module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder class Association #:nodoc: class << self attr_accessor :valid_options end self.valid_options = [:class_name, :foreign_key, :validate] attr_reader :model, :name, :scope, :options, :reflection def*args, &block) new(*args, &block).build end def initialize(model, name, scope, options) @model = model @name = name if scope.is_a?(Hash) @scope = nil @options = scope else @scope = scope @options = options end if @scope && @scope.arity == 0 prev_scope = @scope @scope = proc { instance_exec(&prev_scope) } end end def mixin @model.generated_feature_methods end include { def build; end } def build validate_options define_accessors @reflection = model.create_reflection(macro, name, scope, options, model) super # provides an extension point @reflection end def macro raise NotImplementedError end def valid_options Association.valid_options end private def validate_options options.assert_valid_keys(valid_options) end def define_accessors define_readers define_writers end def define_readers name = mixin.redefine_method(name) do |*params| association(name).reader(*params) end end def define_writers name = mixin.redefine_method("#{name}=") do |value| association(name).writer(value) end end def dependent_restrict_raises? ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises == true end def dependent_restrict_deprecation_warning if dependent_restrict_raises? msg = "In the next release, `:dependent => :restrict` will not raise a `DeleteRestrictionError`. "\ "Instead, it will add an error on the model. To fix this warning, make sure your code " \ "isn't relying on a `DeleteRestrictionError` and then add " \ "`config.active_record.dependent_restrict_raises = false` to your application config." ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn msg end end def define_restrict_dependency_method name = mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do has_one_macro = association(name).reflection.macro == :has_one if has_one_macro ? !send(name).nil? : send(name).exists? if dependent_restrict_raises? raise else key = has_one_macro ? "one" : "many" errors.add(:base, :"restrict_dependent_destroy.#{key}", :record => self.class.human_attribute_name(name).downcase) return false end end end end end end