require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors' module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods module Dirty # :nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Dirty included do if self < ::ActiveRecord::Timestamp raise "You cannot include Dirty after Timestamp" end class_attribute :partial_writes, instance_writer: false self.partial_writes = true end # Attempts to +save+ the record and clears changed attributes if successful. def save(*) if status = super changes_applied end status end # Attempts to save! the record and clears changed attributes if successful. def save!(*) super.tap do changes_applied end end # reload the record and clears changed attributes. def reload(*) super.tap do reset_changes end end def initialize_dup(other) # :nodoc: super init_changed_attributes end def changed? super || changed_in_place.any? end def changed super | changed_in_place end def attribute_changed?(attr_name, options = {}) result = super # We can't change "from" something in place. Only setters can define # "from" and "to" result ||= changed_in_place?(attr_name) unless options.key?(:from) result end def changes_applied super store_original_raw_attributes end def reset_changes super original_raw_attributes.clear end private def initialize_internals_callback super init_changed_attributes end def init_changed_attributes @changed_attributes = nil # Intentionally avoid using #column_defaults since overridden defaults (as is done in # optimistic locking) won't get written unless they get marked as changed self.class.columns.each do |c| attr, orig_value =, c.default changed_attributes[attr] = orig_value if _field_changed?(attr, orig_value) end end # Wrap write_attribute to remember original attribute value. def write_attribute(attr, value) attr = attr.to_s old_value = old_attribute_value(attr) result = super store_original_raw_attribute(attr) save_changed_attribute(attr, old_value) result end def raw_write_attribute(attr, value) attr = attr.to_s result = super original_raw_attributes[attr] = value result end def save_changed_attribute(attr, old_value) if attribute_changed?(attr) changed_attributes.delete(attr) unless _field_changed?(attr, old_value) else changed_attributes[attr] = old_value if _field_changed?(attr, old_value) end end def old_attribute_value(attr) if attribute_changed?(attr) changed_attributes[attr] else clone_attribute_value(:read_attribute, attr) end end def _update_record(*) partial_writes? ? super(keys_for_partial_write) : super end def _create_record(*) partial_writes? ? super(keys_for_partial_write) : super end # Serialized attributes should always be written in case they've been # changed in place. def keys_for_partial_write changed end def _field_changed?(attr, old_value) attribute_named(attr).changed_from?(old_value) end def changed_in_place do |attr_name| changed_in_place?(attr_name) end end def changed_in_place?(attr_name) old_value = original_raw_attribute(attr_name) attribute_named(attr_name).changed_in_place_from?(old_value) end def original_raw_attribute(attr_name) original_raw_attributes.fetch(attr_name) do read_attribute_before_type_cast(attr_name) end end def original_raw_attributes @original_raw_attributes ||= {} end def store_original_raw_attribute(attr_name) original_raw_attributes[attr_name] = attribute_named(attr_name).value_for_database end def store_original_raw_attributes attribute_names.each do |attr| store_original_raw_attribute(attr) end end end end end