represent. In those cases, you can resort to named bind variables instead. That's done by replacing # the question marks with symbols and supplying a hash with values for the matching symbol keys: # # Company.find_first([ # "id = :id AND name = :name AND division = :division AND created_at > :accounting_date", # { :id => 3, :name => "37signals", :division => "First", :accounting_date => '2005-01-01' } # ]) # # == Overwriting default accessors # # All column values are automatically available through basic accessors on the Active Record object, but some times you # want to specialize this behavior. This can be done by either by overwriting the default accessors (using the same # name as the attribute) calling read_attribute(attr_name) and write_attribute(attr_name, value) to actually change things. # Example: # # class Song < ActiveRecord::Base # # Uses an integer of seconds to hold the length of the song # # def length=(minutes) # write_attribute("length", minutes * 60) # end # # def length # read_attribute("length") / 60 # end # end # # == Accessing attributes before they have been type casted # # Some times you want to be able to read the raw attribute data without having the column-determined type cast run its course first. # That can be done by using the _before_type_cast accessors that all attributes have. For example, if your Account model # has a balance attribute, you can call account.balance_before_type_cast or account.id_before_type_cast. # # This is especially useful in validation situations where the user might supply a string for an integer field and you want to display # the original string back in an error message. Accessing the attribute normally would type cast the string to 0, which isn't what you # want. # # == Dynamic attribute-based finders # # Dynamic attribute-based finders are a cleaner way of getting objects by simple queries without turning to SQL. They work by # appending the name of an attribute to find_by_, so you get finders like Person.find_by_user_name, Payment.find_by_transaction_id. # So instead of writing Person.find_first(["user_name = ?", user_name]), you just do Person.find_by_user_name(user_name). # # It's also possible to use multiple attributes in the same find by separating them with "_and_", so you get finders like # Person.find_by_user_name_and_password or even Payment.find_by_purchaser_and_state_and_country. So instead of writing # Person.find_first(["user_name = ? AND password = ?", user_name, password]), you just do # Person.find_by_user_name_and_password(user_name, password). # # It's even possible to use all the additional parameters to find_first and find_all. For example, the full interface for Payment.find_all_by_amount # is actually Payment.find_all_by_amount(amount, orderings = nil, limit = nil, joins = nil). And the full interface to Person.find_by_user_name is # actually Person.find_by_user_name(user_name, orderings = nil) # # == Saving arrays, hashes, and other non-mappable objects in text columns # # Active Record can serialize any object in text columns using YAML. To do so, you must specify this with a call to the class method +serialize+. # This makes it possible to store arrays, hashes, and other non-mappeable objects without doing any additional work. Example: # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # serialize :preferences # end # # user = User.create("preferences" => { "background" => "black", "display" => large }) # User.find( # => { "background" => "black", "display" => large } # # You can also specify an class option as the second parameter that'll raise an exception if a serialized object is retrieved as a # descendent of a class not in the hierarchy. Example: # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # serialize :preferences, Hash # end # # user = User.create("preferences" => %w( one two three )) # User.find( # raises SerializationTypeMismatch # # == Single table inheritance # # Active Record allows inheritance by storing the name of the class in a column that by default is called "type" (can be changed # by overwriting Base.inheritance_column). This means that an inheritance looking like this: # # class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end # class Firm < Company; end # class Client < Company; end # class PriorityClient < Client; end # # When you do Firm.create("name" => "37signals"), this record will be saved in the companies table with type = "Firm". You can then # fetch this row again using Company.find_first "name = '37signals'" and it will return a Firm object. # # If you don't have a type column defined in your table, single-table inheritance won't be triggered. In that case, it'll work just # like normal subclasses with no special magic for differentiating between them or reloading the right type with find. # # Note, all the attributes for all the cases are kept in the same table. Read more: # # # == Connection to multiple databases in different models # # Connections are usually created through ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection and retrieved by ActiveRecord::Base.connection. # All classes inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base will use this connection. But you can also set a class-specific connection. # For example, if Course is a ActiveRecord::Base, but resides in a different database you can just say Course.establish_connection # and Course *and all its subclasses* will use this connection instead. # # This feature is implemented by keeping a connection pool in ActiveRecord::Base that is a Hash indexed by the class. If a connection is # requested, the retrieve_connection method will go up the class-hierarchy until a connection is found in the connection pool. # # == Exceptions # # * +ActiveRecordError+ -- generic error class and superclass of all other errors raised by Active Record # * +AdapterNotSpecified+ -- the configuration hash used in establish_connection didn't include a # :adapter key. # * +AdapterNotSpecified+ -- the :adapter key used in establish_connection specified an non-existent adapter # (or a bad spelling of an existing one). # * +AssociationTypeMismatch+ -- the object assigned to the association wasn't of the type specified in the association definition. # * +SerializationTypeMismatch+ -- the object serialized wasn't of the class specified as the second parameter. # * +ConnectionNotEstablished+ -- no connection has been established. Use establish_connection before