require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap' require 'active_support/core_ext/enumerable' module ActiveRecord # See ActiveRecord::AssociationPreload::ClassMethods for documentation. module AssociationPreload #:nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Implements the details of eager loading of Active Record associations. # Application developers should not use this module directly. # # ActiveRecord::Base is extended with this module. The source code in # ActiveRecord::Base references methods defined in this module. # # Note that 'eager loading' and 'preloading' are actually the same thing. # However, there are two different eager loading strategies. # # The first one is by using table joins. This was only strategy available # prior to Rails 2.1. Suppose that you have an Author model with columns # 'name' and 'age', and a Book model with columns 'name' and 'sales'. Using # this strategy, Active Record would try to retrieve all data for an author # and all of its books via a single query: # # SELECT * FROM authors # LEFT OUTER JOIN books ON = # WHERE = 'Ken Akamatsu' # # However, this could result in many rows that contain redundant data. After # having received the first row, we already have enough data to instantiate # the Author object. In all subsequent rows, only the data for the joined # 'books' table is useful; the joined 'authors' data is just redundant, and # processing this redundant data takes memory and CPU time. The problem # quickly becomes worse and worse as the level of eager loading increases # (i.e. if Active Record is to eager load the associations' associations as # well). # # The second strategy is to use multiple database queries, one for each # level of association. Since Rails 2.1, this is the default strategy. In # situations where a table join is necessary (e.g. when the +:conditions+ # option references an association's column), it will fallback to the table # join strategy. # # See also ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods, which explains eager # loading in a more high-level (application developer-friendly) manner. module ClassMethods protected # Eager loads the named associations for the given Active Record record(s). # # In this description, 'association name' shall refer to the name passed # to an association creation method. For example, a model that specifies # belongs_to :author, has_many :buyers has association # names +:author+ and +:buyers+. # # == Parameters # +records+ is an array of ActiveRecord::Base. This array needs not be flat, # i.e. +records+ itself may also contain arrays of records. In any case, # +preload_associations+ will preload the all associations records by # flattening +records+. # # +associations+ specifies one or more associations that you want to # preload. It may be: # - a Symbol or a String which specifies a single association name. For # example, specifying +:books+ allows this method to preload all books # for an Author. # - an Array which specifies multiple association names. This array # is processed recursively. For example, specifying [:avatar, :books] # allows this method to preload an author's avatar as well as all of his # books. # - a Hash which specifies multiple association names, as well as # association names for the to-be-preloaded association objects. For # example, specifying { :author => :avatar } will preload a # book's author, as well as that author's avatar. # # +:associations+ has the same format as the +:include+ option for # ActiveRecord::Base.find. So +associations+ could look like this: # # :books # [ :books, :author ] # { :author => :avatar } # [ :books, { :author => :avatar } ] # # +preload_options+ contains options that will be passed to ActiveRecord::Base#find # (which is called under the hood for preloading records). But it is passed # only one level deep in the +associations+ argument, i.e. it's not passed # to the child associations when +associations+ is a Hash. def preload_associations(records, associations, preload_options={}) records = Array.wrap(records).compact.uniq return if records.empty? case associations when Array then associations.each {|association| preload_associations(records, association, preload_options)} when Symbol, String then preload_one_association(records, associations.to_sym, preload_options) when Hash then associations.each do |parent, child| raise "parent must be an association name" unless parent.is_a?(String) || parent.is_a?