require 'active_support/core_ext/module/method_transplanting' module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods module Write WriterMethodCache = { private def method_body(method_name, const_name) <<-EOMETHOD def #{method_name}(value) name = ::ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::AttrNames::ATTR_#{const_name} write_attribute(name, value) end EOMETHOD end }.new extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attribute_method_suffix "=" end module ClassMethods protected if Module.methods_transplantable? def define_method_attribute=(name) method = WriterMethodCache[name] generated_attribute_methods.module_eval { define_method "#{name}=", method } end else def define_method_attribute=(name) safe_name = name.unpack('h*').first ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::AttrNames.set_name_cache safe_name, name generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def __temp__#{safe_name}=(value) name = ::ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::AttrNames::ATTR_#{safe_name} write_attribute(name, value) end alias_method #{(name + '=').inspect}, :__temp__#{safe_name}= undef_method :__temp__#{safe_name}= STR end end end # Updates the attribute identified by attr_name with the # specified +value+. Empty strings for fixnum and float columns are # turned into +nil+. def write_attribute(attr_name, value) write_attribute_with_type_cast(attr_name, value, true) end def raw_write_attribute(attr_name, value) write_attribute_with_type_cast(attr_name, value, false) end private # Handle *= for method_missing. def attribute=(attribute_name, value) write_attribute(attribute_name, value) end def write_attribute_with_type_cast(attr_name, value, should_type_cast) attr_name = attr_name.to_s attr_name = self.class.primary_key if attr_name == 'id' && self.class.primary_key @attributes.delete(attr_name) column = column_for_attribute(attr_name) # If we're dealing with a binary column, write the data to the cache # so we don't attempt to typecast multiple times. if column && column.binary? @attributes[attr_name] = value end if column && should_type_cast @raw_attributes[attr_name] = column.type_cast_for_write(value) elsif !should_type_cast || @raw_attributes.has_key?(attr_name) @raw_attributes[attr_name] = value else raise ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError, "can't write unknown attribute `#{attr_name}'" end end end end end