querying. # * +RecordNotFound+ -- no record responded to the find* method. # Either the row with the given ID doesn't exist or the row didn't meet the additional restrictions. # * +StatementInvalid+ -- the database server rejected the SQL statement. The precise error is added in the message. # Either the record with the given ID doesn't exist or the record didn't meet the additional restrictions. # * +MultiparameterAssignmentErrors+ -- collection of errors that occurred during a mass assignment using the # +attributes=+ method. The +errors+ property of this exception contains an array of +AttributeAssignmentError+ # objects that should be inspected to determine which attributes triggered the errors. # * +AttributeAssignmentError+ -- an error occurred while doing a mass assignment through the +attributes=+ method. # You can inspect the +attribute+ property of the exception object to determine which attribute triggered the error. # *Note*: The attributes listed are class-level attributes (accessible from both the class and instance level). # So it's possible to assign a logger to the class through Base.logger= which will then be used by all # instances in the current object space. class Base include ClassInheritableAttributes # Accepts a logger conforming to the interface of Log4r or the default Ruby 1.8+ Logger class, which is then passed # on to any new database connections made and which can be retrieved on both a class and instance level by calling +logger+. cattr_accessor :logger # Returns the connection currently associated with the class. This can # also be used to "borrow" the connection to do database work unrelated # to any of the specific Active Records. def self.connection retrieve_connection end # Returns the connection currently associated with the class. This can # also be used to "borrow" the connection to do database work that isn't # easily done without going straight to SQL. def connection self.class.connection end def self.inherited(child) #:nodoc: @@subclasses[self] ||= [] @@subclasses[self] << child super end @@subclasses = {} cattr_accessor :configurations @@primary_key_prefix_type = {} # Accessor for the prefix type that will be prepended to every primary key column name. The options are :table_name and # :table_name_with_underscore. If the first is specified, the Product class will look for "productid" instead of "id" as # the primary column. If the latter is specified, the Product class will look for "product_id" instead of "id". Remember # that this is a global setting for all Active Records. cattr_accessor :primary_key_prefix_type @@primary_key_prefix_type = nil # Accessor for the name of the prefix string to prepend to every table name. So if set to "basecamp_", all # table names will be named like "basecamp_projects", "basecamp_people", etc. This is a convenient way of creating a namespace # for tables in a shared database. By default, the prefix is the empty string. cattr_accessor :table_name_prefix @@table_name_prefix = "" # Works like +table_name_prefix+, but appends instead of prepends (set to "_basecamp" gives "projects_basecamp", # "people_basecamp"). By default, the suffix is the empty string. cattr_accessor :table_name_suffix @@table_name_suffix = "" # Indicate whether or not table names should be the pluralized versions of the corresponding class names. # If true, this the default table name for a +Product+ class will be +products+. If false, it would just be +product+. # See table_name for the full rules on table/class naming. This is true, by default. cattr_accessor :pluralize_table_names @@pluralize_table_names = true # Determines whether or not to use ANSI codes to colorize the logging statements committed by the connection adapter. These colors # makes it much easier to overview things during debugging (when used through a reader like +tail+ and on a black background), but # may complicate matters if you use software like syslog. This is true, by default. cattr_accessor :colorize_logging @@colorize_logging = true # Determines whether to use Time.local (using :local) or Time.utc (using :utc) when pulling dates and times from the database. # This is set to :local by default. cattr_accessor :default_timezone @@default_timezone = :local class << self # Class methods # Returns objects for the records responding to either a specific id (1), a list of ids (1, 5, 6) or an array of ids. # If only one ID is specified, that object is returned directly. If more than one ID is specified, an array is returned. # Examples: # Person.find(1) # returns the object for ID = 1 # Person.find(1, 2, 6) # returns an array for objects with IDs in (1, 2, 6) # Person.find([7, 17]) # returns an array for objects with IDs in (7, 17) # Person.find([1]) # returns an array for objects the object with ID = 1 # # The last argument may be a Hash of find options. Currently, +conditions+ is the only option, behaving the same as with +find_all+. # Person.find(1, :conditions => "associate_id = 5" # Person.find(1, 2, 6, :conditions => "status = 'active'" # Person.find([7, 17], :conditions => ["sanitize_me = ?", "bare'quote"] # Person.find(25, :conditions => ["name = :name AND age = :age", { :name => "Mary", :age => 22 }] # # +RecordNotFound+ is raised if no record can be found. def find(*args) # Return an Array if ids are passed in an Array. expects_array = args.first.kind_of?(Array) # Extract options hash from argument list. options = extract_options_from_args!(args) conditions = " AND #{sanitize_sql(options[:conditions])}" if options[:conditions] ids = args.flatten.compact.uniq case ids.size # Raise if no ids passed. when 0 raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find #{name} without an ID#{conditions}" # Find a single id. when 1 unless result = find_first("#{primary_key} = #{sanitize(ids.first)}#{conditions}") raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find #{name} with ID=#{ids.first}#{conditions}" end # Box result if expecting array. expects_array ? [result] : result # Find multiple ids. else ids_list = { |id| sanitize(id) }.join(',') result = find_all("#{primary_key} IN (#{ids_list})#{conditions}", primary_key) if result.size == ids.size result else raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find all #{name.pluralize} with IDs (#{ids_list})#{conditions}" end end end # Returns true if the given +id+ represents the primary key of a record in the database, false otherwise. # Example: # Person.exists?(5) def exists?