require "cases/helper" require "models/user" require "models/visitor" class SecurePasswordTest < ActiveModel::TestCase setup do # Used only to speed up tests @original_min_cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = true @user = @visitor = # Simulate loading an existing user from the DB @existing_user = @existing_user.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create("password", cost: BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST) end teardown do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = @original_min_cost end test "automatically include ActiveModel::Validations when validations are enabled" do assert_respond_to @user, :valid? end test "don't include ActiveModel::Validations when validations are disabled" do assert_not_respond_to @visitor, :valid? end test "create a new user with validations and valid password/confirmation" do @user.password = "password" @user.password_confirmation = "password" assert @user.valid?(:create), "user should be valid" @user.password = "a" * 72 @user.password_confirmation = "a" * 72 assert @user.valid?(:create), "user should be valid" end test "create a new user with validation and a spaces only password" do @user.password = " " * 72 assert @user.valid?(:create), "user should be valid" end test "create a new user with validation and a blank password" do @user.password = "" assert !@user.valid?(:create), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @user.errors.count assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @user.errors[:password] end test "create a new user with validation and a nil password" do @user.password = nil assert !@user.valid?(:create), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @user.errors.count assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @user.errors[:password] end test "create a new user with validation and password length greater than 72" do @user.password = "a" * 73 @user.password_confirmation = "a" * 73 assert !@user.valid?(:create), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @user.errors.count assert_equal ["is too long (maximum is 72 characters)"], @user.errors[:password] end test "create a new user with validation and a blank password confirmation" do @user.password = "password" @user.password_confirmation = "" assert !@user.valid?(:create), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @user.errors.count assert_equal ["doesn't match Password"], @user.errors[:password_confirmation] end test "create a new user with validation and a nil password confirmation" do @user.password = "password" @user.password_confirmation = nil assert @user.valid?(:create), "user should be valid" end test "create a new user with validation and an incorrect password confirmation" do @user.password = "password" @user.password_confirmation = "something else" assert !@user.valid?(:create), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @user.errors.count assert_equal ["doesn't match Password"], @user.errors[:password_confirmation] end test "update an existing user with validation and no change in password" do assert @existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "update an existing user with validations and valid password/confirmation" do @existing_user.password = "password" @existing_user.password_confirmation = "password" assert @existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" @existing_user.password = "a" * 72 @existing_user.password_confirmation = "a" * 72 assert @existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "updating an existing user with validation and a blank password" do @existing_user.password = "" assert @existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "updating an existing user with validation and a spaces only password" do @user.password = " " * 72 assert @user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "updating an existing user with validation and a blank password and password_confirmation" do @existing_user.password = "" @existing_user.password_confirmation = "" assert @existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "updating an existing user with validation and a nil password" do @existing_user.password = nil assert !@existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @existing_user.errors.count assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @existing_user.errors[:password] end test "updating an existing user with validation and password length greater than 72" do @existing_user.password = "a" * 73 @existing_user.password_confirmation = "a" * 73 assert !@existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @existing_user.errors.count assert_equal ["is too long (maximum is 72 characters)"], @existing_user.errors[:password] end test "updating an existing user with validation and a blank password confirmation" do @existing_user.password = "password" @existing_user.password_confirmation = "" assert !@existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @existing_user.errors.count assert_equal ["doesn't match Password"], @existing_user.errors[:password_confirmation] end test "updating an existing user with validation and a nil password confirmation" do @existing_user.password = "password" @existing_user.password_confirmation = nil assert @existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "updating an existing user with validation and an incorrect password confirmation" do @existing_user.password = "password" @existing_user.password_confirmation = "something else" assert !@existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @existing_user.errors.count assert_equal ["doesn't match Password"], @existing_user.errors[:password_confirmation] end test "updating an existing user with validation and a blank password digest" do @existing_user.password_digest = "" assert !@existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @existing_user.errors.count assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @existing_user.errors[:password] end test "updating an existing user with validation and a nil password digest" do @existing_user.password_digest = nil assert !@existing_user.valid?(:update), "user should be invalid" assert_equal 1, @existing_user.errors.count assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @existing_user.errors[:password] end test "setting a blank password should not change an existing password" do @existing_user.password = "" assert @existing_user.password_digest == "password" end test "setting a nil password should clear an existing password" do @existing_user.password = nil assert_equal nil, @existing_user.password_digest end test "authenticate" do @user.password = "secret" assert !@user.authenticate("wrong") assert @user.authenticate("secret") end test "Password digest cost defaults to bcrypt default cost when min_cost is false" do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = false @user.password = "secret" assert_equal BCrypt::Engine::DEFAULT_COST, @user.password_digest.cost end test "Password digest cost honors bcrypt cost attribute when min_cost is false" do begin original_bcrypt_cost = BCrypt::Engine.cost ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = false BCrypt::Engine.cost = 5 @user.password = "secret" assert_equal BCrypt::Engine.cost, @user.password_digest.cost ensure BCrypt::Engine.cost = original_bcrypt_cost end end test "Password digest cost can be set to bcrypt min cost to speed up tests" do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = true @user.password = "secret" assert_equal BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST, @user.password_digest.cost end end