module ActiveModel # ==== Examples # # class TrafficLight # include ActiveModel::StateMachine # # state_machine do # state :red # state :green # state :yellow # state :blink # # event :change_color do # transitions :to => :red, :from => [:yellow], # :on_transition => :catch_runners # transitions :to => :green, :from => [:red] # transitions :to => :yellow, :from => [:green] # end # # event :defect do # transitions :to => :blink, :from => [:yellow, :red, :green] # end # # event :repair do # transitions :to => :red, :from => [:blink] # end # end # # def catch_runners # puts "That'll be $250." # end # end # # light = # light.current_state # => :red # light.change_color # => true # light.current_state # => :green # # => true # light.change_color! # => true # light.current_state # => :yellow # # => false # light.change_color # => true # "That'll be $250." # # # * The initial state for TrafficLight is red which is the first state defined. # # # Want to know the initial_state? # TrafficLight.state_machine.initial_state # => :red # # * On a succesful transition to red (from yellow), the local +catch_runners+ # method is executed # # * The object acts differently depending on its current state, for instance, # the change_color! method has a different action depending on the current # color of the light # # * Get the possible events for a state # # TrafficLight.state_machine.events_for(:red) # => [:change_color, :defect] # TrafficLight.state_machine.events_for(:blink) # => [:repair] # # # The StateMachine also supports the following features : # # * Success callbacks on event transition # # event :sample, :success => :we_win do # ... # end # # * Enter and exit callbacks par state # # state :open, :enter => [:alert_twitter, :send_emails], :exit => :alert_twitter # # * Guards on transition # # event :close do # # You may only close the store if the safe is locked!! # transitions :to => :closed, :from => :open, :guard => :safe_locked? # end # # * Setting the initial state # # state_machine :initial => :yellow do # ... # end # # * Named the state machine, to have more than one # # class Stated # include ActiveModel::StateMachine # # strate_machine :name => :ontest do # end # # state_machine do # end # end # # # Get the state of the :ontest state machine # stat.current_state(:ontest) # # Get the initial state # Stated.state_machine(:ontest).initial_state # # * Changing the state # # stat.current_state(:default, :astate) # => :astate # # But you must give the name of the state machine, here :default # module StateMachine autoload :Event, 'active_model/state_machine/event' autoload :Machine, 'active_model/state_machine/machine' autoload :State, 'active_model/state_machine/state' autoload :StateTransition, 'active_model/state_machine/state_transition' extend ActiveSupport::Concern class InvalidTransition < Exception end module ClassMethods def inherited(klass) super klass.state_machines = state_machines end def state_machines @state_machines ||= {} end def state_machines=(value) @state_machines = value ? value.dup : nil end def state_machine(name = nil, options = {}, &block) if name.is_a?(Hash) options = name name = nil end name ||= :default state_machines[name] ||=, name) block ? state_machines[name].update(options, &block) : state_machines[name] end def define_state_query_method(state_name) name = "#{state_name}?" undef_method(name) if method_defined?(name) class_eval "def #{name}; current_state.to_s == %(#{state_name}) end" end end def current_state(name = nil, new_state = nil, persist = false) sm = self.class.state_machine(name) ivar = sm.current_state_variable if name && new_state if persist && respond_to?(:write_state) write_state(sm, new_state) end if respond_to?(:write_state_without_persistence) write_state_without_persistence(sm, new_state) end instance_variable_set(ivar, new_state) else instance_variable_set(ivar, nil) unless instance_variable_defined?(ivar) value = instance_variable_get(ivar) return value if value if respond_to?(:read_state) value = instance_variable_set(ivar, read_state(sm)) end value || sm.initial_state end end end end