(id) !find_first("#{primary_key} = #{sanitize(id)}").nil? rescue false end # This method is deprecated in favor of find with the :conditions option. # Works like find, but the record matching +id+ must also meet the +conditions+. # +RecordNotFound+ is raised if no record can be found matching the +id+ or meeting the condition. # Example: # Person.find_on_conditions 5, "first_name LIKE '%dav%' AND last_name = 'heinemeier'" def find_on_conditions(ids, conditions) find(ids, :conditions => conditions) end # Returns an array of all the objects that could be instantiated from the associated # table in the database. The +conditions+ can be used to narrow the selection of objects (WHERE-part), # such as by "color = 'red'", and arrangement of the selection can be done through +orderings+ (ORDER BY-part), # such as by "last_name, first_name DESC". A maximum of returned objects and their offset can be specified in # +limit+ with either just a single integer as the limit or as an array with the first element as the limit, # the second as the offset. Examples: # Project.find_all "category = 'accounts'", "last_accessed DESC", 15 # Project.find_all ["category = ?", category_name], "created ASC", [15, 20] def find_all(conditions = nil, orderings = nil, limit = nil, joins = nil) sql = "SELECT * FROM #{table_name} " sql << "#{joins} " if joins add_conditions!(sql, conditions) sql << "ORDER BY #{orderings} " unless orderings.nil? limit = sanitize_sql(limit) if limit.is_a? Array and limit.first.is_a? String connection.add_limit!(sql, limit) if limit find_by_sql(sql) end # Works like find_all, but requires a complete SQL string. Examples: # Post.find_by_sql "SELECT p.*, FROM posts p, comments c WHERE = c.post_id" # Post.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM posts WHERE author = ? AND created > ?", author_id, start_date] def find_by_sql(sql) connection.select_all(sanitize_sql(sql), "#{name} Load").inject([]) { |objects, record| objects << instantiate(record) } end # Returns the object for the first record responding to the conditions in +conditions+, # such as "group = 'master'". If more than one record is returned from the query, it's the first that'll # be used to create the object. In such cases, it might be beneficial to also specify # +orderings+, like "income DESC, name", to control exactly which record is to be used. Example: # Employee.find_first "income > 50000", "income DESC, name" def find_first(conditions = nil, orderings = nil) find_all(conditions, orderings, 1).first end # Creates an object, instantly saves it as a record (if the validation permits it), and returns it. If the save # fail under validations, the unsaved object is still returned. def create(attributes = nil) if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.collect { |attr| create(attr) } else object = new(attributes) object end end # Finds the record from the passed +id+, instantly saves it with the passed +attributes+ (if the validation permits it), # and returns it. If the save fail under validations, the unsaved object is still returned. def update(id, attributes) if id.is_a?(Array) idx = -1 id.collect { |id| idx += 1; update(id, attributes[idx]) } else object = find(id) object.update_attributes(attributes) object end end # Deletes the record with the given +id+ without instantiating an object first. If an array of ids is provided, all of them # are deleted. def delete(id) delete_all([ "#{primary_key} IN (?)", id ]) end # Destroys the record with the given +id+ by instantiating the object and calling #destroy (all the callbacks are the triggered). # If an array of ids is provided, all of them are destroyed. def destroy(id) id.is_a?(Array) ? id.each { |id| destroy(id) } : find(id).destroy end # Updates all records with the SET-part of an SQL update statement in +updates+ and returns an integer with the number of rows updates. # A subset of the records can be selected by specifying +conditions+. Example: # Billing.update_all "category = 'authorized', approved = 1", "author = 'David'" def update_all(updates, conditions = nil) sql = "UPDATE #{table_name} SET #{sanitize_sql(updates)} " add_conditions!(sql, conditions) return connection.update(sql, "#{name} Update") end # Destroys the objects for all the records that matches the +condition+ by instantiating each object and calling # the destroy method. Example: # Person.destroy_all "last_login < '2004-04-04'" def destroy_all(conditions = nil) find_all(conditions).each { |object| object.destroy } end # Deletes all the records that matches the +condition+ without instantiating the objects first (and hence not # calling the destroy method). Example: # Post.destroy_all "person_id = 5 AND (category = 'Something' OR category = 'Else')" def delete_all(conditions = nil) sql = "DELETE FROM #{table_name} " add_conditions!(sql, conditions) connection.delete(sql, "#{name} Delete all") end # Returns the number of records that meets the +conditions+. Zero is returned if no records match. Example: # Product.count "sales > 1" def count(conditions = nil) sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{table_name} " add_conditions!(sql, conditions) count_by_sql(sql) end # Returns the result of an SQL statement that should only include a COUNT(*) in the SELECT part. # Product.count "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sales s, customers c WHERE s.customer_id =" def count_by_sql(sql) sql = sanitize_conditions(sql) count = connection.select_one(sql, "#{name} Count").values.first return count ? count.to_i : 0 end # Increments the specified counter by one. So DiscussionBoard.increment_counter("post_count", # discussion_board_id) would increment the "post_count" counter on the board responding to discussion_board_id. # This is used for caching aggregate values, so that they doesn't need to be computed every time. Especially important # for looping over a collection where each element require a number of aggregate values. Like the DiscussionBoard # that needs to list both the number of posts and comments. def increment_counter(counter_name, id) update_all "#{counter_name} = #{counter_name} + 1", "#{primary_key} = #{quote(id)}" end # Works like increment_counter, but decrements instead. def decrement_counter(counter_name, id) update_all "#{counter_name} = #{counter_name} - 1", "#{primary_key} = #{quote(id)}" end # Attributes named in this macro are protected from mass-assignment, such as new(attributes) and # attributes=(attributes). Their