module ActiveRecord module Associations class HasOneAssociation < BelongsToAssociation #:nodoc: def initialize(owner, reflection) super construct_sql end def create(attrs = {}, replace_existing = true) new_record(replace_existing) { |klass| klass.create(attrs) } end def create!(attrs = {}, replace_existing = true) new_record(replace_existing) { |klass| klass.create!(attrs) } end def build(attrs = {}, replace_existing = true) new_record(replace_existing) { |klass| } end def replace(obj, dont_save = false) load_target unless @target.nil? if dependent? && !dont_save && @target != obj @target.destroy unless @target.new_record? @owner.clear_association_cache else @target[@reflection.primary_key_name] = nil unless @owner.new_record? || @target.new_record? end end if obj.nil? @target = nil else raise_on_type_mismatch(obj) set_belongs_to_association_for(obj) @target = (AssociationProxy === obj ? : obj) end @loaded = true unless @owner.new_record? or obj.nil? or dont_save return ( ? self : false) else return (obj.nil? ? nil : self) end end private def find_target @reflection.klass.find(:first, :conditions => @finder_sql, :order => @reflection.options[:order], :include => @reflection.options[:include], :readonly => @reflection.options[:readonly] ) end def construct_sql case when @reflection.options[:as] @finder_sql = "#{@reflection.quoted_table_name}.#{@reflection.options[:as]}_id = #{@owner.quoted_id} AND " + "#{@reflection.quoted_table_name}.#{@reflection.options[:as]}_type = #{@owner.class.quote_value(}" else @finder_sql = "#{@reflection.quoted_table_name}.#{@reflection.primary_key_name} = #{@owner.quoted_id}" end @finder_sql << " AND (#{conditions})" if conditions end def construct_scope create_scoping = {} set_belongs_to_association_for(create_scoping) { :create => create_scoping } end def new_record(replace_existing) # Make sure we load the target first, if we plan on replacing the existing # instance. Otherwise, if the target has not previously been loaded # elsewhere, the instance we create will get orphaned. load_target if replace_existing record = @reflection.klass.send(:with_scope, :create => construct_scope[:create]) { yield @reflection.klass } if replace_existing replace(record, true) else record[@reflection.primary_key_name] = unless @owner.new_record? = record end record end end end end