module ActiveRecord # = Active Record Has Many Through Association module Associations class HasManyThroughAssociation < HasManyAssociation #:nodoc: include ThroughAssociation def initialize(owner, reflection) super @through_records = {} @through_association = nil end def concat(*records) unless owner.new_record? records.flatten.each do |record| raise_on_type_mismatch!(record) end end super end def concat_records(records) ensure_not_nested records = super(records, true) if owner.new_record? && records records.flatten.each do |record| build_through_record(record) end end records end def insert_record(record, validate = true, raise = false) ensure_not_nested if record.new_record? || record.has_changes_to_save? return unless super end save_through_record(record) record end private def through_association @through_association ||= owner.association( end # The through record (built with build_record) is temporarily cached # so that it may be reused if insert_record is subsequently called. # # However, after insert_record has been called, the cache is cleared in # order to allow multiple instances of the same record in an association. def build_through_record(record) @through_records[record.object_id] ||= begin ensure_mutable through_record =*options_for_through_record) through_record.send("#{}=", record) if options[:source_type] through_record.send("#{source_reflection.foreign_type}=", options[:source_type]) end through_record end end def options_for_through_record [through_scope_attributes] end def through_scope_attributes scope.where_values_hash( except!(through_association.reflection.foreign_key, through_association.reflection.klass.inheritance_column) end def save_through_record(record) association = build_through_record(record) if association.changed?! end ensure @through_records.delete(record.object_id) end def build_record(attributes) ensure_not_nested record = super(attributes) inverse = source_reflection.inverse_of if inverse if inverse.collection? record.send( << build_through_record(record) elsif inverse.has_one? record.send("#{}=", build_through_record(record)) end end record end def target_reflection_has_associated_record? !(through_reflection.belongs_to? && owner[through_reflection.foreign_key].blank?) end def update_through_counter?(method) case method when :destroy !through_reflection.inverse_updates_counter_cache? when :nullify false else true end end def delete_or_nullify_all_records(method) delete_records(load_target, method) end def delete_records(records, method) ensure_not_nested scope = through_association.scope scope.where! construct_join_attributes(*records) case method when :destroy if scope.klass.primary_key count = scope.destroy_all.length else scope.each(&:_run_destroy_callbacks) arel = scope.arel stmt = stmt.from scope.klass.arel_table stmt.wheres = arel.constraints count = scope.klass.connection.delete(stmt, "SQL", scope.bound_attributes) end when :nullify count = scope.update_all(source_reflection.foreign_key => nil) else count = scope.delete_all end delete_through_records(records) if source_reflection.options[:counter_cache] && method != :destroy counter = source_reflection.counter_cache_column klass.decrement_counter counter, end if through_reflection.collection? && update_through_counter?(method) update_counter(-count, through_reflection) else update_counter(-count) end end def through_records_for(record) attributes = construct_join_attributes(record) candidates = Array.wrap( candidates.find_all do |c| attributes.all? do |key, value| c.public_send(key) == value end end end def delete_through_records(records) records.each do |record| through_records = through_records_for(record) if through_reflection.collection? through_records.each { |r| } else if through_records.include?( = nil end end @through_records.delete(record.object_id) end end def find_target return [] unless target_reflection_has_associated_record? super end # NOTE - not sure that we can actually cope with inverses here def invertible_for?(record) false end end end end