(Symbol) preload_associations(records, parent, preload_options) reflection = reflections[parent] parents = records.sum { |record| Array.wrap(record.send( } unless parents.empty? parents.first.class.preload_associations(parents, child) end end end end private # Preloads a specific named association for the given records. This is # called by +preload_associations+ as its base case. def preload_one_association(records, association, preload_options={}) class_to_reflection = {} # Not all records have the same class, so group then preload # group on the reflection itself so that if various subclass share the same association then # we do not split them unnecessarily records.group_by { |record| class_to_reflection[record.class] ||= record.class.reflections[association]}.each do |reflection, _records| raise ConfigurationError, "Association named '#{ association }' was not found; perhaps you misspelled it?" unless reflection # 'reflection.macro' can return 'belongs_to', 'has_many', etc. Thus, # the following could call 'preload_belongs_to_association', # 'preload_has_many_association', etc. send("preload_#{reflection.macro}_association", _records, reflection, preload_options) end end def add_preloaded_records_to_collection(parent_records, reflection_name, associated_record) parent_records.each do |parent_record| association_proxy = parent_record.send(reflection_name) association_proxy.loaded association_proxy.send(:set_inverse_instance, associated_record) end end def add_preloaded_record_to_collection(parent_records, reflection_name, associated_record) parent_records.each do |parent_record| parent_record.send(:association_proxy, reflection_name).target = associated_record end end def set_association_collection_records(id_to_parent_map, reflection_name, associated_records, key) associated_records.each do |associated_record| parent_records = id_to_parent_map[associated_record[key].to_s] add_preloaded_records_to_collection(parent_records, reflection_name, associated_record) end end def set_association_single_records(id_to_record_map, reflection_name, associated_records, key) seen_keys = {} associated_records.each do |associated_record| seen_key = associated_record[key].to_s #this is a has_one or belongs_to: there should only be one record. #Unfortunately we can't (in portable way) ask the database for #'all records where foo_id in (x,y,z), but please # only one row per distinct foo_id' so this where we enforce that next if seen_keys.key? seen_key seen_keys[seen_key] = true mapped_records = id_to_record_map[seen_key] mapped_records.each do |mapped_record| association_proxy = mapped_record.send(:association_proxy, reflection_name) = associated_record association_proxy.send(:set_inverse_instance, associated_record) end end id_to_record_map.each do |id, records| next if seen_keys.include?(id.to_s) records.each do |record| record.send(:association_proxy, reflection_name).target = nil end end end # Given a collection of Active Record objects, constructs a Hash which maps # the objects' IDs to the relevant objects. Returns a 2-tuple # (id_to_record_map, ids) where +id_to_record_map+ is the Hash, # and +ids+ is an Array of record IDs. def construct_id_map(records, primary_key=nil) records.group_by do |record| primary_key ||= record.class.primary_key record[primary_key].to_s end end def preload_has_and_belongs_to_many_association(records, reflection, preload_options={}) left = reflection.klass.arel_table id_to_record_map = construct_id_map(records) records.each {|record| record.send(} options = reflection.options right =[:join_table]).alias('t0') join_condition = left[reflection.klass.primary_key].eq( right[reflection.association_foreign_key]) join = left.create_join(right, left.create_on(join_condition)) select = [ # FIXME: options[:select] is always nil in the tests. Do we really # need it? options[:select] || left[], right[reflection.foreign_key].as( Arel.sql('the_parent_record_id')) ] associated_records_proxy = reflection.klass.unscoped. includes(options[:include]). order(options[:order]) associated_records_proxy.joins_values = [join] associated_records_proxy.select_values = select custom_conditions = append_conditions(reflection, preload_options) klass = associated_records_proxy.klass associated_records(id_to_record_map.keys) { |some_ids| method = in_or_equal(some_ids) conditions = right[reflection.foreign_key].send(*method) conditions = custom_conditions.inject(conditions) do |ast, cond| ast.and cond end relation = associated_records_proxy.where(conditions) klass.connection.select_all(relation.arel.to_sql, 'SQL', relation.bind_values) }.map! { |row| parent_records = id_to_record_map[row['the_parent_record_id'].to_s] associated_record = klass.instantiate row add_preloaded_records_to_collection( parent_records,, associated_record) associated_record } end def preload_has_one_association(records, reflection, preload_options={}) return if records.first.send(:association_proxy, id_to_record_map = construct_id_map(records, reflection.options[:primary_key]) options = reflection.options records.each do |record| record.send(:association_proxy, = nil end if options[:through] through_records = preload_through_records(records, reflection, options[:through]) unless through_records.empty? through_reflection = reflections[options[:through]] through_primary_key = through_reflection.foreign_key source = through_records.first.class.preload_associations(through_records, source) if through_reflection.macro == :belongs_to id_to_record_map = construct_id_map(records, through_primary_key) through_primary_key = through_reflection.klass.primary_key end through_records.each do |through_record| add_preloaded_record_to_collection(id_to_record_map[through_record[through_primary_key].to_s],, through_record.send(source)) end end else