== Configure databases

Copy test/config.example.yml to test/config.yml and edit as needed. Or just run the tests for
the first time, which will do the copy automatically and use the default (sqlite3).

You can build postgres and mysql databases using the build_postgresql and build_mysql rake tasks.

== Running the tests

You can run a particular test file from the command line, e.g.

  $ ruby -Itest test/cases/base_test.rb

To run a specific test:

  $ ruby -Itest test/cases/base_test.rb -n test_something_works

You can run with a database other than the default you set in test/config.yml, using the ARCONN
environment variable:

  $ ARCONN=postgresql ruby -Itest test/cases/base_test.rb

You can run all the tests for a given database via rake:

  $ rake test_mysql

The 'rake test' task will run all the tests for mysql, mysql2, sqlite3 and postgresql.

== Identity Map

By default the tests run with the Identity Map turned off. But all tests should pass whether or
not the identity map is on or off. You can turn it on using the IM env variable:

  $ IM=true ruby -Itest test/case/base_test.rb

== Config file

By default, the config file is expected to be at the path test/config.yml. You can specify a
custom location with the ARCONFIG environment variable.