require 'cases/helper' require 'models/contact' require 'models/sheep' require 'models/track_back' class NamingTest < ActiveModel::TestCase def setup @model_name = end def test_singular assert_equal 'post_track_back', @model_name.singular end def test_plural assert_equal 'post_track_backs', @model_name.plural end def test_element assert_equal 'track_back', @model_name.element end def test_collection assert_equal 'post/track_backs', @model_name.collection end def test_partial_path assert_equal 'post/track_backs/track_back', @model_name.partial_path end end class NamingHelpersTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @klass = Contact @record = @singular = 'contact' @plural = 'contacts' @uncountable = Sheep end def test_singular assert_equal @singular, singular(@record) end def test_singular_for_class assert_equal @singular, singular(@klass) end def test_plural assert_equal @plural, plural(@record) end def test_plural_for_class assert_equal @plural, plural(@klass) end def test_uncountable assert uncountable?(@uncountable), "Expected 'sheep' to be uncoutable" assert !uncountable?(@klass), "Expected 'contact' to be countable" end private def method_missing(method, *args) ActiveModel::Naming.send(method, *args) end end