# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors" require_relative "../attribute_mutation_tracker" module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods module Dirty extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Dirty included do if self < ::ActiveRecord::Timestamp raise "You cannot include Dirty after Timestamp" end class_attribute :partial_writes, instance_writer: false, default: true after_create { changes_applied } after_update { changes_applied } # Attribute methods for "changed in last call to save?" attribute_method_affix(prefix: "saved_change_to_", suffix: "?") attribute_method_prefix("saved_change_to_") attribute_method_suffix("_before_last_save") # Attribute methods for "will change if I call save?" attribute_method_affix(prefix: "will_save_change_to_", suffix: "?") attribute_method_suffix("_change_to_be_saved", "_in_database") end # reload the record and clears changed attributes. def reload(*) super.tap do @mutations_before_last_save = nil clear_mutation_trackers @changed_attributes = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new end end def initialize_dup(other) # :nodoc: super @attributes = self.class._default_attributes.map do |attr| attr.with_value_from_user(@attributes.fetch_value(attr.name)) end clear_mutation_trackers end def changes_applied # :nodoc: @mutations_before_last_save = mutation_tracker @mutations_from_database = AttributeMutationTracker.new(@attributes) @changed_attributes = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new forget_attribute_assignments clear_mutation_trackers end def clear_changes_information # :nodoc: @mutations_before_last_save = nil @changed_attributes = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new forget_attribute_assignments clear_mutation_trackers end def clear_attribute_changes(attr_names) # :nodoc: super attr_names.each do |attr_name| clear_attribute_change(attr_name) end end def changed_attributes # :nodoc: # This should only be set by methods which will call changed_attributes # multiple times when it is known that the computed value cannot change. if defined?(@cached_changed_attributes) @cached_changed_attributes else super.reverse_merge(mutation_tracker.changed_values).freeze end end def changes # :nodoc: cache_changed_attributes do super end end def previous_changes # :nodoc: mutations_before_last_save.changes end def attribute_changed_in_place?(attr_name) # :nodoc: mutation_tracker.changed_in_place?(attr_name) end # Did this attribute change when we last saved? This method can be invoked # as +saved_change_to_name?+ instead of saved_change_to_attribute?("name"). # Behaves similarly to +attribute_changed?+. This method is useful in # after callbacks to determine if the call to save changed a certain # attribute. # # ==== Options # # +from+ When passed, this method will return false unless the original # value is equal to the given option # # +to+ When passed, this method will return false unless the value was # changed to the given value def saved_change_to_attribute?(attr_name, **options) mutations_before_last_save.changed?(attr_name, **options) end # Returns the change to an attribute during the last save. If the # attribute was changed, the result will be an array containing the # original value and the saved value. # # Behaves similarly to +attribute_change+. This method is useful in after # callbacks, to see the change in an attribute that just occurred # # This method can be invoked as +saved_change_to_name+ in instead of # saved_change_to_attribute("name") def saved_change_to_attribute(attr_name) mutations_before_last_save.change_to_attribute(attr_name) end # Returns the original value of an attribute before the last save. # Behaves similarly to +attribute_was+. This method is useful in after # callbacks to get the original value of an attribute before the save that # just occurred def attribute_before_last_save(attr_name) mutations_before_last_save.original_value(attr_name) end # Did the last call to +save+ have any changes to change? def saved_changes? mutations_before_last_save.any_changes? end # Returns a hash containing all the changes that were just saved. def saved_changes mutations_before_last_save.changes end # Alias for +attribute_changed?+ def will_save_change_to_attribute?(attr_name, **options) mutations_from_database.changed?(attr_name, **options) end # Alias for +attribute_change+ def attribute_change_to_be_saved(attr_name) mutations_from_database.change_to_attribute(attr_name) end # Alias for +attribute_was+ def attribute_in_database(attr_name) mutations_from_database.original_value(attr_name) end # Alias for +changed?+ def has_changes_to_save? mutations_from_database.any_changes? end # Alias for +changes+ def changes_to_save mutations_from_database.changes end # Alias for +changed+ def changed_attribute_names_to_save changes_to_save.keys end # Alias for +changed_attributes+ def attributes_in_database changes_to_save.transform_values(&:first) end private def write_attribute_without_type_cast(attr_name, _) result = super clear_attribute_change(attr_name) result end def mutation_tracker unless defined?(@mutation_tracker) @mutation_tracker = nil end @mutation_tracker ||= AttributeMutationTracker.new(@attributes) end def mutations_from_database unless defined?(@mutations_from_database) @mutations_from_database = nil end @mutations_from_database ||= mutation_tracker end def changes_include?(attr_name) super || mutation_tracker.changed?(attr_name) end def clear_attribute_change(attr_name) mutation_tracker.forget_change(attr_name) mutations_from_database.forget_change(attr_name) end def attribute_will_change!(attr_name) super mutations_from_database.force_change(attr_name) end def _update_record(*) partial_writes? ? super(keys_for_partial_write) : super end def _create_record(*) partial_writes? ? super(keys_for_partial_write) : super end def keys_for_partial_write changed_attribute_names_to_save & self.class.column_names end def forget_attribute_assignments @attributes = @attributes.map(&:forgetting_assignment) end def clear_mutation_trackers @mutation_tracker = nil @mutations_from_database = nil end def mutations_before_last_save @mutations_before_last_save ||= NullMutationTracker.instance end def cache_changed_attributes @cached_changed_attributes = changed_attributes yield ensure clear_changed_attributes_cache end def clear_changed_attributes_cache remove_instance_variable(:@cached_changed_attributes) if defined?(@cached_changed_attributes) end end end end