module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder class HasAndBelongsToMany < CollectionAssociation #:nodoc: self.macro = :has_and_belongs_to_many self.valid_options += [:join_table, :association_foreign_key, :delete_sql, :insert_sql] def build reflection = super check_validity(reflection) define_after_destroy_method reflection end private def define_after_destroy_method name = model.send(:class_eval, <<-eoruby, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{after_destroy_method_name} association(#{name.to_sym.inspect}).delete_all end eoruby model.after_destroy after_destroy_method_name end def after_destroy_method_name "has_and_belongs_to_many_after_destroy_for_#{name}" end # TODO: These checks should probably be moved into the Reflection, and we should not be # redefining the options[:join_table] value - instead we should define a # reflection.join_table method. def check_validity(reflection) if reflection.association_foreign_key == reflection.foreign_key raise end reflection.options[:join_table] ||= join_table_name( model.send(:undecorated_table_name, model.to_s), model.send(:undecorated_table_name, reflection.class_name) ) end # Generates a join table name from two provided table names. # The names in the join table names end up in lexicographic order. # # join_table_name("members", "clubs") # => "clubs_members" # join_table_name("members", "special_clubs") # => "members_special_clubs" def join_table_name(first_table_name, second_table_name) if first_table_name < second_table_name join_table = "#{first_table_name}_#{second_table_name}" else join_table = "#{second_table_name}_#{first_table_name}" end model.table_name_prefix + join_table + model.table_name_suffix end end end