assignment will simply be ignored. Instead, you can use the direct writer # methods to do assignment. This is meant to protect sensitive attributes to be overwritten by URL/form hackers. Example: # # class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base # attr_protected :credit_rating # end # # customer ="name" => David, "credit_rating" => "Excellent") # customer.credit_rating # => nil # customer.attributes = { "description" => "Jolly fellow", "credit_rating" => "Superb" } # customer.credit_rating # => nil # # customer.credit_rating = "Average" # customer.credit_rating # => "Average" def attr_protected(*attributes) write_inheritable_array("attr_protected", attributes) end # Returns an array of all the attributes that have been protected from mass-assignment. def protected_attributes # :nodoc: read_inheritable_attribute("attr_protected") end # If this macro is used, only those attributed named in it will be accessible for mass-assignment, such as # new(attributes) and attributes=(attributes). This is the more conservative choice for mass-assignment # protection. If you'd rather start from an all-open default and restrict attributes as needed, have a look at # attr_protected. def attr_accessible(*attributes) write_inheritable_array("attr_accessible", attributes) end # Returns an array of all the attributes that have been made accessible to mass-assignment. def accessible_attributes # :nodoc: read_inheritable_attribute("attr_accessible") end # Specifies that the attribute by the name of +attr_name+ should be serialized before saving to the database and unserialized # after loading from the database. The serialization is done through YAML. If +class_name+ is specified, the serialized # object must be of that class on retrieval or +SerializationTypeMismatch+ will be raised. def serialize(attr_name, class_name = Object) write_inheritable_attribute("attr_serialized", serialized_attributes.update(attr_name.to_s => class_name)) end # Returns a hash of all the attributes that have been specified for serialization as keys and their class restriction as values. def serialized_attributes read_inheritable_attribute("attr_serialized") || { } end # Guesses the table name (in forced lower-case) based on the name of the class in the inheritance hierarchy descending # directly from ActiveRecord. So if the hierarchy looks like: Reply < Message < ActiveRecord, then Message is used # to guess the table name from even when called on Reply. The rules used to do the guess are handled by the Inflector class # in Active Support, which knows almost all common English inflections (report a bug if your inflection isn't covered). # # Additionally, the class-level table_name_prefix is prepended to the table_name and the table_name_suffix is appended. # So if you have "myapp_" as a prefix, the table name guess for an Account class becomes "myapp_accounts". # # You can also overwrite this class method to allow for unguessable links, such as a Mouse class with a link to a # "mice" table. Example: # # class Mouse < ActiveRecord::Base # set_table_name "mice" # end def table_name table_name_prefix + undecorated_table_name(class_name_of_active_record_descendant(self)) + table_name_suffix end # Defines the primary key field -- can be overridden in subclasses. Overwriting will negate any effect of the # primary_key_prefix_type setting, though. def primary_key case primary_key_prefix_type when :table_name Inflector.foreign_key(class_name_of_active_record_descendant(self), false) when :table_name_with_underscore Inflector.foreign_key(class_name_of_active_record_descendant(self)) else "id" end end # Defines the column name for use with single table inheritance -- can be overridden in subclasses. def inheritance_column "type" end # Sets the table name to use to the given value, or (if the value # is nil or false) to the value returned by the given block. # # Example: # # class Project < ActiveRecord::Base # set_table_name "project" # end def set_table_name( value=nil, &block ) define_attr_method :table_name, value, &block end alias :table_name= :set_table_name # Sets the name of the primary key column to use to the given value, # or (if the value is nil or false) to the value returned by the given # block. # # Example: # # class Project < ActiveRecord::Base # set_primary_key "sysid" # end def set_primary_key( value=nil, &block ) define_attr_method :primary_key, value, &block end alias :primary_key= :set_primary_key # Sets the name of the inheritance column to use to the given value, # or (if the value # is nil or false) to the value returned by the # given block. # # Example: # # class Project < ActiveRecord::Base # set_inheritance_column do # original_inheritance_column + "_id" # end # end def set_inheritance_column( value=nil, &block ) define_attr_method :inheritance_column, value, &block end alias :inheritance_column= :set_inheritance_column # Turns the +table_name+ back into a class name following the reverse rules of +table_name+. def class_name(table_name = table_name) # :nodoc: # remove any prefix and/or suffix from the table name class_name = Inflector.camelize(table_name[table_name_prefix.length..-(table_name_suffix.length + 1)]) class_name = Inflector.singularize(class_name) if pluralize_table_names return class_name end # Returns an array of column objects for the table associated with this class. def columns @columns ||= connection.columns(table_name, "#{name} Columns") end # Returns an array of column objects for the table associated with this class. def columns_hash @columns_hash ||= columns.inject({}) { |hash, column| hash[] = column; hash } end # Returns an array of columns objects where the primary id, all columns ending in "_id" or "_count", # and columns used for single table inheritance has been removed. def content_columns @content_columns ||= columns.reject { |c| == primary_key || =~ /(_id|_count)$/ || == inheritance_column } end # Returns a hash of all the methods added to query each of the columns in the table with the name of the method as the key # and true as the value. This makes it possible to do O(1) lookups in respond_to? to check if a given method for attribute # is available. def column_methods_hash @dynamic_methods_hash ||= columns_hash.keys.inject( do |methods, attr| methods[attr.to_sym] = true methods["#{attr}=".to_sym] = true methods["#{attr}?".to_sym] = true methods["#{attr}_before_type_cast".to_sym] = true methods end end # Resets all the cached information about columns, which will cause they to be reloaded on the next request. def reset_column_information @columns = @columns_hash = @content_columns = @dynamic_methods_hash = nil end def reset_column_information_and_inheritable_attributes_for_all_subclasses#:nodoc: subclasses.each { |klass| klass.reset_inheritable_attributes; klass.reset_column_information } end # Transforms attribute key names into a more humane format, such as "First name" instead of "first_name". Example: # Person.human_attribute_name("first_name") # => "First name" # Deprecated in favor of just calling "first_name".humanize def human_attribute_name(attribute_key_name) #:nodoc: attribute_key_name.humanize end def descends_from_active_record? # :nodoc: superclass == Base || !columns_hash.has_key?