# encoding: utf-8 require 'cases/helper' require 'models/topic' require 'models/reply' require 'models/custom_reader' require 'models/automobile' require 'active_support/json' require 'active_support/xml_mini' class ValidationsTest < ActiveModel::TestCase class CustomStrictValidationException < StandardError; end def teardown Topic.clear_validators! end def test_single_field_validation r = Reply.new r.title = "There's no content!" assert r.invalid?, "A reply without content shouldn't be savable" assert r.after_validation_performed, "after_validation callback should be called" r.content = "Messa content!" assert r.valid?, "A reply with content should be savable" assert r.after_validation_performed, "after_validation callback should be called" end def test_single_attr_validation_and_error_msg r = Reply.new r.title = "There's no content!" assert r.invalid? assert r.errors[:content].any?, "A reply without content should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal ["is Empty"], r.errors["content"], "A reply without content should contain an error" assert_equal 1, r.errors.count end def test_double_attr_validation_and_error_msg r = Reply.new assert r.invalid? assert r.errors[:title].any?, "A reply without title should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal ["is Empty"], r.errors["title"], "A reply without title should contain an error" assert r.errors[:content].any?, "A reply without content should mark that attribute as invalid" assert_equal ["is Empty"], r.errors["content"], "A reply without content should contain an error" assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_single_error_per_attr_iteration r = Reply.new r.valid? errors = r.errors.collect {|attr, messages| [attr.to_s, messages]} assert errors.include?(["title", "is Empty"]) assert errors.include?(["content", "is Empty"]) end def test_multiple_errors_per_attr_iteration_with_full_error_composition r = Reply.new r.title = "" r.content = "" r.valid? errors = r.errors.to_a assert_equal "Content is Empty", errors[0] assert_equal "Title is Empty", errors[1] assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_errors_on_nested_attributes_expands_name t = Topic.new t.errors["replies.name"] << "can't be blank" assert_equal ["Replies name can't be blank"], t.errors.full_messages end def test_errors_on_base r = Reply.new r.content = "Mismatch" r.valid? r.errors.add(:base, "Reply is not dignifying") errors = r.errors.to_a.inject([]) { |result, error| result + [error] } assert_equal ["Reply is not dignifying"], r.errors[:base] assert errors.include?("Title is Empty") assert errors.include?("Reply is not dignifying") assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_errors_on_base_with_symbol_message r = Reply.new r.content = "Mismatch" r.valid? r.errors.add(:base, :invalid) errors = r.errors.to_a.inject([]) { |result, error| result + [error] } assert_equal ["is invalid"], r.errors[:base] assert errors.include?("Title is Empty") assert errors.include?("is invalid") assert_equal 2, r.errors.count end def test_errors_empty_after_errors_on_check t = Topic.new assert t.errors[:id].empty? assert t.errors.empty? end def test_validates_each hits = 0 Topic.validates_each(:title, :content, [:title, :content]) do |record, attr| record.errors.add attr, 'gotcha' hits += 1 end t = Topic.new("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.invalid? assert_equal 4, hits assert_equal %w(gotcha gotcha), t.errors[:title] assert_equal %w(gotcha gotcha), t.errors[:content] end def test_validates_each_custom_reader hits = 0 CustomReader.validates_each(:title, :content, [:title, :content]) do |record, attr| record.errors.add attr, 'gotcha' hits += 1 end t = CustomReader.new("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever") assert t.invalid? assert_equal 4, hits assert_equal %w(gotcha gotcha), t.errors[:title] assert_equal %w(gotcha gotcha), t.errors[:content] ensure CustomReader.clear_validators! end def test_validate_block Topic.validate { errors.add("title", "will never be valid") } t = Topic.new("title" => "Title", "content" => "whatever") assert t.invalid? assert t.errors[:title].any? assert_equal ["will never be valid"], t.errors["title"] end def test_validate_block_with_params Topic.validate { |topic| topic.errors.add("title", "will never be valid") } t = Topic.new("title" => "Title", "content" => "whatever") assert t.invalid? assert t.errors[:title].any? assert_equal ["will never be valid"], t.errors["title"] end def test_invalid_validator Topic.validate :i_dont_exist assert_raises(NoMethodError) do t = Topic.new t.valid? end end def test_errors_conversions Topic.validates_presence_of %w(title content) t = Topic.new assert t.invalid? xml = t.errors.to_xml assert_match %r{}, xml assert_match %r{Title can't be blank}, xml assert_match %r{Content can't be blank}, xml hash = {} hash[:title] = ["can't be blank"] hash[:content] = ["can't be blank"] assert_equal t.errors.to_json, hash.to_json end def test_validation_order Topic.validates_presence_of :title Topic.validates_length_of :title, minimum: 2 t = Topic.new("title" => "") assert t.invalid? assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors["title"].first Topic.validates_presence_of :title, :author_name