module ActiveRecord module Associations class JoinDependency # :nodoc: autoload :JoinBase, 'active_record/associations/join_dependency/join_base' autoload :JoinAssociation, 'active_record/associations/join_dependency/join_association' attr_reader :alias_tracker, :base_klass def self.make_tree(associations) hash = {} walk_tree associations, hash hash end def self.walk_tree(associations, hash) case associations when Symbol, String hash[associations.to_sym] ||= {} when Array associations.each do |assoc| walk_tree assoc, hash end when Hash associations.each do |k,v| cache = hash[k] ||= {} walk_tree v, cache end else raise ConfigurationError, associations.inspect end end # base is the base class on which operation is taking place. # associations is the list of associations which are joined using hash, symbol or array. # joins is the list of all string join commnads and arel nodes. # # Example : # # class Physician < ActiveRecord::Base # has_many :appointments # has_many :patients, through: :appointments # end # # If I execute `@physician.patients.to_a` then # base #=> Physician # associations #=> [] # joins #=> [# Physician # associations #=> [:appointments] # joins #=> [] # def initialize(base, associations, joins) @base_klass = base @table_joins = joins @join_parts = @alias_tracker =, joins) @alias_tracker.aliased_name_for(base.table_name) # Updates the count for base.table_name to 1 tree = self.class.make_tree associations build tree, @join_parts, Arel::InnerJoin end class Node # :nodoc: include Enumerable attr_reader :join_part, :children def initialize(join_part) @join_part = join_part @children = [] end def association_hash association_hash_iter children, {} end def each yield self iter = lambda { |list| list.each { |item| yield item item.children } } children end private def association_hash_iter nodes, acc nodes.each { |node| h = acc[] ||= {} association_hash_iter node.children, h } acc end end def join_parts end def graft(*associations) join_assocs = join_associations associations.reject { |association| join_assocs.detect { |a| association == a } }.each { |association| join_node = find_parent_node(association.parent) || @join_parts type = association.join_type find_or_build_scalar association.reflection, join_node, type } self end def join_associations join_parts.drop 1 end def reflections end def join_relation(relation) join_associations.inject(relation) do |rel,association| association.join_relation(rel) end end def columns join_parts.collect { |join_part| table = join_part.aliased_table join_part.column_names_with_alias.collect{ |column_name, aliased_name| table[column_name].as Arel.sql(aliased_name) } }.flatten end def instantiate(result_set) primary_key = join_base.aliased_primary_key parents = {} type_caster = result_set.column_type primary_key assoc = associations records = { |row_hash| primary_id = type_caster.type_cast row_hash[primary_key] parent = parents[primary_id] ||= join_base.instantiate(row_hash) construct(parent, assoc, join_associations, row_hash, result_set) parent }.uniq remove_duplicate_results!(base_klass, records, assoc) records end private def associations @join_parts.association_hash end def find_parent_node(parent) @join_parts.find { |node| join_part = node.join_part case parent when JoinBase parent.base_klass == join_part.base_klass else parent == join_part end } end def join_base @join_parts.join_part end def remove_duplicate_results!(base, records, associations) associations.each_key do |name| reflection = base.reflect_on_association(name) remove_uniq_by_reflection(reflection, records) parent_records = [] records.each do |record| if descendant = record.send( if reflection.collection? parent_records.concat else parent_records << descendant end end end unless parent_records.empty? remove_duplicate_results!(reflection.klass, parent_records, associations[name]) end end end def find_reflection(klass, name) klass.reflect_on_association(name.intern) or raise ConfigurationError, "Association named '#{ name }' was not found on #{ }; perhaps you misspelled it?" end def build(associations, root, join_type) parent = root.join_part associations.each do |name, right| reflection = find_reflection parent.base_klass, name join_association = build_join_association reflection, parent, join_type root.children << join_association build right, join_association, join_type end end def find_or_build_scalar(reflection, node, join_type) parent = node.join_part unless join_association = find_join_association(reflection, node.join_part) join_association = build_join_association(reflection, parent, join_type) node.children << join_association end join_association end def find_join_association(reflection, parent) join_associations.detect { |j| j.reflection == reflection && j.parent == parent } end def remove_uniq_by_reflection(reflection, records) if reflection && reflection.collection? records.each { |record| record.send(! } end end def build_join_association(reflection, parent, join_type) reflection.check_validity! if reflection.options[:polymorphic] raise end part =, join_parts.length, parent, join_type, alias_tracker) part end def construct(parent, associations, join_parts, row, rs) associations.sort_by { |k,_| k.to_s }.each do |association_name, assoc| association = construct_scalar(parent, association_name, join_parts, row, rs) construct(association, assoc, join_parts, row, rs) if association end end def construct_scalar(parent, associations, join_parts, row, rs) name = associations.to_s join_part = join_parts.detect { |j| == name && j.parent_table_name == parent.class.table_name } raise(ConfigurationError, "No such association") unless join_part join_parts.delete(join_part) construct_association(parent, join_part, row, rs) end def construct_association(record, join_part, row, rs) caster = rs.column_type(join_part.parent.aliased_primary_key) row_id = caster.type_cast row[join_part.parent.aliased_primary_key] return if != row_id macro = join_part.reflection.macro if macro == :has_one return record.association( if record.association_cache.key?( association = join_part.instantiate(row) unless row[join_part.aliased_primary_key].nil? set_target_and_inverse(join_part, association, record) else association = join_part.instantiate(row) unless row[join_part.aliased_primary_key].nil? case macro when :has_many other = record.association( other.loaded! if association other.set_inverse_instance(association) when :belongs_to set_target_and_inverse(join_part, association, record) else raise ConfigurationError, "unknown macro: #{join_part.reflection.macro}" end end association end def set_target_and_inverse(join_part, association, record) other = record.association( = association other.set_inverse_instance(association) end end end end