(inheritance_column) end def quote(object) #:nodoc: connection.quote(object) end # Used to sanitize objects before they're used in an SELECT SQL-statement. Delegates to connection.quote. def sanitize(object) #:nodoc: connection.quote(object) end # Used to aggregate logging and benchmark, so you can measure and represent multiple statements in a single block. # Usage (hides all the SQL calls for the individual actions and calculates total runtime for them all): # # Project.benchmark("Creating project") do # project = Project.create("name" => "stuff") # project.create_manager("name" => "David") # project.milestones << Milestone.find_all # end def benchmark(title) result = nil bm = Benchmark.measure { result = silence { yield } } "#{title} (#{sprintf("%f", bm.real)})" return result end # Silences the logger for the duration of the block. def silence result = nil logger.level = Logger::ERROR result = yield logger.level = Logger::DEBUG return result end # Overwrite the default class equality method to provide support for association proxies. def ===(object) object.is_a?(self) end private # Finder methods must instantiate through this method to work with the single-table inheritance model # that makes it possible to create objects of different types from the same table. def instantiate(record) require_association_class(record[inheritance_column]) begin object = record_with_type?(record) ? compute_type(record[inheritance_column]).allocate : allocate rescue NameError raise( SubclassNotFound, "The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass: '#{record[inheritance_column]}'. " + "This error is raised because the column '#{inheritance_column}' is reserved for storing the class in case of inheritance. " + "Please rename this column if you didn't intend it to be used for storing the inheritance class " + "or overwrite #{self.to_s}.inheritance_column to use another column for that information." ) end object.instance_variable_set("@attributes", record) return object end # Returns true if the +record+ has a single table inheritance column and is using it. def record_with_type?(record) record.include?(inheritance_column) && !record[inheritance_column].nil? && !record[inheritance_column].empty? end # Returns the name of the type of the record using the current module as a prefix. So descendents of # MyApp::Business::Account would be appear as "MyApp::Business::AccountSubclass". def type_name_with_module(type_name) =~ /::/ ?*)::/).first.first + "::" + type_name : type_name end # Adds a sanitized version of +conditions+ to the +sql+ string. Note that it's the passed +sql+ string is changed. def add_conditions!(sql, conditions) sql << "WHERE #{sanitize_sql(conditions)} " unless conditions.nil? sql << (conditions.nil? ? "WHERE " : " AND ") + type_condition unless descends_from_active_record? end def type_condition " (" + subclasses.inject("#{inheritance_column} = '#{Inflector.demodulize(name)}' ") do |condition, subclass| condition << "OR #{inheritance_column} = '#{Inflector.demodulize(}' " end + ") " end # Guesses the table name, but does not decorate it with prefix and suffix information. def undecorated_table_name(class_name = class_name_of_active_record_descendant(self)) table_name = Inflector.underscore(Inflector.demodulize(class_name)) table_name = Inflector.pluralize(table_name) if pluralize_table_names return table_name end # Enables dynamic finders like find_by_user_name(user_name) and find_by_user_name_and_password(user_name, password) that are turned into # find_first(["user_name = ?", user_name]) and find_first(["user_name = ? AND password = ?", user_name, password]) respectively. Also works # for find_all, but using find_all_by_amount(50) that are turned into find_all(["amount = ?", 50]). # # It's even possible to use all the additional parameters to find_first and find_all. For example, the full interface for find_all_by_amount # is actually find_all_by_amount(amount, orderings = nil, limit = nil, joins = nil). def method_missing(method_id, *arguments) method_name = method_id.id2name if method_name =~ /find_(all_by|by)_([_a-z][_a-z\d]*)/ finder, attributes = ($1 == "all_by" ? :find_all : :find_first), $2.split("_and_") attributes.each { |attr_name| super unless column_methods_hash[attr_name.intern] } attr_index = -1 conditions = attributes.collect { |attr_name| attr_index += 1; "#{attr_name} #{arguments[attr_index].nil? ? "IS" : "="} ? " }.join(" AND ") send(finder, [conditions, *arguments[0...attributes.length]], *arguments[attributes.length..-1]) else super end end # Defines an "attribute" method (like #inheritance_column or # #table_name). A new (class) method will be created with the # given name. If a value is specified, the new method will # return that value (as a string). Otherwise, the given block # will be used to compute the value of the method. # # The original method will be aliased, with the new name being # prefixed with "original_". This allows the new method to # access the original value. # # Example: # # class A < ActiveRecord::Base # define_attr_method :primary_key, "sysid" # define_attr_method( :inheritance_column ) do # original_inheritance_column + "_id" # end # end def define_attr_method(name, value=nil, &block) sing = class << self; self; end block = proc { value.to_s } if value sing.send( :alias_method, "original_#{name}", name ) sing.send( :define_method, name, &block ) end protected def subclasses @@subclasses[self] ||= [] @@subclasses[self] + extra = @@subclasses[self].inject([]) {|list, subclass| list + subclass.subclasses } end # Returns the class type of the record using the current module as a prefix. So descendents of # MyApp::Business::Account would be appear as MyApp::Business::AccountSubclass. def compute_type(type_name) type_name_with_module(type_name).split("::").inject(Object) do |final_type, part| final_type = final_type.const_get(part) end end # Returns the name of the class descending directly from ActiveRecord in the inheritance hierarchy. def class_name_of_active_record_descendant(klass) if klass.superclass == Base return elsif klass.superclass.nil? raise ActiveRecordError, "#{name} doesn't belong in a hierarchy descending from ActiveRecord" else class_name_of_active_record_descendant(klass.superclass) end end # Accepts an array or string. The string is returned untouched, but the array has each value # sanitized and interpolated into the sql statement. # ["name='%s' and group_id='%s'", "foo'bar", 4] returns "name='foo''bar' and group_id='4'" def sanitize_sql(ary) return ary unless ary.is_a?