* Don't impose primary key order if limit() has already been supplied. Fixes #23607 *Brian Christian* * Add environment & load_config dependency to `bin/rake db:seed` to enable seed load in environments without Rails and custom DB configuration *Tobias Bielohlawek* * Fix default value for mysql time types with specified precision. *Nikolay Kondratyev* * Fix `touch` option to behave consistently with `Persistence#touch` method. *Ryuta Kamizono* * Migrations raise when duplicate column definition. Fixes #33024. *Federico Martinez* * Bump minimum SQLite version to 3.8 *Yasuo Honda* * Fix parent record should not get saved with duplicate children records. Fixes #32940. *Santosh Wadghule* * Fix logic on disabling commit callbacks so they are not called unexpectedly when errors occur. *Brian Durand* * Ensure `Associations::CollectionAssociation#size` and `Associations::CollectionAssociation#empty?` use loaded association ids if present. *Graham Turner* * Add support to preload associations of polymorphic associations when not all the records have the requested associations. *Dana Sherson* * Add `touch_all` method to `ActiveRecord::Relation`. Example: Person.where(name: "David").touch_all(time: Time.new(2020, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0)) *fatkodima*, *duggiefresh* * Add `ActiveRecord::Base.base_class?` predicate. *Bogdan Gusiev* * Add custom prefix/suffix options to `ActiveRecord::Store.store_accessor`. *Tan Huynh*, *Yukio Mizuta* * Rails 6 requires Ruby 2.4.1 or newer. *Jeremy Daer* * Deprecate `update_attributes`/`!` in favor of `update`/`!`. *Eddie Lebow* * Add ActiveRecord::Base.create_or_find_by/! to deal with the SELECT/INSERT race condition in ActiveRecord::Base.find_or_create_by/! by leaning on unique constraints in the database. *DHH* * Add `Relation#pick` as short-hand for single-value plucks. *DHH* Please check [5-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-2-stable/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.