require "active_record/associations/through_association_scope" module ActiveRecord module Associations class HasManyThroughAssociation < HasManyAssociation #:nodoc: include ThroughAssociationScope alias_method :new, :build def create!(attrs = nil) ensure_owner_is_not_new transaction do self << (object = attrs ? @reflection.klass.send(:with_scope, :create => attrs) { @reflection.create_association! } : @reflection.create_association!) object end end def create(attrs = nil) ensure_owner_is_not_new transaction do object = attrs ? @reflection.klass.send(:with_scope, :create => attrs) { @reflection.create_association } : @reflection.create_association raise_on_type_mismatch(object) add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(object) do |r| insert_record(object, false) end object end end def destroy(*records) transaction do delete_records(flatten_deeper(records)) super end end # Returns the size of the collection by executing a SELECT COUNT(*) query if the collection hasn't been loaded and # calling collection.size if it has. If it's more likely than not that the collection does have a size larger than zero, # and you need to fetch that collection afterwards, it'll take one fewer SELECT query if you use #length. def size return @owner.send(:read_attribute, cached_counter_attribute_name) if has_cached_counter? return @target.size if loaded? return count end protected def target_reflection_has_associated_record? if @reflection.through_reflection.macro == :belongs_to && @owner[@reflection.through_reflection.primary_key_name].blank? false else true end end def construct_find_options!(options) options[:select] = construct_select(options[:select]) options[:from] ||= construct_from options[:joins] = construct_joins(options[:joins]) options[:include] = @reflection.source_reflection.options[:include] if options[:include].nil? && @reflection.source_reflection.options[:include] end def insert_record(record, force = true, validate = true) if record.new_record? if force! else return false unless end end through_reflection = @reflection.through_reflection klass = through_reflection.klass @owner.send( << klass.send(:with_scope, :create => construct_join_attributes(record)) { through_reflection.create_association! } end # TODO - add dependent option support def delete_records(records) klass = @reflection.through_reflection.klass records.each do |associate| klass.delete_all(construct_join_attributes(associate)) end end def find_target return [] unless target_reflection_has_associated_record? with_scope(construct_scope) { @reflection.klass.find(:all) } end def construct_sql case when @reflection.options[:finder_sql] @finder_sql = interpolate_sql(@reflection.options[:finder_sql]) @finder_sql = "#{@reflection.quoted_table_name}.#{@reflection.primary_key_name} = #{owner_quoted_id}" @finder_sql << " AND (#{conditions})" if conditions else @finder_sql = construct_conditions end construct_counter_sql end def has_cached_counter? @owner.attribute_present?(cached_counter_attribute_name) end def cached_counter_attribute_name "#{}_count" end # NOTE - not sure that we can actually cope with inverses here def we_can_set_the_inverse_on_this?(record) false end end end end