(Array) statement, *values = ary if values.first.is_a?(Hash) and statement =~ /:\w+/ replace_named_bind_variables(statement, values.first) elsif statement.include?('?') replace_bind_variables(statement, values) else statement % values.collect { |value| connection.quote_string(value.to_s) } end end alias_method :sanitize_conditions, :sanitize_sql def replace_bind_variables(statement, values) raise_if_bind_arity_mismatch(statement, statement.count('?'), values.size) bound = values.dup statement.gsub('?') { quote_bound_value(bound.shift) } end def replace_named_bind_variables(statement, bind_vars) raise_if_bind_arity_mismatch(statement, statement.scan(/:(\w+)/).uniq.size, bind_vars.size) statement.gsub(/:(\w+)/) do match = $1.to_sym if bind_vars.has_key?(match) quote_bound_value(bind_vars[match]) else raise PreparedStatementInvalid, "missing value for :#{match} in #{statement}" end end end def quote_bound_value(value) case value when Array { |v| connection.quote(v) }.join(',') else connection.quote(value) end end def raise_if_bind_arity_mismatch(statement, expected, provided) unless expected == provided raise PreparedStatementInvalid, "wrong number of bind variables (#{provided} for #{expected}) in: #{statement}" end end def extract_options_from_args!(args) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) then args.pop else {} end end def encode_quoted_value(value) quoted_value = connection.quote(value) quoted_value = "'#{quoted_value[1..-2].gsub(/\'/, "\\\\'")}'" if quoted_value.include?("\\\'") quoted_value end end public # New objects can be instantiated as either empty (pass no construction parameter) or pre-set with # attributes but not yet saved (pass a hash with key names matching the associated table column names). # In both instances, valid attribute keys are determined by the column names of the associated table -- # hence you can't have attributes that aren't part of the table columns. def initialize(attributes = nil) @attributes = attributes_from_column_definition @new_record = true ensure_proper_type self.attributes = attributes unless attributes.nil? yield self if block_given? end # Every Active Record class must use "id" as their primary ID. This getter overwrites the native # id method, which isn't being used in this context. def id read_attribute(self.class.primary_key) end # Enables Active Record objects to be used as URL parameters in Action Pack automatically. alias_method :to_param, :id def id_before_type_cast #:nodoc: read_attribute_before_type_cast(self.class.primary_key) end def quoted_id #:nodoc: quote(id, self.class.columns_hash[self.class.primary_key]) end # Sets the primary ID. def id=(value) write_attribute(self.class.primary_key, value) end # Returns true if this object hasn't been saved yet -- that is, a record for the object doesn't exist yet. def new_record? @new_record end # * No record exists: Creates a new record with values matching those of the object attributes. # * A record does exist: Updates the record with values matching those of the object attributes. def save create_or_update end # Deletes the record in the database and freezes this instance to reflect that no changes should # be made (since they can't be persisted). def destroy unless new_record? connection.delete( "DELETE FROM #{self.class.table_name} " + "WHERE #{self.class.primary_key} = #{quote(id)}", "#{} Destroy" ) end freeze end # Returns a clone of the record that hasn't been assigned an id yet and is treated as a new record. def clone attrs = self.attributes attrs.delete(self.class.primary_key) cloned_record = cloned_record end # Updates a single attribute and saves the record. This is especially useful for boolean flags on existing records. # Note: This method is overwritten by the Validation module that'll make sure that updates made with this method # doesn't get subjected to validation checks. Hence, attributes can be updated even if the full object isn't valid. def update_attribute(name, value) self[name] = value save end # Updates all the attributes in from the passed hash and saves the record. If the object is invalid, the saving will # fail and false will be returned. def update_attributes(attributes) self.attributes = attributes return save end # Initializes the +attribute+ to zero if nil and adds one. Only makes sense for number-based attributes. Returns self. def increment(attribute) self[attribute] ||= 0 self[attribute] += 1 self end # Increments the +attribute+ and saves the record. def increment!(attribute) increment(attribute).update_attribute(attribute, self[attribute]) end # Initializes the +attribute+ to zero if nil and subtracts one. Only makes sense for number-based attributes. Returns self. def decrement(attribute) self[attribute] ||= 0 self[attribute] -= 1 self end # Decrements the +attribute+ and saves the record. def decrement!(attribute) decrement(attribute).update_attribute(attribute, self[attribute]) end # Turns an +attribute+ that's currently true into false and vice versa. Returns self. def toggle(attribute) self[attribute] = quote(!send("#{attribute}?", column_for_attribute(attribute))) self end # Toggles the +attribute+ and saves the record. def toggle!