module ActiveModel module Validations VALIDATIONS = %w( validate validate_on_create validate_on_update ) def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send!(:include, ActiveSupport::Callbacks) VALIDATIONS.each do |validation_method| base.class_eval <<-"end_eval" def self.#{validation_method}(*methods, &block) methods ={validation_method}, *methods, &block) self.#{validation_method}_callback_chain.replace(#{validation_method}_callback_chain | methods) end def self.#{validation_method}_callback_chain if chain = read_inheritable_attribute(:#{validation_method}) return chain else write_inheritable_attribute(:#{validation_method}, return #{validation_method}_callback_chain end end end_eval end end # All of the following validations are defined in the class scope of the model that you're interested in validating. # They offer a more declarative way of specifying when the model is valid and when it is not. It is recommended to use # these over the low-level calls to validate and validate_on_create when possible. module ClassMethods DEFAULT_VALIDATION_OPTIONS = { :on => :save, :allow_nil => false, :allow_blank => false, :message => nil }.freeze private def validation_method(on) case on when :save then :validate when :create then :validate_on_create when :update then :validate_on_update end end end # Returns the Errors object that holds all information about attribute error messages. def errors @errors ||= end # Runs all the specified validations and returns true if no errors were added otherwise false. def valid? errors.clear run_callbacks(:validate) if responds_to?(:validate) ActiveSupport::Deprecations.warn "Base#validate has been deprecated, please use Base.validate :method instead" validate end if new_record? run_callbacks(:validate_on_create) if responds_to?(:validate_on_create) ActiveSupport::Deprecations.warn( "Base#validate_on_create has been deprecated, please use Base.validate :method, :on => :create instead") validate_on_create end else run_callbacks(:validate_on_update) if responds_to?(:validate_on_update) ActiveSupport::Deprecations.warn( "Base#validate_on_update has been deprecated, please use Base.validate :method, :on => :update instead") validate_on_update end end errors.empty? end end end Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/validations/*.rb"].sort.each do |path| filename = File.basename(path) require "active_model/validations/#{filename}" end