# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module AttributeDecorators # :nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :attribute_type_decorations, instance_accessor: false, default: TypeDecorator.new # :internal: end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: # This method is an internal API used to create class macros such as # +serialize+, and features like time zone aware attributes. # # Used to wrap the type of an attribute in a new type. # When the schema for a model is loaded, attributes with the same name as # +column_name+ will have their type yielded to the given block. The # return value of that block will be used instead. # # Subsequent calls where +column_name+ and +decorator_name+ are the same # will override the previous decorator, not decorate twice. This can be # used to create idempotent class macros like +serialize+ def decorate_attribute_type(column_name, decorator_name, &block) matcher = ->(name, _) { name == column_name.to_s } key = "_#{column_name}_#{decorator_name}" decorate_matching_attribute_types(matcher, key, &block) end # This method is an internal API used to create higher level features like # time zone aware attributes. # # When the schema for a model is loaded, +matcher+ will be called for each # attribute with its name and type. If the matcher returns a truthy value, # the type will then be yielded to the given block, and the return value # of that block will replace the type. # # Subsequent calls to this method with the same value for +decorator_name+ # will replace the previous decorator, not decorate twice. This can be # used to ensure that class macros are idempotent. def decorate_matching_attribute_types(matcher, decorator_name, &block) reload_schema_from_cache decorator_name = decorator_name.to_s # Create new hashes so we don't modify parent classes self.attribute_type_decorations = attribute_type_decorations.merge(decorator_name => [matcher, block]) end private def load_schema! super attribute_types.each do |name, type| decorated_type = attribute_type_decorations.apply(name, type) define_attribute(name, decorated_type) end end end class TypeDecorator # :nodoc: delegate :clear, to: :@decorations def initialize(decorations = {}) @decorations = decorations end def merge(*args) TypeDecorator.new(@decorations.merge(*args)) end def apply(name, type) decorations = decorators_for(name, type) decorations.inject(type) do |new_type, block| block.call(new_type) end end private def decorators_for(name, type) matching(name, type).map(&:last) end def matching(name, type) @decorations.values.select do |(matcher, _)| matcher.call(name, type) end end end end end