# encoding: utf-8 require 'cases/helper' require 'models/topic' class ValidatesWithTest < ActiveModel::TestCase def teardown Topic.reset_callbacks(:validate) Topic._validators.clear end ERROR_MESSAGE = "Validation error from validator" OTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Validation error from other validator" class ValidatorThatAddsErrors < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) record.errors[:base] << ERROR_MESSAGE end end class OtherValidatorThatAddsErrors < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) record.errors[:base] << OTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE end end class ValidatorThatDoesNotAddErrors < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) end end class ValidatorThatValidatesOptions < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) if options[:field] == :first_name record.errors[:base] << ERROR_MESSAGE end end end class ValidatorPerEachAttribute < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors[attribute] << "Value is #{value}" end end class ValidatorCheckValidity < ActiveModel::EachValidator def check_validity! raise "boom!" end end test "validation with class that adds errors" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors) topic = Topic.new assert topic.invalid?, "A class that adds errors causes the record to be invalid" assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE) end test "with a class that returns valid" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatDoesNotAddErrors) topic = Topic.new assert topic.valid?, "A class that does not add errors does not cause the record to be invalid" end test "with multiple classes" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, OtherValidatorThatAddsErrors) topic = Topic.new assert topic.invalid? assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE) assert topic.errors[:base].include?(OTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE) end test "with if statements that return false" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, if: "1 == 2") topic = Topic.new assert topic.valid? end test "with if statements that return true" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, if: "1 == 1") topic = Topic.new assert topic.invalid? assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE) end test "with unless statements that return true" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, unless: "1 == 1") topic = Topic.new assert topic.valid? end test "with unless statements that returns false" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, unless: "1 == 2") topic = Topic.new assert topic.invalid? assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE) end test "passes all configuration options to the validator class" do topic = Topic.new validator = mock() validator.expects(:new).with(foo: :bar, if: "1 == 1").returns(validator) validator.expects(:validate).with(topic) Topic.validates_with(validator, if: "1 == 1", foo: :bar) assert topic.valid? end test "calls setup method of validator passing in self when validator has setup method" do topic = Topic.new validator = stub_everything validator.stubs(:new).returns(validator) validator.stubs(:validate) validator.stubs(:respond_to?).with(:setup).returns(true) validator.expects(:setup).with(Topic).once Topic.validates_with(validator) assert topic.valid? end test "doesn't call setup method of validator when validator has no setup method" do topic = Topic.new validator = stub_everything validator.stubs(:new).returns(validator) validator.stubs(:validate) validator.stubs(:respond_to?).with(:setup).returns(false) validator.expects(:setup).with(Topic).never Topic.validates_with(validator) assert topic.valid? end test "validates_with with options" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatValidatesOptions, field: :first_name) topic = Topic.new assert topic.invalid? assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE) end test "validates_with each validator" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorPerEachAttribute, attributes: [:title, :content]) topic = Topic.new title: "Title", content: "Content" assert topic.invalid? assert_equal ["Value is Title"], topic.errors[:title] assert_equal ["Value is Content"], topic.errors[:content] end test "each validator checks validity" do assert_raise RuntimeError do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorCheckValidity, attributes: [:title]) end end test "each validator expects attributes to be given" do assert_raise ArgumentError do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorPerEachAttribute) end end test "each validator skip nil values if :allow_nil is set to true" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorPerEachAttribute, attributes: [:title, :content], allow_nil: true) topic = Topic.new content: "" assert topic.invalid? assert topic.errors[:title].empty? assert_equal ["Value is "], topic.errors[:content] end test "each validator skip blank values if :allow_blank is set to true" do Topic.validates_with(ValidatorPerEachAttribute, attributes: [:title, :content], allow_blank: true) topic = Topic.new content: "" assert topic.valid? assert topic.errors[:title].empty? assert topic.errors[:content].empty? end test "validates_with can validate with an instance method" do Topic.validates :title, with: :my_validation topic = Topic.new title: "foo" assert topic.valid? assert topic.errors[:title].empty? topic = Topic.new assert !topic.valid? assert_equal ['is missing'], topic.errors[:title] end test "optionally pass in the attribute being validated when validating with an instance method" do Topic.validates :title, :content, with: :my_validation_with_arg topic = Topic.new title: "foo" assert !topic.valid? assert topic.errors[:title].empty? assert_equal ['is missing'], topic.errors[:content] end end