(attribute) toggle(attribute).update_attribute(attribute, self[attribute]) end # Reloads the attributes of this object from the database. def reload clear_association_cache @attributes.update(self.class.find('@attributes')) return self end # Returns the value of attribute identified by attr_name after it has been type cast (for example, # "2004-12-12" in a data column is cast to a date object, like, 12, 12)). # (Alias for the protected read_attribute method). def [](attr_name) read_attribute(attr_name.to_s) end # Updates the attribute identified by attr_name with the specified +value+. # (Alias for the protected write_attribute method). def []= (attr_name, value) write_attribute(attr_name.to_s, value) end # Allows you to set all the attributes at once by passing in a hash with keys # matching the attribute names (which again matches the column names). Sensitive attributes can be protected # from this form of mass-assignment by using the +attr_protected+ macro. Or you can alternatively # specify which attributes *can* be accessed in with the +attr_accessible+ macro. Then all the # attributes not included in that won't be allowed to be mass-assigned. def attributes=(attributes) return if attributes.nil? attributes.stringify_keys! multi_parameter_attributes = [] remove_attributes_protected_from_mass_assignment(attributes).each do |k, v| k.include?("(") ? multi_parameter_attributes << [ k, v ] : send(k + "=", v) end assign_multiparameter_attributes(multi_parameter_attributes) end # Returns a hash of all the attributes with their names as keys and clones of their objects as values. def attributes self.attribute_names.inject({}) do |attributes, name| begin attributes[name] = read_attribute(name).clone rescue TypeError, NoMethodError attributes[name] = read_attribute(name) end attributes end end # Returns true if the specified +attribute+ has been set by the user or by a database load and is neither # nil nor empty? (the latter only applies to objects that responds to empty?, most notably Strings). def attribute_present?(attribute) is_empty = read_attribute(attribute).respond_to?("empty?") ? read_attribute(attribute).empty? : false @attributes.include?(attribute) && !@attributes[attribute].nil? && !is_empty end # Returns an array of names for the attributes available on this object sorted alphabetically. def attribute_names @attributes.keys.sort end # Returns the column object for the named attribute. def column_for_attribute(name) self.class.columns_hash[name.to_s] end # Returns true if the +comparison_object+ is the same object, or is of the same type and has the same id. def ==(comparison_object) comparison_object.equal?(self) or (comparison_object.instance_of?(self.class) and == id) end # Delegates to == def eql?(comparison_object) self == (comparison_object) end # Delegates to id in order to allow two records of the same type and id to work with something like: # [ Person.find(1), Person.find(2), Person.find(3) ] & [ Person.find(1), Person.find(4) ] # => [ Person.find(1) ] def hash id end # For checking respond_to? without searching the attributes (which is faster). alias_method :respond_to_without_attributes?, :respond_to? # A Person object with a name attribute can ask person.respond_to?("name"), person.respond_to?("name="), and # person.respond_to?("name?") which will all return true. def respond_to?(method, include_priv = false) self.class.column_methods_hash[method.to_sym] || respond_to_without_attributes?(method, include_priv) end private def create_or_update if new_record? then create else update end return true end # Updates the associated record with values matching those of the instant attributes. def update connection.update( "UPDATE #{self.class.table_name} " + "SET #{quoted_comma_pair_list(connection, attributes_with_quotes(false))} " + "WHERE #{self.class.primary_key} = #{quote(id)}", "#{} Update" ) end # Creates a new record with values matching those of the instant attributes. def create = connection.insert( "INSERT INTO #{self.class.table_name} " + "(#{quoted_column_names.join(', ')}) " + "VALUES(#{attributes_with_quotes.values.join(', ')})", "#{} Create", self.class.primary_key, ) @new_record = false end # Sets the attribute used for single table inheritance to this class name if this is not the ActiveRecord descendant. # Considering the hierarchy Reply < Message < ActiveRecord, this makes it possible to do without having to # set Reply[Reply.inheritance_column] = "Reply" yourself. No such attribute would be set for objects of the # Message class in that example. def ensure_proper_type unless self.class.descends_from_active_record? write_attribute(self.class.inheritance_column, Inflector.demodulize( end end # Allows access to the object attributes, which are held in the @attributes hash, as were # they first-class methods. So a Person class with a name attribute can use Person#name and # Person#name= and never directly use the attributes hash -- except for multiple assigns with # ActiveRecord#attributes=. A Milestone class can also ask Milestone#completed? to test that # the completed attribute is not nil or 0. # # It's also possible to instantiate related objects, so a Client class belonging to the clients # table with a master_id foreign key can instantiate master through Client#master. def method_missing(method_id, *arguments) method_name = method_id.id2name if method_name =~ read_method? && @attributes.include?($1) return read_attribute($1) elsif method_name =~ read_untyped_method? && @attributes.include?($1) return read_attribute_before_type_cast($1) elsif method_name =~ write_method? && @attributes.include?($1) write_attribute($1, arguments[0]) elsif method_name =~ query_method? && @attributes.include?($1) return query_attribute($1) else super end end def read_method?() /^([a-zA-Z][-_\w]*)[^=?]*$/ end def read_untyped_method?() /^([a-zA-Z][-_\w]*)_before_type_cast$/ end def write_method?() /^([a-zA-Z][-_\w]*)=.*$/ end def query_method?() /^([a-zA-Z][-_\w]*)\?$/ end # Returns the value of attribute identified by attr_name after it has been type cast (for example, # "2004-12-12" in a data column is cast to a date object, like, 12, 12)). def read_attribute(attr_name) if @attributes.keys.include? attr_name if column = column_for_attribute(attr_name) unserializable_attribute?(attr_name, column) ? unserialize_attribute(attr_name) : column.type_cast(@attributes[attr_name]) else @attributes[attr_name] end else nil end end def read_attribute_before_type_cast(attr_name) @attributes[attr_name] end # Returns true if the attribute is of a text column and marked for serialization. def unserializable_attribute?(attr_name, column) @attributes[attr_name] && [:text, :string].include?(column.send(:type)) && @attributes[attr_name].is_a?