require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors' module ActiveModel # This API is for Rails' internal use and is not currently considered 'public', so # it may change in the future without warning. # # It creates configuration attributes that can be inherited from a module down # to a class that includes the module. E.g. # # module MyModel # extend ActiveModel::Configuration # config_attribute :awesome # self.awesome = true # end # # class Post # include MyModel # end # # Post.awesome # => true # # Post.awesome = false # Post.awesome # => false # MyModel.awesome # => true # # We assume that the module will have a ClassMethods submodule containing methods # to be transferred to the including class' singleton class. # # Config options can also be defined directly on a class: # # class Post # extend ActiveModel::Configuration # config_attribute :awesome # end # # So this allows us to define a module that doesn't care about whether it is being # included in a class or a module: # # module Awesomeness # extend ActiveSupport::Concern # # included do # extend ActiveModel::Configuration # config_attribute :awesome # self.awesome = true # end # end # # class Post # include Awesomeness # end # # module AwesomeModel # include Awesomeness # end module Configuration #:nodoc: def config_attribute(name, options = {}) klass = self.is_a?(Class) ? ClassAttribute : ModuleAttribute, name, options).define end class Attribute attr_reader :host, :name, :options def initialize(host, name, options) @host, @name, @options = host, name, options end def instance_writer? options.fetch(:instance_writer, false) end end class ClassAttribute < Attribute def define if options[:global] host.cattr_accessor name, :instance_writer => instance_writer? else host.class_attribute name, :instance_writer => instance_writer? end end end class ModuleAttribute < Attribute def class_methods @class_methods ||= begin if host.const_defined?(:ClassMethods, false) host.const_get(:ClassMethods) else host.const_set(:ClassMethods, end end end def define host.singleton_class.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 attr_accessor :#{name} def #{name}?; !!#{name}; end CODE name, host =, class_methods.class_eval do define_method(name) { host.send(name) } define_method("#{name}?") { !!send(name) } end host.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}; defined?(@#{name}) ? @#{name} : self.class.#{name}; end def #{name}?; !!#{name}; end CODE if options[:global] class_methods.class_eval do define_method("#{name}=") { |val| host.send("#{name}=", val) } end else class_methods.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(val) singleton_class.class_eval do remove_possible_method(:#{name}) define_method(:#{name}) { val } end end CODE end host.send(:attr_writer, name) if instance_writer? end end end end