require "active_support/core_ext/class/attribute" require "active_support/core_ext/string/inflections" require "active_support/core_ext/module/anonymous" require "set" module ActiveModel # Active Model Array Serializer # # It serializes an array checking if each element that implements # the +active_model_serializer+ method passing down the current scope. class ArraySerializer attr_reader :object, :scope def initialize(object, scope) @object, @scope = object, scope end def serializable_array do |item| if item.respond_to?(:active_model_serializer) && (serializer = item.active_model_serializer), scope) else item end end end def as_json(*args) serializable_array.as_json(*args) end end # Active Model Serializer # # Provides a basic serializer implementation that allows you to easily # control how a given object is going to be serialized. On initialization, # it expects to object as arguments, a resource and a scope. For example, # one may do in a controller: # #, current_user).to_json # # The object to be serialized is the +@post+ and the scope is +current_user+. # # We use the scope to check if a given attribute should be serialized or not. # For example, some attributes maybe only be returned if +current_user+ is the # author of the post: # # class PostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer # attributes :title, :body # has_many :comments # # private # # def attributes # hash = super # hash.merge!(:email => if author? # hash # end # # def author? # == scope # end # end # class Serializer module Associations #:nodoc: class Config <, :options) #:nodoc: def serializer options[:serializer] end end class HasMany < Config #:nodoc: def serialize(collection, scope) do |item|, scope).serializable_hash end end def serialize_ids(collection, scope) # use named scopes if they are present # return collection.ids if collection.respond_to?(:ids) do |item| item.read_attribute_for_serialization(:id) end end end class HasOne < Config #:nodoc: def serialize(object, scope) object &&, scope).serializable_hash end def serialize_ids(object, scope) object && object.read_attribute_for_serialization(:id) end end end class_attribute :_attributes self._attributes = class_attribute :_associations self._associations = [] class_attribute :_root class_attribute :_embed self._embed = :objects class_attribute :_root_embed class << self # Define attributes to be used in the serialization. def attributes(*attrs) self._attributes += attrs end def associate(klass, attrs) #:nodoc: options = attrs.extract_options! self._associations += do |attr| unless method_defined?(attr) class_eval "def #{attr}() object.#{attr} end", __FILE__, __LINE__ end options[:serializer] ||= const_get("#{attr.to_s.camelize}Serializer"), options) end end # Defines an association in the object should be rendered. # # The serializer object should implement the association name # as a method which should return an array when invoked. If a method # with the association name does not exist, the association name is # dispatched to the serialized object. def has_many(*attrs) associate(Associations::HasMany, attrs) end # Defines an association in the object should be rendered. # # The serializer object should implement the association name # as a method which should return an object when invoked. If a method # with the association name does not exist, the association name is # dispatched to the serialized object. def has_one(*attrs) associate(Associations::HasOne, attrs) end # Define how associations should be embedded. # # embed :objects # Embed associations as full objects # embed :ids # Embed only the association ids # embed :ids, :include => true # Embed the association ids and include objects in the root # def embed(type, options={}) self._embed = type self._root_embed = true if options[:include] end # Defines the root used on serialization. If false, disables the root. def root(name) self._root = name end def inherited(klass) #:nodoc: return if klass.anonymous? name =$/, '') klass.class_eval do alias_method name.to_sym, :object root name.to_sym unless self._root == false end end end attr_reader :object, :scope def initialize(object, scope) @object, @scope = object, scope end # Returns a json representation of the serializable # object including the root. def as_json(*) if _root hash = { _root => serializable_hash } hash.merge!(associations) if _root_embed hash else serializable_hash end end # Returns a hash representation of the serializable # object without the root. def serializable_hash if _embed == :ids attributes.merge(association_ids) elsif _embed == :objects attributes.merge(associations) else attributes end end # Returns a hash representation of the serializable # object associations. def associations hash = {} _associations.each do |association| associated_object = send( hash[] = association.serialize(associated_object, scope) end hash end # Returns a hash representation of the serializable # object associations ids. def association_ids hash = {} _associations.each do |association| associated_object = send( hash[] = association.serialize_ids(associated_object, scope) end hash end # Returns a hash representation of the serializable # object attributes. def attributes hash = {} _attributes.each do |name| hash[name] = @object.read_attribute_for_serialization(name) end hash end end end class Array # Array uses ActiveModel::ArraySerializer. def active_model_serializer ActiveModel::ArraySerializer end end