(String) && self.class.serialized_attributes[attr_name] end # Returns the unserialized object of the attribute. def unserialize_attribute(attr_name) unserialized_object = object_from_yaml(@attributes[attr_name]) if unserialized_object.is_a?(self.class.serialized_attributes[attr_name]) @attributes[attr_name] = unserialized_object else raise( SerializationTypeMismatch, "#{attr_name} was supposed to be a #{self.class.serialized_attributes[attr_name]}, " + "but was a #{unserialized_object.class.to_s}" ) end end # Updates the attribute identified by attr_name with the specified +value+. Empty strings for fixnum and float # columns are turned into nil. def write_attribute(attr_name, value) @attributes[attr_name] = empty_string_for_number_column?(attr_name, value) ? nil : value end def empty_string_for_number_column?(attr_name, value) column = column_for_attribute(attr_name) column && (column.klass == Fixnum || column.klass == Float) && value == "" end def query_attribute(attr_name) attribute = @attributes[attr_name] if attribute.kind_of?(Fixnum) && attribute == 0 false elsif attribute.kind_of?(String) && attribute == "0" false elsif attribute.kind_of?(String) && attribute.empty? false elsif attribute.nil? false elsif attribute == false false elsif attribute == "f" false elsif attribute == "false" false else true end end def remove_attributes_protected_from_mass_assignment(attributes) if self.class.accessible_attributes.nil? && self.class.protected_attributes.nil? attributes.reject { |key, value| attributes_protected_by_default.include?(key) } elsif self.class.protected_attributes.nil? attributes.reject { |key, value| !self.class.accessible_attributes.include?(key.intern) || attributes_protected_by_default.include?(key) } elsif self.class.accessible_attributes.nil? attributes.reject { |key, value| self.class.protected_attributes.include?(key.intern) || attributes_protected_by_default.include?(key) } end end # The primary key and inheritance column can never be set by mass-assignment for security reasons. def attributes_protected_by_default [ self.class.primary_key, self.class.inheritance_column ] end # Returns copy of the attributes hash where all the values have been safely quoted for use in # an SQL statement. def attributes_with_quotes(include_primary_key = true) columns_hash = self.class.columns_hash attrs_quoted = attributes.inject({}) do |attrs_quoted, pair| attrs_quoted[pair.first] = quote(pair.last, columns_hash[pair.first]) unless !include_primary_key && pair.first == self.class.primary_key attrs_quoted end attrs_quoted.delete_if { |key, value| !self.class.columns_hash.keys.include?(key) } end # Quote strings appropriately for SQL statements. def quote(value, column = nil) connection.quote(value, column) end # Interpolate custom sql string in instance context. # Optional record argument is meant for custom insert_sql. def interpolate_sql(sql, record = nil) instance_eval("%(#{sql})") end # Initializes the attributes array with keys matching the columns from the linked table and # the values matching the corresponding default value of that column, so # that a new instance, or one populated from a passed-in Hash, still has all the attributes # that instances loaded from the database would. def attributes_from_column_definition connection.columns(self.class.table_name, "#{} Columns").inject({}) do |attributes, column| attributes[] = column.default unless == self.class.primary_key attributes end end # Instantiates objects for all attribute classes that needs more than one constructor parameter. This is done # by calling new on the column type or aggregation type (through composed_of) object with these parameters. # So having the pairs written_on(1) = "2004", written_on(2) = "6", written_on(3) = "24", will instantiate # written_on (a date type) with"2004", "6", "24"). You can also specify a typecast character in the # parentheses to have the parameters typecasted before they're used in the constructor. Use i for Fixnum, f for Float, # s for String, and a for Array. If all the values for a given attribute is empty, the attribute will be set to nil. def assign_multiparameter_attributes(pairs) execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes( extract_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes(pairs) ) end # Includes an ugly hack for Time.local instead of because the latter is reserved by Time itself. def execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes(callstack) errors = [] callstack.each do |name, values| klass = (self.class.reflect_on_aggregation(name) || column_for_attribute(name)).klass if values.empty? send(name + "=", nil) else begin send(name + "=", Time == klass ? klass.local(*values) :*values)) rescue => ex errors <<"error on assignment #{values.inspect} to #{name}", ex, name) end end end unless errors.empty? raise, "#{errors.size} error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes" end end def extract_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes(pairs) attributes = { } for pair in pairs multiparameter_name, value = pair attribute_name = multiparameter_name.split("(").first attributes[attribute_name] = [] unless attributes.include?(attribute_name) unless value.empty? attributes[attribute_name] << [ find_parameter_position(multiparameter_name), type_cast_attribute_value(multiparameter_name, value) ] end end attributes.each { |name, values| attributes[name] = values.sort_by{ |v| v.first }.collect { |v| v.last } } end def type_cast_attribute_value(multiparameter_name, value) multiparameter_name =~ /\([0-9]*([a-z])\)/ ? value.send("to_" + $1) : value end def find_parameter_position(multiparameter_name) multiparameter_name.scan(/\(([0-9]*).*\)/).first.first end # Returns a comma-separated pair list, like "key1 = val1, key2 = val2". def comma_pair_list(hash) hash.inject([]) { |list, pair| list << "#{pair.first} = #{pair.last}" }.join(", ") end def quoted_column_names(attributes = attributes_with_quotes) attributes.keys.collect { |column_name| connection.quote_column_name(column_name) } end def quote_columns(column_quoter, hash) hash.inject({}) do |list, pair| list[column_quoter.quote_column_name(pair.first)] = pair.last list end end def quoted_comma_pair_list(column_quoter, hash) comma_pair_list(quote_columns(column_quoter, hash)) end def object_from_yaml(string) return string unless string.is_a?(String) if has_yaml_encoding_header?(string) begin YAML::load(string) rescue Object # Apparently wasn't YAML anyway string end else string end end def has_yaml_encoding_header?(string) string[0..3] == "--- " end end end