set_association_single_records(id_to_record_map,, find_associated_records(id_to_record_map.keys, reflection, preload_options), reflection.foreign_key) end end def preload_has_many_association(records, reflection, preload_options={}) return if records.first.send( options = reflection.options foreign_key = reflection.through_reflection_foreign_key id_to_record_map = construct_id_map(records, foreign_key || reflection.options[:primary_key]) records.each {|record| record.send(} if options[:through] through_records = preload_through_records(records, reflection, options[:through]) unless through_records.empty? source = through_records.first.class.preload_associations(through_records, source, options) through_records.each do |through_record| through_record_id = through_record[reflection.through_reflection_primary_key].to_s add_preloaded_records_to_collection(id_to_record_map[through_record_id],, through_record.send(source)) end records.each { |record| record.send(! } if options[:uniq] end else set_association_collection_records(id_to_record_map,, find_associated_records(id_to_record_map.keys, reflection, preload_options), reflection.foreign_key) end end def preload_through_records(records, reflection, through_association) if reflection.options[:source_type] interface = reflection.source_reflection.foreign_type preload_options = {:conditions => ["#{connection.quote_column_name interface} = ?", reflection.options[:source_type]]} records.compact! records.first.class.preload_associations(records, through_association, preload_options) # Dont cache the association - we would only be caching a subset { |record| proxy = record.send(through_association) if proxy.respond_to?(:target) Array.wrap( { proxy.reset } else # this is a has_one :through reflection [proxy].compact end }.flatten(1) else options = {} options[:include] = reflection.options[:include] || reflection.options[:source] if reflection.options[:conditions] options[:order] = reflection.options[:order] options[:conditions] = reflection.options[:conditions] records.first.class.preload_associations(records, through_association, options) { |record| Array.wrap(record.send(through_association)) }.flatten(1) end end def preload_belongs_to_association(records, reflection, preload_options={}) return if records.first.send(:association_proxy, options = reflection.options klasses_and_ids = {} if options[:polymorphic] # Construct a mapping from klass to a list of ids to load and a mapping of those ids back # to their parent_records records.each do |record| if klass = record.send(reflection.foreign_type) klass_id = record.send(reflection.foreign_key) if klass_id id_map = klasses_and_ids[klass.constantize] ||= {} (id_map[klass_id.to_s] ||= []) << record end end end else id_map = records.group_by do |record| key = record.send(reflection.foreign_key) key && key.to_s end klasses_and_ids[reflection.klass] = id_map unless id_map.empty? end klasses_and_ids.each do |klass, _id_map| primary_key = (reflection.options[:primary_key] || klass.primary_key).to_s keys = _id_map.keys.compact unless keys.empty? table = klass.arel_table method = in_or_equal(keys) conditions = table[primary_key].send(*method) custom_conditions = append_conditions(reflection, preload_options) conditions = custom_conditions.inject(conditions) do |ast, cond| ast.and cond end associated_records = klass.unscoped.where(conditions).apply_finder_options(options.slice(:include, :select, :joins, :order)).to_a else associated_records = [] end set_association_single_records(_id_map,, associated_records, primary_key) end end def find_associated_records(ids, reflection, preload_options) options = reflection.options table = reflection.klass.arel_table conditions = [] key = reflection.foreign_key if interface = reflection.options[:as] key = "#{interface}_id" conditions << table["#{interface}_type"].eq(base_class.sti_name) end conditions += append_conditions(reflection, preload_options) find_options = { :select => preload_options[:select] || options[:select] || table[], :include => preload_options[:include] || options[:include], :joins => options[:joins], :group => preload_options[:group] || options[:group], :order => preload_options[:order] || options[:order] } associated_records(ids) do |some_ids| method = in_or_equal(some_ids) where = conditions.inject(table[key].send(*method)) do |ast, cond| ast.and cond end reflection.klass.scoped.apply_finder_options(find_options.merge(:conditions => where)).to_a end end def append_conditions(reflection, preload_options) [ ("(#{reflection.sanitized_conditions})" if reflection.sanitized_conditions), ("(#{sanitize_sql preload_options[:conditions]})" if preload_options[:conditions]), ] { |x| Arel.sql x } end def in_or_equal(ids) ids.length == 1 ? ['eq', ids.first] : ['in', ids] end # Some databases impose a limit on the number of ids in a list (in Oracle its 1000) # Make several smaller queries if necessary or make one query if the adapter supports it def associated_records(ids) in_clause_length = connection.in_clause_length || ids.size records = [] ids.each_slice(in_clause_length) do |some_ids| records.concat yield(some_ids) end records end end end end