Topic.validate {errors.add('author_email_address', 'will never be valid')} Topic.validates_length_of :title, :content, minimum: 2 t = Topic.new title: '' assert t.invalid? assert_equal :title, key = t.errors.keys[0] assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors[key][0] assert_equal 'is too short (minimum is 2 characters)', t.errors[key][1] assert_equal :author_name, key = t.errors.keys[1] assert_equal "can't be blank", t.errors[key][0] assert_equal :author_email_address, key = t.errors.keys[2] assert_equal 'will never be valid', t.errors[key][0] assert_equal :content, key = t.errors.keys[3] assert_equal 'is too short (minimum is 2 characters)', t.errors[key][0] end def test_validation_with_if_and_on Topic.validates_presence_of :title, if: Proc.new{|x| x.author_name = "bad"; true }, on: :update t = Topic.new(title: "") # If block should not fire assert t.valid? assert t.author_name.nil? # If block should fire assert t.invalid?(:update) assert t.author_name == "bad" end def test_invalid_should_be_the_opposite_of_valid Topic.validates_presence_of :title t = Topic.new assert t.invalid? assert t.errors[:title].any? t.title = 'Things are going to change' assert !t.invalid? end def test_validation_with_message_as_proc Topic.validates_presence_of(:title, message: proc { "no blanks here".upcase }) t = Topic.new assert t.invalid? assert_equal ["NO BLANKS HERE"], t.errors[:title] end def test_list_of_validators_for_model Topic.validates_presence_of :title Topic.validates_length_of :title, minimum: 2 assert_equal 2, Topic.validators.count assert_equal [:presence, :length], Topic.validators.map(&:kind) end def test_list_of_validators_on_an_attribute Topic.validates_presence_of :title, :content Topic.validates_length_of :title, minimum: 2 assert_equal 2, Topic.validators_on(:title).count assert_equal [:presence, :length], Topic.validators_on(:title).map(&:kind) assert_equal 1, Topic.validators_on(:content).count assert_equal [:presence], Topic.validators_on(:content).map(&:kind) end def test_accessing_instance_of_validator_on_an_attribute Topic.validates_length_of :title, minimum: 10 assert_equal 10, Topic.validators_on(:title).first.options[:minimum] end def test_list_of_validators_on_multiple_attributes Topic.validates :title, length: { minimum: 10 } Topic.validates :author_name, presence: true, format: /a/ validators = Topic.validators_on(:title, :author_name) assert_equal [ ActiveModel::Validations::FormatValidator, ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator, ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator ], validators.map { |v| v.class }.sort_by { |c| c.to_s } end def test_list_of_validators_will_be_empty_when_empty Topic.validates :title, length: { minimum: 10 } assert_equal [], Topic.validators_on(:author_name) end def test_validations_on_the_instance_level auto = Automobile.new assert auto.invalid? assert_equal 3, auto.errors.size auto.make = 'Toyota' auto.model = 'Corolla' auto.approved = '1' assert auto.valid? end def test_strict_validation_in_validates Topic.validates :title, strict: true, presence: true assert_raises ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed do Topic.new.valid? end end def test_strict_validation_not_fails Topic.validates :title, strict: true, presence: true assert Topic.new(title: "hello").valid? end def test_strict_validation_particular_validator Topic.validates :title, presence: { strict: true } assert_raises ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed do Topic.new.valid? end end def test_strict_validation_in_custom_validator_helper Topic.validates_presence_of :title, strict: true assert_raises ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed do Topic.new.valid? end end def test_strict_validation_custom_exception Topic.validates_presence_of :title, strict: CustomStrictValidationException assert_raises CustomStrictValidationException do Topic.new.valid? end end def test_validates_with_bang Topic.validates! :title, presence: true assert_raises ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed do Topic.new.valid? end end def test_validates_with_false_hash_value Topic.validates :title, presence: false assert Topic.new.valid? end def test_strict_validation_error_message Topic.validates :title, strict: true, presence: true exception = assert_raises(ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed) do Topic.new.valid? end assert_equal "Title can't be blank", exception.message end def test_does_not_modify_options_argument options = { presence: true } Topic.validates :title, options assert_equal({ presence: true }, options) end def test_dup_validity_is_independent Topic.validates_presence_of :title topic = Topic.new("title" => "Literature") topic.valid? duped = topic.dup duped.title = nil assert duped.invalid? topic.title = nil duped.title = 'Mathematics' assert topic.invalid? assert duped.valid? end # validator test: def test_setup_is_deprecated_but_still_receives_klass # TODO: remove me in 4.2. validator_class = Class.new(ActiveModel::Validator) do def setup(klass) @old_klass = klass end def validate(*) @old_klass == Topic or raise "#setup didn't work" end end assert_deprecated do Topic.validates_with validator_class end t = Topic.new t.valid? end end