module ActiveRecord module Associations class AssociationScope #:nodoc: include JoinHelper attr_reader :association, :alias_tracker delegate :klass, :owner, :reflection, :interpolate, :to => :association delegate :chain, :scope_chain, :options, :source_options, :active_record, :to => :reflection def initialize(association) @association = association @alias_tracker = klass.connection end def scope scope = klass.unscoped scope.extending! Array(options[:extend]) add_constraints(scope) end private def column_for(table_name, column_name) columns = alias_tracker.connection.schema_cache.columns_hash(table_name) columns[column_name] end def bind_value(scope, column, value) substitute = alias_tracker.connection.substitute_at( column, scope.bind_values.length) scope.bind_values += [[column, value]] substitute end def bind(scope, table_name, column_name, value) column = column_for table_name, column_name bind_value scope, column, value end def add_constraints(scope) tables = construct_tables chain.each_with_index do |reflection, i| table, foreign_table = tables.shift, tables.first if reflection.source_macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many join_table = tables.shift scope = scope.joins(join( join_table, table[reflection.association_primary_key]. eq(join_table[reflection.association_foreign_key]) )) table, foreign_table = join_table, tables.first end if reflection.source_macro == :belongs_to if reflection.options[:polymorphic] key = reflection.association_primary_key(self.klass) else key = reflection.association_primary_key end foreign_key = reflection.foreign_key else key = reflection.foreign_key foreign_key = reflection.active_record_primary_key end if reflection == chain.last bind_val = bind scope, table.table_name, key.to_s, owner[foreign_key] scope = scope.where(table[key].eq(bind_val)) if reflection.type value = bind_val = bind scope, table.table_name, reflection.type.to_s, value scope = scope.where(table[reflection.type].eq(bind_val)) end else constraint = table[key].eq(foreign_table[foreign_key]) if reflection.type type = chain[i + 1] constraint = constraint.and(table[reflection.type].eq(type)) end scope = scope.joins(join(foreign_table, constraint)) end # Exclude the scope of the association itself, because that # was already merged in the #scope method. scope_chain[i].each do |scope_chain_item| klass = i == 0 ? self.klass : reflection.klass item = eval_scope(klass, scope_chain_item) if scope_chain_item == self.reflection.scope scope.merge! item.except(:where, :includes, :bind) end scope.includes! item.includes_values scope.where_values += item.where_values scope.order_values |= item.order_values end end scope end def alias_suffix end def table_name_for(reflection) if reflection == self.reflection # If this is a polymorphic belongs_to, we want to get the klass from the # association because it depends on the polymorphic_type attribute of # the owner klass.table_name else super end end def eval_scope(klass, scope) if scope.is_a?(Relation) scope else klass.unscoped.instance_exec(owner, &scope) end end end end end