# frozen_string_literal: true require "cases/helper" require "models/person" class I18nValidationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase def setup Person.clear_validators! @person = Person.new @old_load_path, @old_backend = I18n.load_path.dup, I18n.backend I18n.load_path.clear I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Simple.new I18n.backend.store_translations("en", errors: { messages: { custom: nil } }) @original_i18n_full_message = ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = true end def teardown Person.clear_validators! I18n.load_path.replace @old_load_path I18n.backend = @old_backend I18n.backend.reload! ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = @original_i18n_full_message end def test_full_message_encoding I18n.backend.store_translations("en", errors: { messages: { too_short: "猫舌" } }) Person.validates_length_of :title, within: 3..5 @person.valid? assert_equal ["Title 猫舌"], @person.errors.full_messages end def test_errors_full_messages_translates_human_attribute_name_for_model_attributes @person.errors.add(:name, "not found") assert_called_with(Person, :human_attribute_name, [:name, default: "Name"], returns: "Person's name") do assert_equal ["Person's name not found"], @person.errors.full_messages end end def test_errors_full_messages_uses_format I18n.backend.store_translations("en", errors: { format: "Field %{attribute} %{message}" }) @person.errors.add("name", "empty") assert_equal ["Field Name empty"], @person.errors.full_messages end def test_errors_full_messages_doesnt_use_attribute_format_without_config ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = false I18n.backend.store_translations("en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { name: { format: "%{message}" } } } } } }) person = Person.new assert_equal "Name cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:name, "cannot be blank") assert_equal "Name test cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:name_test, "cannot be blank") end def test_errors_full_messages_uses_attribute_format ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = true I18n.backend.store_translations("en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { name: { format: "%{message}" } } } } } }) person = Person.new assert_equal "cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:name, "cannot be blank") assert_equal "Name test cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:name_test, "cannot be blank") end def test_errors_full_messages_uses_model_format ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = true I18n.backend.store_translations("en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { format: "%{message}" } } } }) person = Person.new assert_equal "cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:name, "cannot be blank") assert_equal "cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:name_test, "cannot be blank") end def test_errors_full_messages_uses_deeply_nested_model_attributes_format ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = true I18n.backend.store_translations("en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { 'person/contacts/addresses': { attributes: { street: { format: "%{message}" } } } } } }) person = Person.new assert_equal "cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:'contacts/addresses.street', "cannot be blank") assert_equal "Contacts/addresses country cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:'contacts/addresses.country', "cannot be blank") end def test_errors_full_messages_uses_deeply_nested_model_model_format ActiveModel::Errors.i18n_full_message = true I18n.backend.store_translations("en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { 'person/contacts/addresses': { format: "%{message}" } } } }) person = Person.new assert_equal "cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:'contacts/addresses.street', "cannot be blank") assert_equal "cannot be blank", person.errors.full_message(:'contacts/addresses.country', "cannot be blank") end # ActiveModel::Validations # A set of common cases for ActiveModel::Validations message generation that # are used to generate tests to keep things DRY # COMMON_CASES = [ # [ case, validation_options, generate_message_options] [ "given no options", {}, {}], [ "given custom message", { message: "custom" }, { message: "custom" }], [ "given if condition", { if: lambda { true } }, {}], [ "given unless condition", { unless: lambda { false } }, {}], [ "given option that is not reserved", { format: "jpg" }, { format: "jpg" }] ] COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_confirmation_of on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_confirmation_of :title, validation_options @person.title_confirmation = "foo" call = [:title_confirmation, :confirmation, generate_message_options.merge(attribute: "Title")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_acceptance_of on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_acceptance_of :title, validation_options.merge(allow_nil: false) call = [:title, :accepted, generate_message_options] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_presence_of on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_presence_of :title, validation_options call = [:title, :blank, generate_message_options] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_length_of for :within on generated message when too short #{name}" do Person.validates_length_of :title, validation_options.merge(within: 3..5) call = [:title, :too_short, generate_message_options.merge(count: 3)] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_length_of for :too_long generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_length_of :title, validation_options.merge(within: 3..5) @person.title = "this title is too long" call = [:title, :too_long, generate_message_options.merge(count: 5)] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_length_of for :is on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_length_of :title, validation_options.merge(is: 5) call = [:title, :wrong_length, generate_message_options.merge(count: 5)] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_format_of on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_format_of :title, validation_options.merge(with: /\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) @person.title = "72x" call = [:title, :invalid, generate_message_options.merge(value: "72x")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_inclusion_of on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_inclusion_of :title, validation_options.merge(in: %w(a b c)) @person.title = "z" call = [:title, :inclusion, generate_message_options.merge(value: "z")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_inclusion_of using :within on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_inclusion_of :title, validation_options.merge(within: %w(a b c)) @person.title = "z" call = [:title, :inclusion, generate_message_options.merge(value: "z")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_exclusion_of generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_exclusion_of :title, validation_options.merge(in: %w(a b c)) @person.title = "a" call = [:title, :exclusion, generate_message_options.merge(value: "a")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_exclusion_of using :within generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_exclusion_of :title, validation_options.merge(within: %w(a b c)) @person.title = "a" call = [:title, :exclusion, generate_message_options.merge(value: "a")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_numericality_of generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_numericality_of :title, validation_options @person.title = "a" call = [:title, :not_a_number, generate_message_options.merge(value: "a")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_numericality_of for :only_integer on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_numericality_of :title, validation_options.merge(only_integer: true) @person.title = "0.0" call = [:title, :not_an_integer, generate_message_options.merge(value: "0.0")] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_numericality_of for :odd on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_numericality_of :title, validation_options.merge(only_integer: true, odd: true) @person.title = 0 call = [:title, :odd, generate_message_options.merge(value: 0)] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end COMMON_CASES.each do |name, validation_options, generate_message_options| test "validates_numericality_of for :less_than on generated message #{name}" do Person.validates_numericality_of :title, validation_options.merge(only_integer: true, less_than: 0) @person.title = 1 call = [:title, :less_than, generate_message_options.merge(value: 1, count: 0)] assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do @person.valid? end end end # To make things DRY this macro is created to define 3 tests for every validation case. def self.set_expectations_for_validation(validation, error_type, &block_that_sets_validation) if error_type == :confirmation attribute = :title_confirmation else attribute = :title end test "#{validation} finds custom model key translation when #{error_type}" do I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { attribute => { error_type => "custom message" } } } } } } I18n.backend.store_translations "en", errors: { messages: { error_type => "global message" } } yield(@person, {}) @person.valid? assert_equal ["custom message"], @person.errors[attribute] end test "#{validation} finds custom model key translation with interpolation when #{error_type}" do I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { attribute => { error_type => "custom message with %{extra}" } } } } } } I18n.backend.store_translations "en", errors: { messages: { error_type => "global message" } } yield(@person, { extra: "extra information" }) @person.valid? assert_equal ["custom message with extra information"], @person.errors[attribute] end test "#{validation} finds global default key translation when #{error_type}" do I18n.backend.store_translations "en", errors: { messages: { error_type => "global message" } } yield(@person, {}) @person.valid? assert_equal ["global message"], @person.errors[attribute] end end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_confirmation_of", :confirmation do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_confirmation_of :title, options_to_merge person.title_confirmation = "foo" end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_acceptance_of", :accepted do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_acceptance_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(allow_nil: false) end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_presence_of", :blank do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_presence_of :title, options_to_merge end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_length_of", :too_short do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_length_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(within: 3..5) end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_length_of", :too_long do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_length_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(within: 3..5) person.title = "too long" end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_length_of", :wrong_length do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_length_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(is: 5) end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_format_of", :invalid do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_format_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(with: /\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_inclusion_of", :inclusion do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_inclusion_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(in: %w(a b c)) end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_exclusion_of", :exclusion do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_exclusion_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(in: %w(a b c)) person.title = "a" end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_numericality_of", :not_a_number do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_numericality_of :title, options_to_merge person.title = "a" end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_numericality_of", :not_an_integer do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_numericality_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(only_integer: true) person.title = "1.0" end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_numericality_of", :odd do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_numericality_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(only_integer: true, odd: true) person.title = 0 end set_expectations_for_validation "validates_numericality_of", :less_than do |person, options_to_merge| Person.validates_numericality_of :title, options_to_merge.merge(only_integer: true, less_than: 0) person.title = 1 end def test_validations_with_message_symbol_must_translate I18n.backend.store_translations "en", errors: { messages: { custom_error: "I am a custom error" } } Person.validates_presence_of :title, message: :custom_error @person.title = nil @person.valid? assert_equal ["I am a custom error"], @person.errors[:title] end def test_validates_with_message_symbol_must_translate_per_attribute I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { attributes: { title: { custom_error: "I am a custom error" } } } } } } Person.validates_presence_of :title, message: :custom_error @person.title = nil @person.valid? assert_equal ["I am a custom error"], @person.errors[:title] end def test_validates_with_message_symbol_must_translate_per_model I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activemodel: { errors: { models: { person: { custom_error: "I am a custom error" } } } } Person.validates_presence_of :title, message: :custom_error @person.title = nil @person.valid? assert_equal ["I am a custom error"], @person.errors[:title] end def test_validates_with_message_string Person.validates_presence_of :title, message: "I am a custom error" @person.title = nil @person.valid? assert_equal ["I am a custom error"], @person.errors[:title] end end