# encoding: utf-8 require 'cases/helper' require 'models/person' require 'models/person_with_validator' require 'validators/email_validator' class ValidatesTest < ActiveModel::TestCase setup :reset_callbacks teardown :reset_callbacks def reset_callbacks Person.reset_callbacks(:validate) PersonWithValidator.reset_callbacks(:validate) end def test_validates_with_built_in_validation Person.validates :title, :numericality => true person = Person.new person.valid? assert_equal ['is not a number'], person.errors[:title] end def test_validates_with_built_in_validation_and_options Person.validates :salary, :numericality => { :message => 'my custom message' } person = Person.new person.valid? assert_equal ['my custom message'], person.errors[:salary] end def test_validates_with_validator_class Person.validates :karma, :email => true person = Person.new person.valid? assert_equal ['is not an email'], person.errors[:karma] end def test_validates_with_if_as_local_conditions Person.validates :karma, :presence => true, :email => { :unless => :condition_is_true } person = Person.new person.valid? assert_equal ["can't be blank"], person.errors[:karma] end def test_validates_with_if_as_shared_conditions Person.validates :karma, :presence => true, :email => true, :if => :condition_is_true person = Person.new person.valid? assert_equal ["can't be blank", "is not an email"], person.errors[:karma].sort end def test_validates_with_unless_shared_conditions Person.validates :karma, :presence => true, :email => true, :unless => :condition_is_true person = Person.new assert person.valid? end def test_validates_with_allow_nil_shared_conditions Person.validates :karma, :length => { :minimum => 20 }, :email => true, :allow_nil => true person = Person.new assert person.valid? end def test_validates_with_regexp Person.validates :karma, :format => /positive|negative/ person = Person.new assert person.invalid? assert_equal ['is invalid'], person.errors[:karma] person.karma = "positive" assert person.valid? end def test_validates_with_array Person.validates :gender, :inclusion => %w(m f) person = Person.new assert person.invalid? assert_equal ['is not included in the list'], person.errors[:gender] person.gender = "m" assert person.valid? end def test_validates_with_range Person.validates :karma, :length => 6..20 person = Person.new assert person.invalid? assert_equal ['is too short (minimum is 6 characters)'], person.errors[:karma] person.karma = 'something' assert person.valid? end def test_validates_with_validator_class_and_options Person.validates :karma, :email => { :message => 'my custom message' } person = Person.new person.valid? assert_equal ['my custom message'], person.errors[:karma] end def test_validates_with_unknown_validator assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Person.validates :karma, :unknown => true } end def test_validates_with_included_validator PersonWithValidator.validates :title, :presence => true person = PersonWithValidator.new person.valid? assert_equal ['Local validator'], person.errors[:title] end def test_validates_with_included_validator_and_options PersonWithValidator.validates :title, :presence => { :custom => ' please' } person = PersonWithValidator.new person.valid? assert_equal ['Local validator please'], person.errors[:title] end end