module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods module TimeZoneConversion class Type # :nodoc: def initialize(column) @column = column end def type_cast(value) value = @column.type_cast(value) value.acts_like?(:time) ? value.in_time_zone : value end def type @column.type end end extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do mattr_accessor :time_zone_aware_attributes, instance_writer: false self.time_zone_aware_attributes = false class_attribute :skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes, instance_writer: false self.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes = [] end module ClassMethods protected # Defined for all +datetime+ and +timestamp+ attributes when +time_zone_aware_attributes+ are enabled. # This enhanced write method will automatically convert the time passed to it to the zone stored in def define_method_attribute=(attr_name) if create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(attr_name, columns_hash[attr_name]) method_body, line = <<-EOV, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attr_name}=(time) time_with_zone = time.respond_to?(:in_time_zone) ? time.in_time_zone : nil previous_time = attribute_changed?("#{attr_name}") ? changed_attributes["#{attr_name}"] : read_attribute(:#{attr_name}) write_attribute(:#{attr_name}, time) #{attr_name}_will_change! if previous_time != time_with_zone @attributes_cache["#{attr_name}"] = time_with_zone end EOV generated_attribute_methods.module_eval(method_body, __FILE__, line) else super end end private def create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(name, column) time_zone_aware_attributes && !self.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes.include?(name.to_sym) && (:datetime == column.type || :timestamp == column.type) end end end end end