module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder class HasMany < CollectionAssociation #:nodoc: def macro :has_many end def valid_options super + [:primary_key, :dependent, :as, :through, :source, :source_type, :inverse_of] end def build reflection = super configure_dependency reflection end private def configure_dependency if dependent = options[:dependent] check_valid_dependent! dependent, [:destroy, :delete_all, :nullify, :restrict] dependent_restrict_deprecation_warning if dependent == :restrict send("define_#{dependent}_dependency_method") model.before_destroy dependency_method_name end end def define_destroy_dependency_method name = mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do send(name).each do |o| # No point in executing the counter update since we're going to destroy the parent anyway o.mark_for_destruction end send(name).delete_all end end def define_delete_all_dependency_method name = mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do association(name).delete_all end end def define_nullify_dependency_method name = mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do send(name).delete_all end end def dependency_method_name "has_many_dependent_for_#{name}" end end end