module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods #:nodoc: DEFAULT_SUFFIXES = %w(= ? _before_type_cast) def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.attribute_method_suffix *DEFAULT_SUFFIXES end # Declare and check for suffixed attribute methods. module ClassMethods # Declare a method available for all attributes with the given suffix. # Uses method_missing and respond_to? to rewrite the method # #{attr}#{suffix}(*args, &block) # to # attribute#{suffix}(#{attr}, *args, &block) # # An attribute#{suffix} instance method must exist and accept at least # the attr argument. # # For example: # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # attribute_method_suffix '_changed?' # # private # def attribute_changed?(attr) # ... # end # end # # person = Person.find(1) # person.name_changed? # => false # = 'Hubert' # person.name_changed? # => true def attribute_method_suffix(*suffixes) attribute_method_suffixes.concat suffixes rebuild_attribute_method_regexp end # Returns MatchData if method_name is an attribute method. def match_attribute_method?(method_name) rebuild_attribute_method_regexp unless defined?(@@attribute_method_regexp) && @@attribute_method_regexp @@attribute_method_regexp.match(method_name) end private # Suffixes a, ?, c become regexp /(a|\?|c)$/ def rebuild_attribute_method_regexp suffixes = { |s| Regexp.escape(s) } @@attribute_method_regexp = /(#{suffixes.join('|')})$/.freeze end # Default to =, ?, _before_type_cast def attribute_method_suffixes @@attribute_method_suffixes ||= [] end end private # Handle *? for method_missing. def attribute?(attribute_name) query_attribute(attribute_name) end # Handle *= for method_missing. def attribute=(attribute_name, value) write_attribute(attribute_name, value) end # Handle *_before_type_cast for method_missing. def attribute_before_type_cast(attribute_name) read_attribute_before_type_cast(attribute_name) end end end