require "rake/testtask" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/test/config" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/test/support/config" def run_without_aborting(*tasks) errors = [] tasks.each do |task| begin Rake::Task[task].invoke rescue Exception errors << task end end abort "Errors running #{errors.join(', ')}" if errors.any? end desc "Run mysql2, sqlite, and postgresql tests by default" task :default => :test task :package desc "Run mysql2, sqlite, and postgresql tests" task :test do tasks = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? %w(test_jdbcmysql test_jdbcsqlite3 test_jdbcpostgresql) : %w(test_mysql2 test_sqlite3 test_postgresql) run_without_aborting(*tasks) end namespace :test do task :isolated do tasks = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? %w(isolated_test_jdbcmysql isolated_test_jdbcsqlite3 isolated_test_jdbcpostgresql) : %w(isolated_test_mysql2 isolated_test_sqlite3 isolated_test_postgresql) run_without_aborting(*tasks) end end desc "Build MySQL and PostgreSQL test databases" namespace :db do task :create => ["db:mysql:build", "db:postgresql:build"] task :drop => ["db:mysql:drop", "db:postgresql:drop"] end %w( mysql2 postgresql sqlite3 sqlite3_mem db2 oracle jdbcmysql jdbcpostgresql jdbcsqlite3 jdbcderby jdbch2 jdbchsqldb ).each do |adapter| namespace :test do => "#{adapter}:env") { |t| adapter_short = adapter == "db2" ? adapter : adapter[/^[a-z0-9]+/] t.libs << "test" t.test_files = (Dir.glob( "test/cases/**/*_test.rb" ).reject { |x| x.include?("/adapters/") } + Dir.glob("test/cases/adapters/#{adapter_short}/**/*_test.rb")) t.warning = true t.verbose = true t.ruby_opts = ["--dev"] if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) } namespace :isolated do task adapter => "#{adapter}:env" do adapter_short = adapter == "db2" ? adapter : adapter[/^[a-z0-9]+/] puts [adapter, adapter_short].inspect (Dir["test/cases/**/*_test.rb"].reject { |x| x.include?("/adapters/") } + Dir["test/cases/adapters/#{adapter_short}/**/*_test.rb"]).all? do |file| sh(Gem.ruby, "-w" ,"-Itest", file) end or raise "Failures" end end end namespace adapter do task :test => "test_#{adapter}" task :isolated_test => "isolated_test_#{adapter}" # Set the connection environment for the adapter task(:env) { ENV["ARCONN"] = adapter } end # Make sure the adapter test evaluates the env setting task task "test_#{adapter}" => ["#{adapter}:env", "test:#{adapter}"] task "isolated_test_#{adapter}" => ["#{adapter}:env", "test:isolated:#{adapter}"] end namespace :db do namespace :mysql do desc "Build the MySQL test databases" task :build do config = ARTest.config["connections"]["mysql2"] %x( mysql --user=#{config["arunit"]["username"]} --password=#{config["arunit"]["password"]} -e "create DATABASE #{config["arunit"]["database"]} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ") %x( mysql --user=#{config["arunit2"]["username"]} --password=#{config["arunit2"]["password"]} -e "create DATABASE #{config["arunit2"]["database"]} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ") end desc "Drop the MySQL test databases" task :drop do config = ARTest.config["connections"]["mysql2"] %x( mysqladmin --user=#{config["arunit"]["username"]} --password=#{config["arunit"]["password"]} -f drop #{config["arunit"]["database"]} ) %x( mysqladmin --user=#{config["arunit2"]["username"]} --password=#{config["arunit2"]["password"]} -f drop #{config["arunit2"]["database"]} ) end desc "Rebuild the MySQL test databases" task :rebuild => [:drop, :build] end namespace :postgresql do desc "Build the PostgreSQL test databases" task :build do config = ARTest.config["connections"]["postgresql"] %x( createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 #{config["arunit"]["database"]} ) %x( createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 #{config["arunit2"]["database"]} ) # prepare hstore if %x( createdb --version ).strip.gsub(/(.*)(\d\.\d\.\d)$/, "\\2") < "9.1.0" puts "Please prepare hstore data type. See" end end desc "Drop the PostgreSQL test databases" task :drop do config = ARTest.config["connections"]["postgresql"] %x( dropdb #{config["arunit"]["database"]} ) %x( dropdb #{config["arunit2"]["database"]} ) end desc "Rebuild the PostgreSQL test databases" task :rebuild => [:drop, :build] end end task :build_mysql_databases => "db:mysql:build" task :drop_mysql_databases => "db:mysql:drop" task :rebuild_mysql_databases => "db:mysql:rebuild" task :build_postgresql_databases => "db:postgresql:build" task :drop_postgresql_databases => "db:postgresql:drop" task :rebuild_postgresql_databases => "db:postgresql:rebuild" task :lines do load File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/tools/line_statistics" files = FileList["lib/active_record/**/*.rb"] end