module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods module TimeZoneConversion class TimeZoneConverter < SimpleDelegator # :nodoc: include Type::Decorator def type_cast_from_database(value) convert_time_to_time_zone(super) end def type_cast_from_user(value) if value.is_a?(Array) { |v| type_cast_from_user(v) } elsif value.respond_to?(:in_time_zone) value.in_time_zone end end def convert_time_to_time_zone(value) if value.is_a?(Array) { |v| convert_time_to_time_zone(v) } elsif value.acts_like?(:time) value.in_time_zone else value end end end extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do mattr_accessor :time_zone_aware_attributes, instance_writer: false self.time_zone_aware_attributes = false class_attribute :skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes, instance_writer: false self.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes = [] end module ClassMethods private def inherited(subclass) # We need to apply this decorator here, rather than on module inclusion. The closure # created by the matcher would otherwise evaluate for `ActiveRecord::Base`, not the # sub class being decorated. As such, changes to `time_zone_aware_attributes`, or # `skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes` would not be picked up. subclass.class_eval do matcher = ->(name, type) { create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(name, type) } decorate_matching_attribute_types(matcher, :_time_zone_conversion) do |type| end end super end def create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(name, cast_type) time_zone_aware_attributes && !self.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes.include?(name.to_sym) && (:datetime == cast_type.type) end end end end end