require "cases/helper" class ErrorsTest < ActiveModel::TestCase class Person extend ActiveModel::Naming def initialize @errors = end attr_accessor :name attr_reader :errors def validate! errors.add(:name, "can not be nil") if name == nil end def read_attribute_for_validation(attr) send(attr) end def self.human_attribute_name(attr, options = {}) attr end def self.lookup_ancestors [self] end end test "method validate! should work" do person = person.validate! assert_equal ["name can not be nil"], person.errors.full_messages assert_equal ["can not be nil"], person.errors[:name] end test 'should be able to assign error' do person = person.errors[:name] = 'should not be nil' assert_equal ["should not be nil"], person.errors[:name] end test 'should be able to add an error on an attribute' do person = person.errors.add(:name, "can not be blank") assert_equal ["can not be blank"], person.errors[:name] end test 'should respond to size' do person = person.errors.add(:name, "can not be blank") assert_equal 1, person.errors.size end test 'to_a should return an array' do person = person.errors.add(:name, "can not be blank") person.errors.add(:name, "can not be nil") assert_equal ["name can not be blank", "name can not be nil"], person.errors.to_a end test 'to_hash should return an ordered hash' do person = person.errors.add(:name, "can not be blank") assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::OrderedHash, person.errors.to_hash end end