require 'cases/helper' require 'models/user' require 'models/oauthed_user' require 'models/visitor' require 'models/administrator' class SecurePasswordTest < ActiveModel::TestCase setup do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = true @user = @visitor = @oauthed_user = end teardown do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = false end test "blank password" do @user.password = @visitor.password = '' assert !@user.valid?(:create), 'user should be invalid' assert @visitor.valid?(:create), 'visitor should be valid' end test "nil password" do @user.password = @visitor.password = nil assert !@user.valid?(:create), 'user should be invalid' assert @visitor.valid?(:create), 'visitor should be valid' end test "blank password doesn't override previous password" do @user.password = 'test' @user.password = '' assert_equal @user.password, 'test' end test "password must be present" do assert !@user.valid?(:create) assert_equal 1, @user.errors.size end test "match confirmation" do @user.password = @visitor.password = "thiswillberight" @user.password_confirmation = @visitor.password_confirmation = "wrong" assert !@user.valid? assert @visitor.valid? @user.password_confirmation = "thiswillberight" assert @user.valid? end test "authenticate" do @user.password = "secret" assert !@user.authenticate("wrong") assert @user.authenticate("secret") end test "User should not be created with blank digest" do assert_raise RuntimeError do @user.run_callbacks :create end @user.password = "supersecretpassword" assert_nothing_raised do @user.run_callbacks :create end end test "Oauthed user can be created with blank digest" do assert_nothing_raised do @oauthed_user.run_callbacks :create end end test "Password digest cost defaults to bcrypt default cost when min_cost is false" do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = false @user.password = "secret" assert_equal BCrypt::Engine::DEFAULT_COST, @user.password_digest.cost end test "Password digest cost can be set to bcrypt min cost to speed up tests" do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = true @user.password = "secret" assert_equal BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST, @user.password_digest.cost end test "blank password_confirmation does not result in a confirmation error" do @user.password = "" @user.password_confirmation = "" assert @user.valid?(:update), "user should be valid" end test "password_confirmation validations will not be triggered if password_confirmation is not sent" do @user.password = "password" assert @user.valid?(:create) end test "will not save if confirmation is blank but password is not" do @user.password = "password" @user.password_confirmation = "" assert_not @user.valid?(:create) @user.password_confirmation = "password" assert @user.valid?(:create) end end