module ActiveRecord module Attributes # Returns true if the given attribute is in the attributes hash def has_attribute?(attr_name) _attributes.key?(attr_name) end # Returns an array of names for the attributes available on this object sorted alphabetically. def attribute_names _attributes.keys.sort! end # Returns a hash of all the attributes with their names as keys and the values of the attributes as values. def attributes attributes = _attributes.dup attributes.typecast! unless _attributes.frozen? attributes.to_h end protected # Not to be confused with the public #attributes method, which returns a typecasted Hash. def _attributes @attributes end def initialize_attribute_store(merge_attributes = nil) @attributes = @attributes.merge!(merge_attributes) if merge_attributes @attributes.types.merge!(self.class.attribute_types) @attributes.aliases.merge!('id' => self.class.primary_key) unless 'id' == self.class.primary_key @attributes end end end